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Review This Story || Author: Omechron and kNiVeSmon

This Can't Possibly Be Good For Me

Part 1

        This is a Ken/Yolei lemon. I think the word for that is kenlei, but I
don't give a wet fart in a snowstorm. Those terms annoy me. It's Ken and Yolei
getting busy, that's good enough for me. There is also some implied Kari/TK and
Kari/Davis (YES I mean at the same time)

        I don't own Digimon (I blew my whole series rights budget on Fish Police
, , , oops). This fic contains bondage and dominance and other such things that
make non-perverts turn funny colors. If you are a non-pervert, please send me a
picture. Excuse me if I stole somebody's idea.

        I'm not sure if this is AU at all or not. Some of the people I talked to
seem to think that Ken was a police detective, not a private eye. Well, the
american version of the epilogue was a little fuzzy about that as I recall, but
him being a PI in my little world doesn't affect the story much anyhow.

        THANK YOU SO MUCH for being my editor, Lord Archive. As you can see,
I've removed all the bullshit about the handgun, and cleared up all the
size-of-Stingmon shenanigans. Sorry I left him a PI, but as I said, the US
version is none too clear.

        Oh, and officially I am not supposed to want any body under 18 to read
this. Another for the list of things I don't give a damn about. If you opened up
this page in the first place, despite the NC-17 rating/viewing contract, nothing
I say is gonna stop you from reading on. Feel free to distribute copies in your
pre-school classes, for all I care. Just leave this disclaimer intact.

         My homey knives did all the actual sex scenes for this. I may have the
gift of gab, but his perverted pen is unbeatable at the curiosities of the
flesh. He was even cool enough to redo the finale when I fucked up and didn¡¯t
let him know what we needed the first time. You¡¯re a class act man, or, in
Mega-Tokyo speak:

Y0U 4R3 TH3 L33T L3M0N M4ST3R!

And now we begin:

This can't be good for me . . . (that's the title, not a value judgment about
writing these things)

        Ken was happy, on the whole. Ichijoji and Mon's Detective Agency was
making enough to support both him and Yolei, as well as their Digimon quite
comfortably. He had nearly forgotten the darkness in himself, allowing the
happiness to wash it away. He was in his office at the moment, finishing some
paper work.

        Finally, He checked the clock, "Quittin' time!" he said, "Yolei will be
so happy that I don't have any cases to work on tonight!" Ken put on his new
sunglasses and walked out the door, with Wormon in tow. The sunglasses were
yellow with purple lenses, and had been a birthday gift from his parents. He
loathed them with all his heart, but he wore them to make his parents happy.

        Ken stepped out onto the street. It was really windy, and Ken pulled his
coat close around himself for warmth. Wormon was hanging onto his shoulder for
dear life. They finally got home and Ken let himself in. Yolei was asleep on the
couch. Ken put Wormon down and put a finger to his lips.

        He carefully crept over to the couch and peeked over the back of it,
"Asleep on the job?" he said, wearing a lopsided, mischievous grin,

        Yolei's eyes slowly started to open, then suddenly went wide. She gave a
startled yelp, landing on the floor. She scuttled away a full three feet before
she realised where she was and what was going on.

        Ken giggled, "you startle easily!" he said, vaulting over the couch and
plopping down where Yolei's head had been.

        Yolei was pale, "That was really scary! I think I had a flashback!"

        Ken gave Yolei an odd look, "huh?"

        "Maybe you should look in the mirror before you do that again!" she
said, crossing her arms.

        "What are you talking about?" said Ken, getting up. He walked over to
the hall mirror and looked. What he saw made his eyes go wide. His hair had been
totally destroyed by the wind, and stuck out in every direction. The glasses
seemed darker in the indoor light too. Ken looked almost exactly like he had as
the Digimon Emporer (at least from the neck up).

        He began to frantically flatten his hair, and removed the glasses in a
hurry, "Oh Jesus! I'm sorry dear! I'll never do that again, I promise! I guess
the wind fluffed up my hair or something . . ."

        Yolei chuckled a bit, "It's okay honey, I know you didn't do it on
purpose," a moment ago she had been completely terrified, but now the whole
thing seemed funny.

        Ken looked miserable. He plunked down at the kitchen table and burried
his face in his hands. Yolei put her hand on his shoulder, "Hey, come on, that's
all behind us now! Come on, dinner's almost ready, and don't you have some case
work to do,"

        "No," said Ken through his hands, "All of it's finished,"

        "Really?" said Yolei slyly, "I think I know something we could do with
the time. . .

         ¡°You do?¡± Ken asked. As he picked himself up off  of the table with
one eyebrow raised. ¡°And what would that be?¡± 

          ¡°I¡¯ll show you!¡± said Yolei in a sexy voice. She walked over to the
couch sat down and patted on the couch cushion. She motioned for him to come
over and sit down. Ken did as he was aksed.
           ¡°What are you going to show me?¡± said Ken as he walked over to the
couch and sat down.

           ¡°This.¡± She said as she leaned in and gave him a deep passionate
and loving kiss.  Ken thought to himself ¡®Man! I can see where this is going!¡¯
so he stepped it up. And tongued Yolei with all the passion he had for her in
his heart.

          ¡°oh yes Ken!¡± Yolei said as she leaned in deeper to get all she
could from Ken¡¯s tongue action.

          ¡°what say we step it up a notch huh?¡±  said ken as he leaned back.

           Yolei just nodded and laid back on the couch. Ken got up and leaned
over her and smiled. He looked down at her pants and unbuttoned them. And pulled
them off slowly. Yolei followed suit and unbuttoned his work shirt. Followed by
his pants. About a minute and a half later they were both naked sitting on the
couch. Ken grinned and evil grin and moved his head down into Yolei¡¯s crotch.
Ken worked diligently at giving Yolei pleasure he licked her clit ever so

          ¡°Oh yes!¡± Yolei screamed. as ken slid his tongue deep inside her
pussy she gasped with excitement.

          ¡°Ken don¡¯t stop!¡± she said as she gripped the arm off the couch

         Ken knew that she must have been wanting this all day. He thought to
himself ¡®I don¡¯t blame her... all by her self all day and no one to satisfy
her needs,¡¯ This thought delighted Ken as he worked even harder at making Yolei
cum. Ken looked up at Yolei. She had her eyes closed and was breathing heavily.
¡®It won¡¯t be long now!¡¯ he thought to himself. Yolei managed to stop panting
to blurt out.

