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Review This Story || Author: Artemis

Loving My Master

Part 1

Loving My Master

Most mornings I wake up with a lovely warm feeling. My master pressed against my
back, his arm around my waist - like spoons.

But not today. I've had a bad feeling about today, even before I opened my eyes.
My master isn't there. I can hear the shower running, so I know he's close. But
it's still not the same. Normally my first sensation in the morning is my
master's hand in my hair, pulling my head aside so that he can nuzzle my neck.
The warmth of his breath against my skin is wonderful.

Today as I open my eyes I can see him finishing his shower through the ensuite
door. He's not paying me any attention at all. I sit up and lean against the bed
head where my hands are shackled and draw my knees up to my chest. I don't like
the look of this at all.

My master walks through the room, dressing himself in a relaxed fashion, but I
still don't trust his demeanour. Something's not right. I don't say anything as
he dresses - I don't want to anger him, though inside I'm bursting to ask why my
precious routine has been interrupted. Why isn't he on top of me? Inside me? Any
other time I would enjoy watching his little ritual. He buckles his belt and
closes his cufflinks and finally sits on the side of the bed next to me. He's
beautiful. His strong shoulders in a crisp white shirt are something to behold.

"We've got visitors coming, so wear the white today baby, yeah?" And with that
he strokes my cheek, unlocks my cuffs and walks out of the bedroom.

Damn.  I know I should get ready, but somehow my arms and legs don't want to
move as fast as they should. He's invited HER again! I just know it.

Half an hour later my master comes back. I've changed out of my white satin
pyjamas into his favourite outfit - a pair of lace briefs and stockings to match
- white, of course. But my hair is still damp from my shower and I'm only
halfway through applying my make-up. I can tell as soon as he sees me that he's
not happy. I pretend that I don't notice that I'm late getting ready, maybe he's
too busy to notice himself - I should have known better.

"Don't play this game with me today, Jess."

I turn from the mirror questioningly with my lipstick poised in mid-air. The
fury on his face tells me it was the wrong thing to do.

"Come here." He says. I know what that means. I cross the room and kneel next to
the bed with my cheek pressed against the mattress. My palms pressed flat
against the floor. I feel the sting of his cane across the back of my thighs
almost at the same time I hear that familiar "swoosh"...twice..... three times
and I start to cry softly. It hurts. My master kneels next to me and pulls me
into his arms tenderly.

Stroking my tears away he says "you wanna tell me why you're sulking?" I don't
answer. "Fine. But I've got some very important clients coming in 20 minutes and
I'm not about to let you screw this meeting up for me because you've got a bee
in your bonnet. So get ready. If I have to answer the door myself I'm going to
be extremely upset." He leaves. I know he's angry with me but I can't help it. I
don't want to play hostess, I want my master to come back and lock the bedroom
door and fuck me until I'm sore. To push his cock so far up my arse that I can
feel his balls pressing against my skin.

Dejectedly I dry my hair and go to the kitchen for a glass of water. As I pass
by his open office door I can hear him on his phone and the familiar sound is
comforting. Of course, normally I'd be at his feet with my cheek laid in his
lap, his hands softly stroking my hair but maybe things would be back to normal
tonight if today went well.

The doorbell rings and I scurry to answer it, not meeting my masters' eyes as I
pass him. I don't want him to think he's forgiven just yet. The last time he
invited HER he left me shackled on his bed while he paddled and fucked her in
front of me. She moaned like a whore the whole time - loving it. I know I
shouldn't be jealous, she doesn't belong to him like I do. She kissed him
goodbye and walked out the door as if she'd been visiting her mother. But it
doesn't make me feel any better.

As I open the door I have to try very hard to keep the alarm from my face. It's
not HER; it's the security boys - the only worse option. I know my master wants
their contract, but today could be very bad for me indeed! Their eyes light up
as they see me on the other side of the door and I put my head down as I step
aside to let them pass.

I've met them before, of course. My master very rarely goes out without taking
me with him. But this is the first time that they've been invited here. I don't
like any of them. They're all arrogant. But one of them in particular, Tony, I
don't like him at all. He smells like garlic. I'm glad he's not my master. My
master always smells wonderful.

One of the younger men, Ramon, stops on his way past me and runs his hand down
my hip. "Ooh baby, I hope we're going to get a chance to get better acquainted
today. yes sirree."  He looks awfully pleased with himself. I just want to slap
him. I close the door and show them to the lounge room.

