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Review This Story || Author: Chum

Dare To Grow

Chapter 13

	Chapter 13

	They released Dr. Franks and invited him to join the party.


	He seemed pleased and said, "She stopped my enjoyment as well, so it
seems we all have a stake in her punishment.  I'd like to suggest we make her
the first victim, sort of a trial run, on my newest invention."

	There was enthusiastic agreement from everyone but me. (Ass kissers)

	The doctor led the way to a device that was like nothing I'd ever seen. 
It looked like a fugitive from a fitness center.  The main part had a sort of
two part seat, like something off a old, single seat motorcycle, only there was
a three inch gap up the middle, so a rider's crotch would rest over the space. 
Looking closely, the split saddle was attached to either side of a post two feet
forward.  The point of attachment had an axle through the post, so if the axle
turned the saddle would go up or down.  In front of the post was an electric
motor with a geared wheel, and a closed loop drive chain connected the motor to
the axle.  A remote hand control for the motor lay at the end of a long cord.

	Some distance in front of the saddle were two low shackling posts, about
four feet apart.  Overhead and forward of the saddle, a cross bar with cuffs
dangled by two ropes a foot or so apart, which ran over one set of pulleys, then
down and forward to a second set.  From there the loose ends of the ropes came
back and hooked loosely to an eye bolt under the chair to keep the cross bar
from unraveling the rope.

	With the doctor directing, Nate and Abe picked me up like a feather and
put me in the chair.  My ankles were cuffed to the shackling posts slightly
lower than the seat, leaving no way to use my slightly bent legs to support my
weight.  They locked my wrists in cuffs with short chains attached to the cross
bar, making it clear that I needed to grip the bar with my hands to avoid

	That is when I started to figure this thing out.  The doctor handled one
of my tits, measuring in with his fingers, then went to a cabinet and came back
with two wire frame gadgets.  They had a small clamp in the center with two thin
wires coming from the front which connected to a steel ring.  On the back side
of the clamp ring were three thin chains, which attached to a much larger clamp
ring.  Finally, from this large ring came to more wires that went directly to
the steel ring to which the small clamp was also attached.

	The doctor came to my left breast, tilted slightly down by the position
the saddle and cross bar put me in.  As he started to fit the contraption over
my breast he explained, "As you can see, the large diameter tit clamp is lined
on the inside with short, pointed, but not sharp enough to puncture, teeth. 
When we constrict the clamp like so  - - it works much like a radiator hose
clamp - - the teeth add extra pain and also maintain a firmer grip.  The weight
of even a large woman can be supported using two of these.  Now that we have it
securely seated - - notice the look of discomfort - - we stop before the tit
balloons too much, which would hinder the best fitting of the nipple clamp.  Not
a problem with big nipples like these, but it's still the best way.


	"Now notice how I place the teeth of the nipple clamp level with the big
clamp right at the nipple's base; very important, as you will see.  Then we
simply fold over this clamping lever on the outside and the teeth snap inward
from all around the nipple, trapping it nicely.  Again they are not sharp enough
to penetrate, though if a lot of pulling takes place there can be some minor
bleeding.  Quiet, slave.  Now we take in the bottom like so to create a sexy
looking bulge, and we're done.  As you can see, however, the bulge won't last
long under stress since the large clamp has several inches more slack in its
connecting wires than does the nipple clamp.  This, as you will see, means that
the nipples will take all of the weight until the breast is stretched near the
maximum tension possible, then the base clamp comes into play with its greater
load carrying capacity."

	The teeth chewing into the base of my tit were painful, but nothing like
the ones against the nipple.  The doctor coached Beth on the installation of the
right side, while the twins lurked around behind the main group chattering
happily.  After some minor adjustments, the ends of the pulley ropes were
clipped to the steel rings with a small amount of slack in the wires leading to
each nipple clamp.  There was much more slack to the base clamps.

	Dr. Franks was satisfied.  He said, "Now for the crown jewel.  We must
consider carefully."  He produced a sort of tool box with a hinged top which
opened up the front and top together.  Inside, laying in separated slots, were
ten slightly different implements, which looked like dildos wearing collars with
six inch tongues sticking out.

	He lifted one out and held it in one hand.  Using the other to point, he
said, "I like the looks of this one best.  Here at the bottom of the tongue is
the connecting socket.  We will be attaching it to a connector pipe that fits a
socket in the axle post.  The pipe is free to rotate, which should add to our
enjoyment as it will allow the subject to move her bottom from side to side. 
The dildo is good size and the shaft is covered with rows of little pointed
pyramids, getting larger toward the bottom.  These won't cut, but won't be that
pleasant either, and should appeal to only the most ardent pain lover.