         ¡°Faster, Ken! I¡¯m coming!¡±  Ken grinned a big grin as he sat
tonguing her pussy. He did as he was told and went as fast as he possibly could.
Yolei gripped the sides of the couch with both hands and squeezed as hard as she
could, she stiffened up like a board and arched her back. Ken could taste it
coming to he started sucking her pussy as not to let any of her cum escape. she
leaned her head back and screamed out as she came. Ken sucked out all she had to
offer as he got up out of her crotch a little bit was dripping off his chin.

         ¡°I don¡¯t think I will need to eat for a while!¡± he said as he
laughed.  Yolei laughed to and leaned over him and licked the last bit of cum of
off his chin.

          ¡°Come on, I¡¯m feeling a little X rated!¡± she said to Ken. And with
that she took off up the stairs to their bedroom. Ken sat on the couch and was
still panting him self. He needed to catch his breath before he went up to their
room for the big face off.  ¡®X rated!?!¡¯ he thought to himself, ¡®as if that
wasn¡¯t X rated enough!¡¯ He breathed heavily again got up and walked over to
stairs. He looked up the stairs  and saw Yolei on their bed. She was smiling at
him. Ken smiled back and took off up the stairs skipping them two at a time. He
jumped up on the bed.

           ¡°ooooh ya I like it rough!¡± said Yolei as she laid back on the bed.

           ¡°You do, huh?¡± replied Ken. Ken¡¯s window of opportunity just got

             ¡®Damn!¡¯ ken thought to himself. ¡®I can¡¯t believe she has this
much energy to burn after working around the house all day. Oh well I¡¯ll give
her what she wants!¡® He looked eye-to-eye with Yolei and stared for about a
minute. She smiled and laid back, spread her legs to expose an extremely wet

            ¡°Uh-huh!¡± said ken as he nodded his head. He thought to himself
¡®There is so many things I can do, but what should I choose? It looks as though
she has something in mind I think ill just stick with that!¡¯ Ken positioned him
self in front of Yolei and lined up his cock with her awaiting pussy.

              ¡°Here we go!¡± Ken said as he took a deep breath.  He slid his
cock deep inside of Yolei causing her to shriek out in absolute excitement. 
They started out slow at first and then the pace picked up.

             ¡°Oh yeah!¡± Yolei gasped, as ken went in fast and out slow.  Ken
and Yolei went on for about 20 minutes just about breaking every position there
was in the book.

              ¡°Come on Ken, I know your faster than that!¡± Yolei said as she
was being pounded from behind.

              ¡°Ask... and ye shall... receive!¡± Said Ken, as he rammed Yolei
like a trash truck going 60 running into a wall. (Bad metaphor J)  Yolei was the
first to cum¡­

           ¡°Faster Ken! I¡¯m cumming!¡± yelled Yolei. Ken was going now faster
than ever. Neither he nor Yolei could take it anymore.

               ¡°Oh god!¡± said Yolei. As Ken rammed her from behind she came
and ken ramming as hard as he was, was just making a mess all over the place.
Yolei¡¯s cum was being splattered and strung out across their bed. Ken lost it
after seeing all of the clear and glistening cum all over him her and the bed.

              ¡°Uh-huh¡± Ken blurted out as he rammed Yolei. Ken humped a few
more times before finally loosing it. Then he stuffed it all that were visible
were his nuts. He took in a deep breath tipped his head back and let it go.

             ¡°Mmm¡± said Yolei as her pussy was being filled with hot steamy
cum.  Ken pulled out and collapsed on the bed. Both were panting heavily.

             ¡°I¡¯m so¡­ fucking tired, it¡¯s¡­ not even funny!¡± said Ken

                  ¡°So am I!¡± replied Yolei panting.

               ¡°Lets just try to get some sleep we will clean up in the
morning.¡± Said Ken
                  ¡°Ok¡± said Yolei. As she got up and moved back the comforter
on their bed Ken sat with a grin on his face. This at first scared Yolei at
first but quickly calmed her self before Ken looked at her.

             ¡°What?¡± asked Ken.

             ¡°It¡¯s nothing lets just try to get some sleep.¡± Replied Yolei

                   ¡°Alright...¡± said Ken confusedly. They both laid down and
fell fast asleep, worn out from the workout they had just had. They began to
snore as they drifted fast asleep.

* * *

        The next day, Ken went off to work as usual (it was just a little harder
than usual to get out of bed). Yolei busied herself cleaning the house, but it
was becoming Increasingly hard to concentrate. Yolei was trying to do the
dishes, but her mind kept wandering. She kept thinking of the previous evening,
when Ken had scared her. At the time, She felt nothing but abject terror. Now,
however, the thought had become increasingly arousing. She kept picturing him as
the Digimon Emperor, holding his whip and standing over her, laughing

         Finally the phone rang. She picked it up, "Hello?"

         "Hi!" said Kari on the other end, "The kids have the day off, which
means I am free too. Wanna go to lunch?"

         Yolei nodded for some reason, then remembered that Kari couldn¡¯t see
her, "Sure! I¡¯ll meet you at the mall in about 20 minutes,"

         "Works for me," said Kari.

         Hawkmon wandered into the room just as Yolei was hanging up the phone,
"I¡¯m starving," he said, "When do we eat?"

         "We¡¯re going to the mall to have lunch with Kari and Gatomon," said

         Hawkmon looked miserable, "That¡¯s an hour¡¯s walk!"

         Yolei grinned, "Walking is for suckers!" she said, walking out to the
balcony. She got out her digivice, and closed the door after Hawkmon, "Ready?"

         Hawkmon nodded, "It¡¯s been a while, hasn¡¯t it? Shall we go as
Aquilamon or Halsemon?"

         Yolei took a coin out of her pocket and flipped it, "Halsemon it is!
Digi armor ener . . . gise!

         A bright light surrounded Hawkmon, and images of Biyomon, Birdramon,
and Garudamon swirled around him. He felt the familiar, exhilarating rush that
always came when he digivolved, "Hawkmon armor digivolve to . . . "he called
joyously. The data of the digiegg combined with him, and he felt himself being
remade as something new, "Halsemon: The wings of love,"

         "I never do get tired of that!" said Halsemon, stretching his newly
formed muscles, "and it¡¯s nice not to have to immediately attack something
afterwards for a change!"