It's a beautiful room. My master has a large desk stepped up from the rest of
the room and surrounded by floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city. There
are two large sofas and a coffee table, all upholstered in camel-coloured suede.
At night it's spectacular, the view is breathtaking and the soft lighting from
the wall sconces does nothing to detract from it. It's my favourite room in the
apartment - besides the bedroom. But these men seem to dirty it somehow.

Ramon and Tyson are the youngest of the four, about late twenties maybe early
thirties. Both black, massively built men. Tony and Max are probably both late
thirties, tall and well built, their suits doing little to conceal the huge
muscles beneath. Between them they make an intimidating lot. No wonder their
security company does so well!

I scurry off to tell my master that they have arrived. He barely acknowledges me
as he hangs up the phone and precedes me through the door and I think defiantly
that he is going to pay for mistreating me so badly this morning!

I follow him back into the lounge room and stand by silently as he greets his
guests. When he takes his seat in the leather chair behind his desk I settle at
his feet with my head resting against his thigh.

"So, you insisted on this meeting Tony... What is it that I can do for you?" My
master gets right to the point.

"Senator Baine has given us notice. Either we fast track the upgrade or he's
going to give the state contract to an outsider. We have to get my boys
connected. This week." Tony doesn't look happy.

"This week? The units aren't due out of Hong Kong until next Tuesday. But it's
do-able. I can fly over there personally and see to it. I've got a couple of
prototypes that you can train your staff with until Friday. You think they can
learn it in five days?"

"That's what we hoped you'd say. If you can pull this off then I can guarantee
you the two-year contract for maintenance on the units."

My master seems happy at this. "Then why don't we have a drink to celebrate?
Jess, go fetch our guests a bottle of something nice."  I don't want to. Why
don't they leave now? Their business is done, what are they waiting around for?
But I rise and go to the kitchen anyway; after all he is my master.

When I come back with a bottle of chardonnay and five glasses they seem more
relaxed, joking with each other and my master. As I pour Tony a glass and hand
it to him his hand snakes out and grabs my wrist.

"Why don't you come and keep Tony company, darlin?" I try to pull away but he
won't let go. I look at my master, why doesn't he say anything? But he just
watches over the rim of his glass with a small smile on his face. Tony pulls me
into his lap and starts running his hand down over my stomach. I struggle and
jump up. Now my master is angry.

"That's not how we treat guests in my home Jess. I think you should apologise to
Tony. Be a good girl."
As I look back at Tony I notice that he has unzipped his fly. He is just sitting
there with a smug look on his face. I want to bite it off, but I don't. Instead
I kneel down in front of him and take him in both of my hands. He is nothing
like my master. My master is beautiful, he has a light spattering of hair around
the base of his gorgeous cock, this man is revolting to me. He has a wide, squat
piece surrounded by thick black hair and it smells strange as I suck him. I know
my master is furious. That I will probably be punished later for misbehaving, so
I try to suck Tony as well as I can so that he will be pleased with me.

But when I feel another set of hands on my hips from behind I start in surprise,
surely my master wouldn't let them fuck me? I'm his, and only his! Tony pulls my
head back down towards his lap by my hair.

"Haven't got her trained very well, Mike..." And the hands behind me quest
lower. I kick out and pull against Tony's hands on my hair at the same time,
struggling to get back to my master.

"It's her first group session. I've been keeping her to myself, but feel free.
It'll probably do her some good to be put back in her place. She's been sulking
all morning." And with that there are suddenly four pairs of hands on me,
holding me, carrying me. Each with an arm or a leg, I feel myself being lifted.
I find myself standing facing my master. Only his desk is between us and he
smiles at me as he drinks his wine in his big leather chair. The hands on my
arms draw them behind my back, thrusting my breasts out and pressing me forward
over the desk.

My master opens a draw in his desk and tosses the shackles out of it to someone
behind me. "Here. There's more in the bedroom if that's your fancy." My hands
are dragged in front of me and out, stretched to the corners of the desk.
Moments later my wrists are wrapped in fur-lined cuffs, pulled taught and
strapped in place.  I can feel hands pulling my ankles apart and in a flash they
are shackled too. Strapped to the legs of the desk I can't move them at all. I
can feel the oak pressing into my stomach as I test my bonds, but none of them
give. I'm helpless as hands roughly tear my master's favourite panties from me.

Ramon appears in front of me and kneels up on the desk with his massive black
cock in his hands. " I told you I'd get to know you better." I try to muster up
some enthusiasm as he pushes into my mouth; maybe it will please my master. At
the same time behind me I feel hands parting my arse cheeks, I don't know who it
is, maybe Tyson? Then I have the feeling of a large cock sliding slowly inside
my cunt as Ramon quests further and further down my throat. I crane my neck to
quell the gagging reflex. I feel so full from both ends I think they might meet
in the middle of me!