	"As you can see, the dildo screws through the flange here at the end of
the tongue.  It can go from 4 inches to 12 inches by simply twisting the handle
on the bottom.  The discerning among you will know that the tongue is shaped to
the contours of the female genitalia.  It might be described as an uneven wedge,
but its purpose is the same as the horse, which is crude by comparison.  We have
a variety of designs.  The wedge on this one has a hard rubber comb tooth
design.  Since our subject is known to have an abnormally long and thick
clitoris, I believe this one is the most appropriate.  Some of the others would
almost certainly do serious damage if she suffered an erection while riding. 
Never fear, this little beauty will do an admirable job of keeping her in a

	"The time has come, slave, to start your ride.  I am going to set the
dildo for six inches of penetration.  The one choice you have it to request a
deeper fit.  The more muscle control you have in grasping the dildo, and the
deeper it is, the more you can keep your weight off the teeth.  You can also
relieve the weight by pulling down with your arms, but of course will transfer
your body weight to your tits."

	I didn't know whether to be scared, excited or baffled, but was glad the
wait was over.  I heard some metallic clanking under me and then the whir of the
motor.  The seat began descending and me with it.  The cross bar came down with
me, making the slack disappear in the rope attached to my tit and nipple clamps.


	There was oil on the round tip of the dildo, and it started into my sore
vagina smoothly.  Then the spikes began to penetrate.  I didn't like the feel of
the little spines, and didn't look forward to the big ones. 

	I was more worried about my tits at that point.  By the time I felt the
first touch of the wedge shaped rubber teeth moving against my sensitive inner
lips, my nipples were pulled out several inches, turning my tit flesh into
grotesque cones, like the ones road crews use to shut down traffic lanes.

	I was seating against the flange, the hard points digging painfully into
my pink cleft, when the pull on the base ring around my breasts started.  Once
it came to rest the dildo felt kind of good, stretching the walls of my cunt. 
The comb was a different story.  It hurt with a stabbing ache that grew rapidly
worse.  I tested the idea of relieving the weight by pulling with my arms, but
the added tension on my tits was too painful to do it for more than a few
seconds.  I also found that I could wiggle my pelvis back and forth.  While this
didn't do much for the pain, I found that it rubbed my clit in a delightful way. 
I was limited in movement by the amount of give in the walls of my cunt channel,
but the pressure going back and forth added to my pleasure as well.

	I was soon in a slow grinding sway, my clit growing and probing down
between two hard rubber teeth.  The whole group was watching me when the doctor
said, "Not what I expected, but interesting.  This is one subject who would
enjoy a long ride.  I may have to rethink that tongue."

	I was surging toward orgasm, reveling in the pain and pleasure of having
almost every erotic part of me abused at the same time.  I loved having the
ability to shift the pressure from crotch to tits, and back again. 

	Lost in my arousal, I barely heard the doctor's voice, but did perk up
at the word 'ass.'  I couldn't see the others at that point, but I wiggled with
pleasure when a greasy finger rimmed my anus.  The doctor said, "It might not be
good form as your host, but after all, it is my machine."

	Then I heard Beth say, "Here, permit me to guide you."  Masculine hands
gripped my hips.  I held still expectantly as Beth's hand pulled one ass cheek
aside.  The warm head of Dr. Franks's cock was touching my willing bud, and with
a pull of his hands he was in me.  This time having a cock up my ass felt good
from the start.  I was so close to coming already, I welcomed the painful
contact of the flange.  My pleasure was also increased by rhythmic pull on my
tits that was caused by his pulling hands and pushing cock.

	When he was stroking all the way into my bowels, I gripped his cock with
my ass and begged, "Drive me harder, . Jam it in me . . fuck meeee."  He took up
the challenge, slapping his pelvis against me with each stroke hard enough to
rock me off the comb, and setting my cunt on fire with the friction of the
spikes.  As he pulled out I crunched back down on the spines, my hard clitoris
jamming between the teeth, as if it were fucking a tight rubber cunt.


	My best orgasm yet swept me into delirium.  From a distance I heard
howling, not knowing it was me.  When he was finished and Nate was getting
ready, I croaked out, "Give me another three inches."

	Most memorable of all was Nate.  When he finally got in my ass, the ride
he took and the places he took me will live forever in my memory; that is as
much of it as I can remember.  To get the right angle for penetration he had to
squat down and come up under me.  With his vast size and strength, when he drove
his big prick home he lifted me half way off the dildo, only to slap back down
in delightful agony, my tits feeling like they were nursing two beasts with
sharp teeth. 

	I was at the mercy of many masters, the clamps pulling my tits, the
teeth stabbing my groin, the spiny monster in my cunt, and all of them overseen
by the king cock hammering into my ass.  My last conscious thought was, "I've
got to get me one of these things."

	Awareness came slowly.  There were gentle hands putting soothing lotion
on my breasts, and other hands soothing my aching inner folds.  The sounds I
heard were sex.  I opened my eyes, surprised to see the twins ministering to me
with gentle, quite sane, expressions on their faces.  When they saw I was awake
they gave me a grin that said, "Fooled you didn't we."  I smiled back in
appreciation of their acting skills.  I saw them for what they really were, two
fine actresses doing what they loved.

	Beth was on the mat nearby, up on all fours with the doctor's prick in
her mouth and Abe behind her in one hole or the other.  Fran was straddling
Nate, bouncing up and down on his wonderful sword.  The sights, sounds and
smells roused me from my soreness.  I smiled up at the twins, held out my arms,
and said, "Well, girls, I''m a paying customer."  They smiled and came to me.

Review This Story || Author: Chum
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