         Yolei grinned and climbed aboard. The last time she had seen Halsemon,
was during the battle with Malomyotismon, "Okay! Now let¡¯s go get something to
eat!" Halsemon enthusiastically launched himself into the sky.


        Halsemon landed at the food court entrance to the mall and, crouched to
let Yolei off. She got off and he dedigivolved, "And I thought I was hungry
before!" he said.

        Kari ran up to them waving. Gatomon was right behind her, "Hey Yolei!"

         Yolei embraced Kari in a big hug, "Kari! How are you?"

         Gatomon and Hawkmon stood there and watched, "Didn¡¯t they see each
other just last month?" said Gatomon, scratching her head.

         Hawkmon nodded, then shrugged, "Yes. Humans are strange," he cleared
his throat, "Weren¡¯t we going to eat? I¡¯m nothing but feathers and bones over

         Yolei sweat-dropped and picked up Hawkmon. They walked inside, chatting
about this and that, and soon all four were munching away happily. Once they
were finished, Gatomon got up and stretched, "Come on Hawkmon, I wanna show you
something at the pet store,"

         "Have fun you two!" shouted Yolei.

         "Just like little kids," said Kari, laughing, "Even after all this

         Yolei grinned, "Yeah, I remember when Hawkmon was more mature than me!
I wonder how old they are in digimon years . . ."

         Kari nodded, "With the way time flows in the digital world, who knows
how long they live?" Kari got a far away look, remembering old times, "Heh, I
remember when you first got Hawkmon. Of course, that was back when your loving
husband was trying to kill us . . . "

         Yolei suddenly got that image again. She just couldn¡¯t quit thinking
about Ken as the Emporer. She looked at the table, suddenly quiet.

         "What¡¯s wrong, Yolei? Is he still sensitive about that?" Kari asked,
sipping her drink.

         "Not really . . ." Yolei fidgeted uncomfortably, "Listen, I am going to
tell you something. You have to promise not to tell anyone,"

         Kari grinned, "Just like high school,"

         Yolei took a deep breath, "Yeah, it all started the other day . . . Ken
had just got home from work. I was sleeping on the couch and he snuck up behind
me, grinning like a Cheshire cat. He woke me up and scared me out of my wits,"

         Kari frowned, "Tai used to do that to me too. He thinks it¡¯s funny. I
don¡¯t see why you¡¯re embarrassed though . . ."

         "I wasn¡¯t just startled, I was really afraid. The wind outside had
made his hair all wild, and he was wearing those awful sunglasses his parents
bought him," Yolei was Shivering.

         Kari looked incredulous, "You were afraid of wild hair and eye wear? No
wonder you and Davis don¡¯t get along,"

         Yolei rolled her eyes, "Listen, picture Ken in yellow sunglasses with
purple lenses," Kari nodded, "Now add hair that¡¯s all wild and spiky," Kari
nodded again, "Add a big maniacal grin and picture just the head,"

         Kari nearly fell out of her chair, "Oh my god! That wasn¡¯t funny!"

         Yolei nodded, "He didn¡¯t do it on purpose. The wind messed up his hair
. . . "

         Kari shivered, "That¡¯s just creepy. He¡¯s lucky you didn¡¯t hit him in
the nose!"

         Yolei nodded, "And that¡¯s not the worst of it. This is the really
embarrassing part..." She leaned in close to Kari, "It made me really excited. I
mean...I wanted to just rip off my clothes, and...and..." Yolei cast about for
an appropriate euphemism

         "Mess up his hair some more?" offered Kari.

         Yolei grinned, "Yeah. I keep picturing him in that emperor outfit with
a whip, and it makes me so excited! I¡¯m beginning to think something is wrong
with me . . ."

         Kari was really trying not to laugh, "There¡¯s nothing wrong with you,
that¡¯s perfectly normal. I have a few little things I like when me and up each other's hair," Kari caught herself before she started
going into detail.

         Yolei suddenly got a sly grin, "This wouldn¡¯t happen to involve..."

         "Yes," said Kari, blushing beet red, "There is a cheerleader outfit
involved," Kari wished she hadn¡¯t mentioned it. She suddenly turned serious,
"But it isn't the outfit that turns you on, is it?"

        Yolei nodded miserably, "I just can't stop thinking about how he used to
be. I mean, like when he had us at his mercy a few times...he could have done
any thing he wanted to me. I keep fantasizing about being tied up, or even
whipped by him," Yolei looked at the table miserably, "I think I am becoming a
masochist or something...¡±

        Kari took Yolei's hand, "I don't think there is anything wrong with you.
Even if you are a masochist, which I do not think is true either. You are not
crazy, no matter what they say. You just have different needs. Just between you
and me, I can relate...better than you think,"

        Yolei looked amazed, "You? You like being tied up and stuff?" it came
out as barely a whisper, but still Yolei felt like Mimi must have heard, all the
way in America.

        "Not exactly," Said Kari, barely above a whisper, "In fact, I think TK
might relate to you even better," Images of Kari in leather and lace, wielding a
whip flitted about Yolei's mind. She swallowed hard, shaking her head slightly,
"Have you told Ken yet?"

        Yolei twisted her cheap paper napkin nervously, "No, I think it will
take me awhile to work up the courage,"

        Kari nodded, "It was the same way for me. In the mean time, I suggest
you find out as much as you can about the submissive lifestyle. The more you
know about something, the less scary it is. I have a few books I can lend you,
if you are interested,"

        Yolei was begining to wonder if this was a dream or not. Her best
friend, a dominatrix? Even the word made Yolei shiver. She slowly nodded her
head, and said, "Sure, I think I know a place to hide them,"

        Kari nodded, "I'll send them by this afternoon," She got up and began to
clear away the table, "Well, I had better collect Gatomon and get going. I left
TK home alone...I hope he hasn't worked himself loose yet,"

        Yolei was not sure if this was a joke or not, she just started walking
toward the pet store. Gatomon and Hawkmon were both wearing black collars, and
looking in the mirror. Hawkmon turned to Yolei, "What do you think? Is it me?"

        Yolei grinned, "I don't think Ken would like it," Hawkmon looked in the
mirror again, and Yolei continued, "You look like you should have glowing red
eyes, and be trying to kill us,"

        "It does rather look like a dark ring," he said, "We'd better pick
another color,"

        "Later," said Yolei, "I have laundry to fold,"

        "Your no fun," said Hawkmon, following Yolei out of the store. Yolei
turned back to wave, but Kari was busy paying for three of the collars. Yolei
couldn't help but wonder what they were for, as she walked toward the parking
lot. The thought made her sort of weak in the knees.