Opening my eyes I meet the gaze of my master past Ramon. He's slowly stroking
himself through his trousers and I can see that he likes the sight of me being
fucked from both ends. He stares straight into my eyes with a little smile and I
pretend that he's fucking me. That it's his cock my throat is massaging and I
can feel that heat that I love slowly building in the pit of my stomach. I grind
backwards as far as my restraints will allow so that I can feel the balls of the
guy that's behind me against my clit. He picks up the pace and starts pressing
harder and deeper into my cunt, pushing my stomach into the edge of the desk,
but I don't care.... I just want to feel more inside me. My eyes never leaving
my master's.

I feel a palm on the lower part of my spine and suddenly a thumb is roughly
pushed up my arse. It's enough. My moans around Ramon's fat prick start him
spasming in my throat and the contractions rocketing through my body set the
other guy off too. I feel guilty for enjoying someone other than my master, but
he seems pleased with me, so I guess it's ok.

As the spasms through my muscles recede I can feel them both withdrawing. Then I
hear Tony's voice. "You call that training? She loved every minute of it. No
wonder you can't control her Mike. You're too soft." My master laughs.

"You think you can do better?... be my guest." I look up in alarm at my master,
He lights up a cigarette and leans back in his chair casually. What is he
saying? He knows I would do anything for him.  Tony laughingly pulls my head
back by my hair and snarls, "you hear that? For the meantime I'M your master!
What do you say?" I don't say anything - my master doesn't like me to talk to
other people. The hand twists cruelly in my hair and I have to bite my lip from
crying out. "I asked you a question you little bitch! Answer me!"

Cautiously I answer, "Yes, master." and Tony lets go of my head.

"I think you need a refresher course in manners. Max, grab the bigger paddle out
of my case, would you?" On hearing this I try harder to pull against my bonds
again, but they still hold fast.  Ramon and Tyson settle on the sofa to watch
the show as Max retrieves the paddle. He laughs at the alarm in my eyes as he
hands it to Tony. It's huge! In the hands of my master I would relish the
thought of him soothing my cheeks with his palm after each stroke, but this guy
is horrible!

Putting his hand on the small of my back for balance, Tony says "now after every
hit I want you to beg for another, is that understood? Loud." I nod my head
miserably and immediately I feel the burning contact of the paddle against my
right cheek. "I said - Is that understood?!" He says angrily.

"Yes master!" I say immediately. But it's not enough, I feel the sting again
only this time against my left cheek and I cry out with pain. "YES MASTER!
Please hit me again master!

He seems pleased. "Good girl." And he brings the paddle down again and again,
alternating between my cheeks.

"Thankyou master! Please give me more master! AAAAHHHH! Thankyou master!

It seems to go on for hours, but I know it's only been about ten minutes when he
drops the paddle, roughly lubes my bottom and pushes himself hard into my
arsehole. "AAAAGGGHH! Master it hurts! PLEEASE!"

"Don't stop. I want to hear you begging for my cock in your arse bitch!" Tony
saws in and out of my tight hole as I scream.

"Please master... please fuck me harder.... AHhh! .. Stretch me more master!
That's it! MASTER!" Through my tears I can see my master lighting another
cigarette, watching me screaming in pain as anyone else would watch television,
but I can tell he's excited by what he sees.

Tony thrusts heavily into my backside one last time with an almighty groan and
collapses against my back, shuddering with his climax. I can feel the heat from
my bruised cheeks against his stomach and he pulls himself off me. With a
playful slap on my sore arse he says "That's a little more like it. But I think
you should blow poor Max now. He hasn't had any action at all - you're
neglecting him!"

"Yes, master." And with that Tony starts untying my wrists and ankles. I don't
know what he expects, but I move over to where Max is sitting and kneel down
between his legs. He offers his cock to me and I start sucking immediately, not
wanting any more attention from Tony.

"See Mike, twenty minutes of lessons and she's improved beyond belief.  Man is
she nice, give me a few minutes and I reckon I could handle some more of that!"

My master laughs, "go ahead, but don't leave anything permanent. I don't want to
have to pay medical bills for a slip of the hand." Meanwhile, Tyson comes up
behind me where I am kneeling and kneads my smarting arsecheeks with his hands.
He spreads my knees open with his knee and stuffs two fingers into my cunt,
right up to the knuckles. I moan as I suck Max's dick and I can feel his balls
start to clench in my hand. He tastes different to my master, saltier, and I
swallow it all.

