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Review This Story || Author: Chum

Dare To Grow

Chapter 18

	Chapter 18

	I cleaned his flagging cock with my mouth, beginning to enjoy the salty
taste.  Then we put on our robes and he led me up the isle, our passing greeted
by loud applause.  Even when we were through the doors he kept his arm in mine,
and I began to hope he was planning a night of private action.  He said nothing,
so I kept quiet as well.

	In a few minutes we were in a magnificent suite, showering in separate
baths, mine with a bidet which I used.  With a fresh terry robe, I rejoined him
in a large sitting room with drinks waiting beside two chairs.  For the first
time he was not wearing the mask.  The rest of his face was as handsome as his
mouth and chin suggested.  He had a high, distinguished forehead, heavy brows
above wide set, bright green eyes, high cheek bones and a long, straight nose.


	When we were seated with cold drinks in hand, he said, "Jan, you are
simply wonderful.  My hat, if I had one, would be off to you.  I am especially
delighted because you have proved a pet theory of mine, but we will get to that

	"First, we are interested in hiring you for a position on our staff, at
a starting salary of one hundred fifty thousand per year, plus medical, one
month vacation, and a retirement package that will enable you to live in comfort
at forty."

	My eyes flew open and my pussy clenched tight with excitement.  It felt
like I'd won the lottery, but before I could respond he said, "Wait, don't give
me your answer yet.  There is something critical you must know and consider

	"I know a great deal about you, Jan.  Have you stopped to wonder who
your anonymous friend was that brought you to our attention was, or why your fee
was so low?"

	Without waiting for an answer, he continued, "Your mother led you to
believe you were fathered by an unknown rapist who was never caught.  She did
her best to convince you that all men were beasts just like the one who
impregnated her.  But, Jan, she never once told you the truth."

	I interrupted him, shaking my head, "Lord knows I don't have many good
memories of my mother, especially now, but I can't believe she lied about such a
thing.  Why do you say she was lying?"

	He gave me a tender look and whispered, "Because I was there when you
were conceived.  Look at the color of my eyes."

	I realized looking into his eyes that I had never seen eyes of quite the
same shade green, except when looking at myself in a mirror.  I came to the edge
of my chair, anger mixing with other emotions, and I said, "You, . . you're my
father. . . You're the rapist who ruined her life . . and mine too."

	My mind was spinning out of control.  Here was the most hated person in
the world, and a person I knew I'd never see.  How many times had I fantasized
about what I'd like to do with that man if given the chance.  And here he sat,
looking back at me with love in those familiar eyes.

	In a pleading voice he said, "Please hear me out, "Your mother and I
were high school sweethearts.  I was a free spirit from a loving and wildly open
family.  She had puritanical parents with the most repressive attitudes
imaginable.  Her parents tried to keep us apart, but she defied them for the
first time in her life.


	"We met on the sly, and she was willing, even aggressive about sex.  She
said that if she was going to break loose it might a well be all the way.  Now I
don't deny that I was already experienced sexually.  Like I said, I came from an
open family.  So I guess I should have recognized the warning signs, like her
inability to engage in even heavy petting without being hurt, as though she were
punishing herself for doing something bad.  She would make me hurt her nipples
before she could allow fondling.

	"When we moved on to intercourse, she insisted that before I could put
it in her, I had to pin her down and slap her breasts, telling me when I wanted
to quit that it was not enough, to keep hitting her.

	"And then one Sunday afternoon, we were together and I decided to try
something new.  The way she insisted on being hurt, I thought she'd really turn
on to taking it in the ass.  When I shoved my cock inside it was like I had
opened a door to the asylum and let out a lunatic.

	"I was suddenly laying on top of her mother is the best way to describe
it.  Everything that happened up to that point became twisted in her mind.  She
suddenly saw herself as the innocent victim of the sexual predator her mother
believed all men to be.  Sound familiar?

	"I spoke to her only once after that afternoon.  She called me, told me
she was pregnant, then threatened to charge me with rape if I ever tried to be
in your life.  Before you ask, I honored her wishes, not because of any great
fear of prosecution, but because I cared for her (she looked a lot like you
then).  I knew that, win or lose, everyone would be damaged in a legal dispute,
and to be honest, I was young and wrapped up in starting to acquire my fortune. 
It wasn't until I grew older that I realized how important you were to me, and
by then it was too late to force myself into your life.

	"But I watched you from afar.  Actually, spied on you is a better word. 
With unlimited funds you'd be surprised what you can learn about people.  I
learned that you were seeking therapy, that you were unhappy being your mother's
clone.  Since it was no idle chance that prompted me to found this clinic, and
since I believe in our methods, I decided to offer you the chance to do what
your mother tried to do, only she was trying without professional assistance.

	"You see, in an afternoon, your mother surrendered the inner child she
yearned to become, and became instead her inner parent.   You have, thanks in
part to our help, shed the mantle of your inner parent, and blossomed as a
spectacular inner child."

	I was deeply shaken, trying desperately to sort out my thoughts.  I
expressed one that was troubling me, "If you are such a concerned father, how
could you do those things with me tonight?"

	"There were several reasons.  I was aware of your amazing progress, but
I was unwilling to have you hear the truth without confirming the others'
opinion first hand, so to speak.  After all, it was me, and of course, you, who
stood to be hurt if you were not truly ready.  Had I decided you were not, you
would simply have gone home, never knowing that it was you father's cock you

	I blushed.  He laughed and said, "Besides, you are a beautiful woman,
just like your mother was, and I simply wanted to do it with you.  After all,
you inherited your lust from me."


	I said, "Well, I can't argue can I, after all you're the founder.  I
just wish this had happened years ago.  All those years under mother's
craziness, what a waste."

	"You should be grateful to her memory, for the severity of her
repressive behavior may well have been a necessary prerequisite of your profound
awakening.  I believe there is a law of physics that says 'an action will be met
with an equal and opposite reaction.'  Your liberation owes it magnitude to the
magnitude of her repression."

	Now I smiled.  Slowly undoing my bath robe, I pulled it apart and slid
down in my chair to open my thighs and display my cunt.  Cupping a breast with
one hand and fingering my clit with the other, I looked at him and said, "Before
I crawl over their to see what it's like my daddy's cock in all my holes, I have
a question.  Just what was this pet theory of yours that you said I proved?"

	As I got down naked and started crawling he was pulling his own robe
apart.  He said, "That you're a 'chip off the old block,' even though you never
saw me before tonight."  I stopped and cocked my head like an inquisitive dog,
not sure what he meant.

	He laughed at my pose and added, "That heredity will win out over
environment, given just a little help.  As far as I'm concerned you set to rest
the nature versus nurture argument."


Review This Story || Author: Chum
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