        Hawkmon said, "Let's use Aquilamon this time," it snapped Yolei out of
her reverie.

        "Huh? Oh, yeah, sure," she replied, raising her digivice into the air.

        "Hawkmon, digivolve to . . ." Hawkmon spread his wings and once again
felt the amazing feeling of being remade, "Aquilamon!"

* * *

        That afternoon, Yolei was sitting at the table, drinking a cup of
coffee, when the doorbell rang. She got up and looked through the peephole. What
she saw nearly made her drop her coffee cup. On her porch, there stood a
cheerleader and a French maid! Both were wearing black collars and dog tags, and
each held a box. She opened the door in astonishment.

        "Mistress has ordered us to deliver these books," Said the maid. It
sounded practiced and almost monotone.

        "Just set them over here," she said, indicating the table. They
hurriedly put the books down.

        "She has also told us to ask if there is anything else we can do for
you," the cheerleader added, in a similar voice.

        "No, that's alright," she said, but quickly changed her mind, "Wait. Let
me read your dog tags,"

        The cheerleader said, "Mistress forbids us to remove them," and bent
down a bit so Yolei could read them easier. The tag read as follows:

                Takeru Ishida
                Property of Hikari Kamia
                If found, please call 510-3391

        (A/N: This is not my phone number, I grabbed it out of thin air. If it
is your phone number, then it's purely a coincidence. )

        The maid's tag was the same except for the first line, which said,
'Daisuke Motomiya' instead of 'Takeru Ishida'. Yolei was taken aback, "Davis?

        The maid, who was apparently Davis, said, "Those names mean nothing to
us when we are serving. Please refer to me as Daisuke, or slave, slut, worm, or
something like that,"

         Yolei looked at TK in astonishment, ¡®Is this some kind of joke? I
never imagined Kari could make them act this way. Especially Davis!¡¯

         Davis said, "If there is nothing else, we really should get going. We
will be punished if we linger without a good reason to,"

         "Um...yeah. You can go. Tell Kari thanks for the books," Yolei replied,
still a bit dazed. Davis just looked at her quizzically. She tried again, "Tell
Mistress Hikari thank you for the books," Both curtsied politely and left. Yolei
watched them walk down to the sidewalk, where Raidramon and Pegasusmon were
waiting, ¡®What has she done to them? Is that what I am preparing to become?¡¯

* * *

         The next day, at Ken¡¯s office, things were unusually quiet. Ken only
had one case that day, and was busily typing away at his computer terminal.
Wormon was taking a nap nearby. Ken looked up when the door opened, and was
surprised to see Kari walk in.

         "Hi Kari, what brings you here?" said Ken, a little louder than Kari
would have liked.

        "We need to talk," she said, glancing at Wormon, "alone,"

         Ken looked incredulous, ¡®And another for the Ken-is-Sam-Spade fan
club,¡¯ he thought, "Uh . . . sure. Hey Wormon!" Ken said, grabbing a stack of
envelopes off the corner of the desk, "Mind taking these to the mailbox up the

         Wormon woke up and stretched, "Sure Ken," He walked over to the desk
and took the letters from Ken. He scuttled out, and Kari shut the door behind

        "Okay," said Ken, "What¡¯s so important?"

         "It¡¯s about Yolei," said Kari. Ken looked startled, "Relax, she¡¯s
alright. Nothings happened. Before I go on, you have to promise that you won¡¯t
act on it until Yolei comes to you first. Also, when the time comes, you didn¡¯t
hear it from me. Deal?"

         Ken was growing more suspicious by the moment. Clearly this was some
practical joke Kari and Yolei were playing on him. He wondered for a moment who
else might be in on it, then said, "Yeah, okay. I promise I won¡¯t do a thing
about it, and you are what we in the biz call an anonymous informer. Now what¡¯s
going on?"

         Kari took a deep breath, "Well, I think I should start from the
beginning. Have you ever heard of the leather movement?"

**several minutes later**

        Ken was sitting in his chair with a stricken look on his face. His
pupils had contracted to a tiny size, and he was pale as a Bakemon. Wormon
finally walked back into the office looking exhausted, "I forgot how hard it is
to climb that slippery mailbox with your arms full. I hope the clients don't
mind a few teeth marks in their invoices..."

        Ken made a little squeaking sound in his throat. Kari said, "He just
needs some air, he¡¯ll be fine. I have to get going,"

        Wormon nodded, still looking concernedly at Ken, "Yeah, bye," he climbed
up and opened the window. Ken still just sat there, looking like he¡¯d seen a
ghost. Wormon climbed up the back of the chair and perched on his shoulder.

        He looked up at Wormon with a look of total non-comprehension, ¡®Why do
these things have to happen to me?¡¯ he thought. Then he felt around for
Wormon¡¯s "hand", and grasped it.

        "What¡¯s the matter, Ken?" asked Wormon.

        Ken looked like a lost puppy, "Nothing . . . everything is fine," Ken
didn¡¯t sound at all convinced, ¡®My world is ending is all . . . Yolei¡¯s
losing her mind and I can¡¯t do a thing about it. Well, it was nice while it
lasted, but this is it. This is the part where it all comes crashing to the
ground and I get my punishment for all the awful things I¡¯ve done. But, why did
it have to attack Yolei? Why couldn¡¯t I have just got cancer or spontaneously
combusted or something?¡¯

         "What did Kari want?" asked Wormon.

         "Nothing important," Ken stammered. It came out a little louder than he
would have liked. He decided he¡¯d better make up a cover, "Mimi had a little
accident. Wrecked her car, but she¡¯s okay,"

         Wormon nodded, "It¡¯s kind of scary when bad things happen to one of
our own, isn¡¯t it? We get to thinking that we¡¯re invincible and nothing can go

         Ken nodded earnestly, "I¡¯ll say,"

* * *

         The next few days were a blur for Yolei. Every last bit of her spare
time while Ken was away was spent reading the books Kari had sent. As she delved
deeper and deeper, it became more difficult to concentrate on other things. She
was learning all about a new world, which she had never known, existed. As the
days turned to weeks, her perception began to change. She stopped thinking of
herself as sick, and realized that there were thousands like her all over the

         The only problem for Yolei was that it was becoming increasingly
difficult for her to enjoy normal sex. Her ability to please Ken was slipping,
and she was terrified that he might be noticing, ¡®He¡¯s preparing to leave me.
That¡¯s the only reason he wouldn¡¯t mention it. He¡¯s figured out what I am,
and now he wants no part of it,¡¯

         Meanwhile, Ken had been doing some research himself. He read all he
could get his hands on about what he though of as Yolei¡¯s "condition". He even
wound up borrowing the same books from Kari, once Yolei had returned them.

        As Ken spent more and more time thinking about what he would have to do
to Yolei one day, he actually began to get excited, "My god!" he said to
himself, staring out the window of his office. He had sent Wormon to buy some
stamps, just to get some time to think, "I¡¯m losing my mind. Here I am getting
excited about doing such terrible things to another human being. And not just
any human being, the one I love more than anything. No wonder the dark spores
had such an easy time on me! All I need is a little nudge in the right direction
and I become a monster again!"

        "Your not a monster, Ken" Wormon said, coming up the stairs, "Your just
too quick to judge yourself . . . and you need to learn to hide your books
better," Wormon was dragging a large book behind him, which had the title
Different Loving, "I found this one to be especially informative. You should pay
more attention to the part about the morality of BDSM,"

        Ken stared at Wormon in amazement, "How is it that whenever I need to be
comforted or reassured, you can just sort of tell?"

        "It¡¯s part of being a digimon partner. Besides, I followed you to
Kari¡¯s house a couple of times when I noticed you were upset," Wormon looked
sheepish, "Detective instincts. What can I say?"

        Ken grinned, "Don¡¯t worry about it, I¡¯m glad you meddled,"

        Wormon nodded solemnly, "There is something else you should know. Yolei
has been reading up too, and she¡¯s been hiding her books under the sofa. But,
she¡¯s down to her last two books now, and she¡¯s seems a lot more confident
too. I think she¡¯ll confront you about it in the next few weeks. If I were you
I¡¯d get ready,"

        Ken nodded, "That¡¯s a good idea,"

* * *

        Yolei was really nervous. As Hawkmon put it, the butterflies in her
stomach had butterflies in their stomachs. Yolei had decided that tonight would
be the night to tell Ken. She was pacing around nervously, trying to sort out
what to say, ¡®If I don¡¯t say this tonight, then I may never be able to work up
the resolve again!¡¯ she thought. She was still pacing around, when Ken walked

         "Hi honey," he said, giving her a peck on the cheek. Then he wandered
into the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice. He was humming his favorite
song, and generally acting extremely cheerful, ¡®Everything¡¯s ready,¡¯ he
thought, ¡®No matter when she decides to give me the news, I¡¯ll be prepared! I
have the costume, the toys, the place . . . I almost wish she¡¯d hurry up and
tell me, I¡¯m so ready,¡¯

         "You¡¯re in a good mood, today," said Yolei, hugging Ken around the
neck from behind, ¡®Let me ruin that for you...Okay Yolei, stay focused, you CAN
do this,¡¯

         "What¡¯s for dinner?" he asked, cringing at how much he sounded like a
1950s sit-com.

         "Okunomiyaki and Stir Fry," said Yolei, ¡®That¡¯s his favorite. The
least I can do is give him a good meal before I break his heart,¡¯

         ¡®Oh god, that¡¯s my favorite! Here it comes!¡¯ Ken forced himself to
smile, "Wow, my favorite! Your so good to I dieing or something?"

         "Oh, your so silly," she said in forced happiness, ¡®Oh no, your not
dieing. Yet,¡¯

         The happy couple sat down to eat, and soon the digimon had finished and
wandered off, leaving them alone to talk. Hawkmon had intentionally drawn Wormon
away, so their partners could talk.

        "Ken," Yolei began, "I have something to tell you. You aren¡¯t dieing,
but I¡¯m glad you¡¯re sitting down for this..." Yolei had practiced this at
least a hundred times in front of the mirror. It didn¡¯t help at all.

        Ken gulped, ¡®No! I was wrong! I¡¯m not ready! Please be pregnant or
something! Or maybe my parents were in a car wreck? Yeah, that¡¯s it! A big
fiery wreck where the paramedics had to identify them by there dental records
but at least I can get rid of those evil sunglasses that started this whole
mess...¡¯ Ken felt like there was a small animal trying to escape from the
inside of his skull.

        Yolei continued, "These past weeks, ever since the day you scared me
with those sunglasses, I¡¯ve been doing some thinking. I¡¯ve come to realize
some things about myself... things I found disturbing at first. Now I want you
to keep on open mind when I tell you this..."

        Ken¡¯s brain was screaming almost too fast to understand, ¡®It¡¯s all
over! I can¡¯t do this! She¡¯s gonna leave me! I¡¯ll have to become roommates
with Davis! I really, really, REALLY wish Arukenimon had killed me when she had

        "And I realize that this is going to be a shock, but that day when you
came in looking like the Digimon Emperor..." Yolei almost trailed off, but
forced herself to continue, "It woke something up inside of me. I realized that
I need some things that are different from other people. I¡¯m a sexual
submissive. I can¡¯t get the most out of sex unless I am completely dominated,
and forced. I have fantasies about being tied up, beaten, even raped!" Yolei¡¯s
voice sounded way too loud to her, even though Ken could just barely hear her
over the roar coming from inside his head.

        Ken took a deep breath, ¡®MUST . . . STAY . . . CALM!!! MUST . . . HELP
. . . YOLEI!!!¡¯ he finally managed to speak, "I . . . I know . . ."

        Yolei looked confused, "What? How?"

        "I AM a detective. Give me a little credit. Besides, I know you like to
hide things under the couch. I was spelunking for my birthday present..."
¡®That¡¯s it! Stay calm, cool, and collected. Don¡¯t dive under the table like
you know you want to...¡¯ It was getting easier for Ken to talk. He even managed
to give Yolei an encouraging smile...

        "Oh Ken..." Yolei was on the verge of tears, "I¡¯m so sorry,"

        Ken smiled warmly, "You don¡¯t have anything to be sorry for. You are
who you are. Fish gotta swim, as the saying goes. I¡¯m just glad you told me.
Now we don¡¯t have to keep secrets anymore,"

        Yolei looked relieved, "So do you think we could..."

        Ken nodded, "Everything is ready. I acquired a small plot of land in the
desert where my base used to be, and built us a playroom. Once I traced your
books back to Kari, she was more than happy to lend me a few toys. I even put
together an outfit for myself, all for you,"

        Yolei was amazed, "Does Wormon know?"

        Ken chuckled, "There¡¯s no possible way I could have done all this
without him as an accomplice! How about Hawkmon?"

        Yolei nodded, "Yes, I told him,"

        Ken got a sly grin, and said in his most emperor-ish voice, "Excellent,
he is a part of my plan too!"

        Yolei gulped, ¡®I¡¯ve created a monster!¡¯

        Ken smiled, ¡°don¡¯t you worry, I have this all figured out.¡±

        Ken told Yolei the low down on what the situation was. He could see the
sparkle in her eye and knew right then that this wasn¡¯t going to be the average
session. Oh no, far from it! With everything Ken gathered from Kari, there was
not going to an allotment for error this time. Yolei wanted to jump up and down
with excitement! But she managed to suppress her feelings.

        ¡°Oh Ken I cant believe all of the trouble you went through just to make
us happy.¡± Said Yolei.

        ¡°Neither can I,¡± Replied Ken with a smirk on his face.

         ¡°Oh Ken, I¡¯m so happy!¡± Yolei said as she walked up to Ken and
hugged him.

         ¡°In order for this to work, we have to go back to the digital world.¡±

         ¡°Sure, that¡¯s fine. I don¡¯t have any objection to that.¡± Replied

         ¡°Go find your D-3¡± ordered Ken. And with that Yolei took off to find
her D-3. Ken thought for a second ¡®oh no! Fuck! Where the hell did I put that
damn thing...Oh yeah!¡¯ Ken ran off to the basement to get his D-3 that had been
in the pocket of his dirty pants.

         ¡°Come on Yolei lets go!¡± said Ken.

         ¡°Coming.¡± Replied Yolei.

         ¡°I gotta get the computer running so just sit tight for a second will
you?¡± Ken opened his laptop and ran a few commands and the digital port was
ready for entry.

         ¡°Lets go Yolei, we can leave now!¡± yelled Ken.

         ¡°You don¡¯t have to shout, honey, I¡¯m right behind you.¡± Replied

         ¡°Oh im sorry I didn¡¯t even see you there. Well uhhmmm¡­ I guess we
should get going.¡± Said Ken.

         ¡°Its all right let¡¯s go!¡± Yolei said.

         ¡°Wait!¡± said Ken. ¡°What about Wormon and Hawkmon. I completely
forgot about them!¡±

         ¡°Wormon! Hawkmon!¡± Yolei called out. Like out of thin air their
digimon appeared, ¡°waiting and ready!¡± they replied. Ken and Yolei pointed
there D-3s at the computer screen and where pixelized and sucked into the
computer screen. They twisted through the digital world open until they were
reconfigured in the digital world.

         ¡°I will never get tired of doing that.¡± Said Yolei as she adjusted
her glasses. Ken started laughing uncontrollably. Yolei turned around and looked
at him her mouth dropped like a dead weight. ¡°Looks like my tinkering worked,¡±
said Ken poking at his clothes, ¡°How do I look?¡± Yolei¡¯s fright soon turned
to lust seeing him with his cape wild hair and a whip. ¡®Oh god! cherish the
whip!¡¯ Yolei thought to her self. ¡®I¡¯m going to love this...¡¯ she thought as
she clenched her fist and chuckled quietly. ¡°Damn you look good!¡± she finally
managed to say.

         ¡°I¡¯m sorry, what? I didn¡¯t hear you, damn birds.¡± Replied Ken.

         ¡°Never mind¡± said Yolei.

         ¡°Lets move on before the sun goes down.¡± Said Ken.

         ¡°All right.¡± Said Yolei.

         ¡°Have any idea where we are honey?¡± asked Yolei.

         ¡°Yes were not far from the desert area. If we press on we can get
there before the sun goes down.¡± Said Ken.

         ¡°I hope so, I¡¯m kind of anxious to see this play room you built for
the two of us!¡± said Yolei. Ken and Yolei walked through the great forest and
the temperature was starting to pick up. Were not to far off Ken thought.

        ¡°Are we there yet?¡± asked Yolei.

        ¡°Not yet but were not too far off.¡± Said Ken. Ken pulled a pair of
viewfinders and scanned the landscape.

         ¡°There!¡± said Ken as he pointed off into the distant landscape.

          ¡°Where I don¡¯t see anything¡± said Yolei. Ken held up the
viewfinders so that Yolei could see where the desert was.

           ¡°Oh, now I see it. I can¡¯t believe that I missed it before! Oh
well...¡± Yolei said.

           ¡°When we get there, Yolei, you will be surprised at what this room
of mine looks like!¡± said Ken with a smile on his face.

           ¡°Why? what¡¯s so great about it?¡± asked Yolei.

           ¡°It¡¯s one of my old digimon prisons,¡± replied Ken quietly.

            ¡°Oh¡­well we will have to make the best of it anyway won¡¯t we!¡±
said Yolei with a smile on her face.

            ¡°Heh heh... yeah¡± said Ken.

            Ken and Yolei walked effortlessly through the forest and were soon
at the forests edge¡­

            ¡°There Ken, do you see it?¡± said Yolei as she stood pointing.

             Ken just stood and squinted

            ¡°uh, yeah I see it¡± Ken said.

         ¡°Wow I remember that one!¡± said Yolei.

         ¡°Yeah that¡¯s where I kept the better share of my captured digimon...
back when I had a reign over the whole digital world that is.¡± Replied Ken. Ken
laughed at the thought of him cracking a whip at the captive digimon he had
trapped in the jail cells.

         ¡°What?¡± asked Yolei wondering what ken was laughing at.

         ¡°Its nothing, let¡¯s go.¡± Ken said.

         Ken and Yolei tromped through the desert and came upon the front of the
old digimon prison.

         ¡°Looks kind of creepy.¡± Said Yolei with a shudder.

         ¡°Don¡¯t judge a book by its cover, Yolei.¡± Said Ken with a big grin
on his face. ¡°The inside is better than the outside. Its like that for a keep people out and to make them think its just a run down old
digimon prison. Ya¡¯ get what im saying, Yolei?¡±  Ken asked, looking over at
Yolei as they walked towards the old prison and thought to himself.

         ¡°This could fool even me Ken you did an excellent job on disguising
this place!¡± said Yolei.

          ¡°Yeah, I try my best¡± replied Ken.

           They walked over to the entrance and pushed open the rusty old iron
gate, it creaked and squeaked as it opened. Ken and Yolei walked through the
gates and started roaming the old prison halls, as they went through they had to
swat down cobwebs so they could get there way around. Yolei was the first to
discover a large table in the middle of the courtyard there was a computer that
said, ¡°choose your equipment¡±.

          ¡°Hey, Ken, do you know what this is?¡±

           No reply. Ken and Wormon were nowhere to be found. Yolei called out
to him and so did her digimon but to no avail.

          ¡°I wonder where the hell he went?¡± asked Yolei.

          ¡°I have no idea where he could have gone, Yolei, strange thing
though...Wormon is gone too... I never heard them go anywhere.¡± Hawkmon said.

          ¡°That¡¯s so odd.¡± Said Yolei as she shivered.

        As Yolei and Hawkmon walked into the court yard of the old prison there
stood an old rickety table in the middle of the yard on it was a computer along
with three different sets off cloths a black leather suit aside that was a pair
of leather straps and next to that was a black leather whip. She looked around
and then her eyes were fixed on the computer screen. It read¡­Pick one and

        ¡°Hmm, this could prove to be interesting.¡± Said Yolei with a sly grin
on her face.

        ¡°Well, best do as the computer says. For all I know it could be one of
Ken¡¯s weird games, so I might as well go along with it!¡± said Yolei as she
picked up the leather straps.

        ¡°You can¡¯t believe how long I¡¯ve been waiting for an opportunity like
this Hawkmon,¡± said Yolei.

        ¡°What¡¯s that?¡± asked Hawkmon.

        Yolei had a far away look as she answered, ¡°What I mean Hawkmon is that
I never knew that he had a clue that I was into bondage and dominance and

        ¡°What ever works for ya...¡± Hawkmon shook his head, as though to say,
¡®She¡¯s nuts!¡¯, ¡°I¡¯m gonna go check things out, so ill have to leave you for
now.¡± Said Hawkmon.

        ¡°Ok but be careful, will you?¡± asked Yolei.

        ¡°I¡¯ll be fine Yolei, just be on your guard. No telling what Ken has in
store for you!¡± said Hawkmon, ¡®Boy, I never thought I¡¯d say something like
that again...¡¯

        ¡°Ken is really beginning to creep me out and make me ecstatic at the
same time! It almost makes me think about the days when he was the digimon
emperor.¡± Said Yolei.

            As Yolei spoke, she felt an eerie presence around her.

        ¡°Hello, is anyone there?¡± she called out.

         No one answered. All that could be heard was the quite humming of the
computer that sat next to her on the table. Just when she had calmed her nerves,
the computer screen lit up. She glanced over at the screen and she stared long
and hard, it was a map of the prison.

        ¡°I wonder what this could be for?¡± thought Yolei.

        On the screen was the map of the prison but certain areas were
highlighted so Yolei looked for a key. She soon figured out that the place where
the map was centered was where she was. She looked closer and found that there
was an arrow that leads out of the room and down the hall but then stops. She
glanced way from the computer at the doorway. Indeed there was a yellow line
that leads out of the room and down the hall.

        ¡°Well, I guess I¡¯ll just has to follow it. Its not just there for
someone¡¯s amusement. someone put it there for a reason.¡± Thought Yolei.

         Yolei moved over to the opening to the hall and looked down the hall.
Nothing was there, just the yellow line. She stepped out into the hall and
proceeded to walk to the other end, not knowing what might lie at the end of it.
As Yolei reached the end of the yellow line, the hallway suddenly grew colder.
Yolei shivered and continued to walk. She took one last step and reached the end
off the line.

        ¡°well that¡¯s the end... now what do I do?¡± Yolei asked her self.

       As she spoke she dropped one of her leather straps, As she picked it up
and stood up a dark figure stood before her. Be for she could draw a breath to
scream her mouth was covered and then she was knocked unconscious.

*an indeterminate period of time later, somewhere in the prison*

         As Yolei awoke she looked around and took notice that she was strapped
to the wall with the leather straps she had picked up from the table and not
only that she was completely stripped of any clothes she had on.

        ¡°Hello?¡± Yolei called out.

        ¡°My plan is working perfectly,¡± said a voice.

        ¡°Ken is that you?¡± Yolei called out to the voice.

            Nothing was said. A figure stepped out into the light, revealing a
fully dressed digimon emperor.

        ¡°Oh Ken! I never believed our sex life would take off like this! But I
have no objection, so feel free. Although¡­. who was it that knocked me
unconscious in the hallway?¡± asked Yolei.

         Ken blushed and turned his head.

        ¡°Oh! Sorry about that Yolei I had to figure out some way to make this
more interesting, but im sorry if I caused you any harm.¡± Said ken.

        ¡°I forgive you,¡± said Yolei.

         Ken walked over Yolei and stared her long and hard in the eye. A
passion for each other burned in their eyes as they stared at one another. Ken
turned his head slightly and leaned into Yolei¡¯s face and kissed her long and
hard. Yolei immediately went with it and her constant need for wanting more got
away from her as she slipped her tongue in for some action of her own. Ken
didn¡¯t object and went along with what he had started. As they kissed Ken
grasped Yolei¡¯s thigh firmly in his hand.

        ¡°mmmm Ken!¡± moaned Yolei.      Yolei squirmed in Ken¡¯s hands as Ken
slowly caressed Yolei¡¯s thighs. Ken removed his face from Yolei¡¯s face, looked
at her and smiled.

        ¡°What?¡± asked Yolei.

         Ken just shook his head, and smiled an even bigger smile. As Ken smiled
at Yolei he bent down so that he was eye level with Yolei¡¯s waist. Ken
positioned himself right in front of Yolei¡¯s moist pussy so that he was face to
face with it. Yolei looked down at Ken and smiled at him. Ken smiled back and
leaned into Yolei¡¯s pussy. Ken stuck out his tongue and slowly licked Yolei¡¯s

        ¡°uhhhhhhh!¡± Yolei moaned out.

         Yolei shuddered as ken took another lick. As Ken progressed along he
decided to give this activity al little more kick. Ken moved his tongue down and
stuck it deep in Yolei¡¯s pussy.

        ¡°ooooooooooh yes!¡± Yolei cried out.

         Ken went in and out slowly and then picked up the pace. Ken went on and
on until Yolei finally couldn¡¯t take anymore.

        ¡°Faster Ken!¡± Yolei gasped out.

         Ken gradually went faster until Yolei came. Yolei¡¯s juices flowed like
a mountain stream as she came on Ken¡¯s face.

        ¡°Wow! Not bad Yolei!¡± said Ken.

        ¡°Not bad?!?!? That was great!¡± replied Yolei.

        ¡°I have something far better planned for you!¡± said Ken.

        ¡°What would that be?¡± asked Yolei.

        Ken didn¡¯t reply as Yolei spoke to him. Ken walked over to Yolei and
unhooked her from the wall.

         ¡°Over here¡± said Ken as he pointed to the table in the middle of the

         ¡°Over here?¡± asked Yolei.

         ¡°Yes, lay down on the table I¡¯ll be there in a sec.¡± replied Ken.

          Ken grabbed the leather straps and walked over to the table and fitted
Yolei with them.

        ¡°Damn the bolts wont fit!¡± said Ken as he through the bolt on the

         Yolei just stared as Ken thought of something to use to strap Yolei
down. Off in the distance Ken noticed a few old cell padlocks.

        ¡°Ah, these will do nicely!¡± said ken as he picked the locks up.

        Ken walked back to the table and locked Yolei into place.

        ¡°So what is this you have planed for me?¡± asked Yolei.

        ¡°You¡¯ll see¡± replied Ken.

         Ken turned around and grabbed the whip that had originally been in the
courtyard and faced Yolei.

        ¡°Oh yes!¡± Yolei sighed.

        ¡°Hehehe act like you don¡¯t want it ok Yolei?¡± asked Ken.

        ¡°I¡¯ll try my best¡± replied Yolei as she smiled.

        ¡°And now, as punishment for constantly destroying my spires,
questioning my orders, and speaking without permission, I sentence you to 20
lashings,¡± Ken said.

        Ken raised his hand and cracked the whip over Yolei¡¯s ass. To Ken¡¯s
great amazement Yolei screamed ¡°More.¡± Ken raised the whip again and gave it
another crack across Yolei¡¯s bright red ass cheeks. Again Yolei wanted more.
Ken cracked the whip again, again, and again, and again. Ken looked at Yolei¡¯s
face as he cracked the whip one last time. Yolei shuddered as the whip hit her
again. Ken looked at Yolei¡¯s ass again which was now glowing bright red.

          ¡°awww did I hurt you? Don¡¯t worry ill fix ya up!¡± said Ken evilly.

           Ken took a step back away from the table and pulled off his pants and
boxers to expose his throbbing cock. Ken climbed up on to the top of the table
and hovered over the top of Yolei.

          ¡°yeah, I¡¯ll fix you up¡­ real goooood.¡± Ken taunted.

           Ken bent down and got on his hands and Knees and positioned him self
behind Yolei. He reached down and spread open Yolei¡¯s ass cheeks exposing
Yolei¡¯s wet pussy. With one free hand Ken grabbed his cock and lined it up with
Yolei¡¯s soaked hole and slid it deep inside. Both Ken and Yolei gasped out with
excitement as Ken slid his cock deep inside her.

        ¡°OH GOD KEN!¡± screamed Yolei.

         Ken crammed all 8 inches in at once and halted for a minute. Ken drew
back up and started going full force. Ken moved in and out with ease. All Yolei
could do at the time was bite her lip and scream out in pleasure! In which fact
she did.

        ¡°Faster Ken!¡± screamed Yolei.

          Ken leaned in and grabbed Yolei¡¯s waist and started ramming her as
hard as he could! Yolei¡¯s ass cheek was still red from the whip he had just
used. Ken laughed at the thought of himself cracking the whip over Yolei¡¯s ass.

         ¡°Faster Ken! I¡¯m Coming!¡± cried Yolei.

          Ken gave Yolei the last hard thrusts she needed to climax.

         ¡°uuuuhhhh¡­¡± gasped Yolei.

          Yolei¡¯s juices seem to just pour out as Ken pulled back to finish the
job. Yolei turned to look at Ken still working on Yolei¡¯s pussy.

         ¡°I dunno how much longer I can hold this!¡± Ken said.

           Not a second later, Ken blew it right there. Ken pulled out as fast
as he could but I wasn¡¯t fast enough he blew his load all over Yolei¡¯s crotch
covering her ass and pussy in warm sticky cum. 

*meanwhile, across the facility, in a small cell*

          ¡°Well I hope Ken and Yolei are enjoying their little game. I think
they¡¯re both insane,¡± Hawkmon said, choosing a card from his hand, ¡°Hah!
Serra Avatar!¡±

           ¡°Where did you get that card?¡± Wormon whined, ¡°Well as long as
they¡¯re happy and safe I¡¯m fine with it. I thought we¡¯d have a bigger part

           ¡°Fortress of pain, two damage,¡± Hawkmon said, ¡°You mean you
actually WANT to be involved with this carnival of stupidity?¡±

          Wormon winced and removed two damage counters from his pile,
¡°Well...not so much that as I want to support Ken. Besides, my attacks are
Sticky Net and Silk Thread, it¡¯d be nice to have them be useful for once,¡±
Wormon drew a card, ¡°Oooh, Lightning Strike! Bye bye, mister Avatar,¡±

         Hawkmon grumbled and moved his Avatar to the graveyard, ¡°Well maybe
they¡¯ll involve you some other time, if they aren¡¯t institutionalized

          ¡°Did you even read the books?¡± Wormon said, ¡°Wall of swords,¡±

          ¡°Yes, I read three of them, but it doesn¡¯t make much sense to me,¡± 
Hawkmon drew a card, ¡°I guess I¡¯m just not that way...¡±

(A/N: I know very little about MTG, excuse any mistakes in that scene.)

*Back in Ken¡¯s playroom*

         Yolei was still strapped down, and too exhausted to move anyway. Ken
had just managed to get up off of her and fix his costume, ¡°That was amazing,¡±
he said.

         She attempted to nod, only managing to rub her chin on the tabletop,
¡°Thank you so much for this, Ken,¡±

        Ken removed the locks and helped Yolei get dressed. They went off to
collect their Digimon, both very exhausted. Yolei fell asleep during the long
Aquailamon ride home. As Ken held her in his arms, looking up at the digital
stars, he sighed to himself mumbling, ¡°I¡¯m alright now, Sam. I¡¯m finally

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