After Max pulls out of my mouth, Tyson stands up and takes me with him. He turns
me around to face him and lifts me off the floor and onto his cock. I put my
legs around his waist and my arms around his neck to keep from falling, but I
needn't have. He lifts me up and down over his cock as if I weigh nothing. I can
feel more hands on my back, I think its Ramon and Tyson stops moving to allow
him to position himself against my back passage. Tyson unwraps my legs from
around his waist and pushes me down. I wriggle, trying to pull myself up by my
arms but the only thing really holding me up in mid-air between the two of them
is their cocks!

I moan as they start to move, keeping me pressed tightly between them and I can
feel their chests, Ramon against my back and Tyson against my front. Their cocks
feel so big as they move, gravity keeping me pinned onto them. I look over
Tyson's massive ebony shoulder at my master. I know that we must have presented
quite a picture to him - me with my pale white skin, wearing nothing but my
white stay-up stockings, sandwiched between two huge naked black men and I
relish the look on his face. It won't be long now before he takes me, I can tell
he is horny even though he doesn't move.

Closing my eyes with the image of him still in my head, I lean into the massive
pikes staking me in place and move with them. I feel so full - their cocks
pushing upwards as far as possible and my clit rubs against Tyson's pubic mound
as he strains into me. With this much sensation it's not long before my body
starts to tremble and my orgasm shakes the three of us. The boys let out their
own climax and Ramon withdraws and moves away.

Tyson kisses me softly and sets me back down on the desk, pulling out of my
now-tender hole as he does. I lie there sated as "the security boys" dress and
watch silently as my master says his goodbyes and shows them out. As Tony passes
me he smiles sadistically in my direction and comments to my master that he
wouldn't mind borrowing me sometime soon to "continue our lessons." I am a bit
worried when my master laughs and agrees, saying "maybe I'll send her over next
time she decides to sulk." But I put it out of my head.

When he comes back into the room, my master has a strange look on his face. He
tells me to go shower and disappears into his office. I obey dejectedly - why
doesn't he come back to fuck me? He knows there's nothing I wouldn't do for him.
That I'd even prefer his sharpest cane if only he were there.

After I'm clean I clip myself back into my cuffs on the headboard of the bed and
wait patiently. Surely he'll come soon? I hope he's not angry with me now.

My master finally comes in to find me asleep on my stomach with my hands
stretched above my head in my cuffs. He lies on the bed next to me and runs his
hand over my spine down to survey my abused bottom.

"You behaved very badly this morning, Jess." He says. "I wonder what I should do
about that." I don't say anything. My master doesn't let me speak unless he
tells me to. "Perhaps I should take Tony up on his offer and send you away for a
little holiday?"  I stiffen with alarm and my master laughs " I'll have to keep
that in mind! Turn over, baby." I twist to face him with my shackled arms still
above my head and open my knees to him, the way he likes. "Oh no," he says, "
Not yet. We still have your behaviour to discuss." And he unclips my cuffs and
walks to the cupboard to get his cane. When he turns around I am already
standing with my feet on the floor, bending over the bed with my hands on the
mattress. My master doesn't like it when I keep him waiting.

"How many strokes does a slave get for disobeying her master? One hundred? Two?"
I look up, frightened. He's never beaten me that badly before! "Stay still
Jessie. You move at all and I'll double it. I want you to beg for me, too. Like
you did with Tony this morning. I loved the way you looked when he was fucking
you." And he brought down his arm with a whistling  "THWACK!"

"AAAAHHH Yes master... Please whack me harder! AAAAAAHHH Thankyou master!! More
please master!! AAAAGHHHHH!! MASTER.......PLEEEEASE!" He just keeps hitting.
Again and Again. By 50 strokes I change to begging him to stop. My master has
never been so cruel before. Throwing his whole weight behind every smack.
Sobbing, I plead with him to stop hurting me and finally, after 100 of the worst
strokes I've ever had, he stops. I fall forward onto the bed and lie there
writhing in pain with my arse on fire.

My master sits on the bed next to me and gathers me up into his arms. Stroking
my tears away he says, "You looked so hot today, baby. I wanted to fuck you
harder than I ever have. But you know I can't let behaviour like that go
unpunished." ...... "  'sniff"   Yes, master."..... "Now, go get the salve and
I'll make you feel a bit better."

Still crying I retrieve the balm from the bathroom and lay down alongside him on
the bed. His hands and the soothing cream feel wonderful on my battered bottom
and thighs. He strokes my skin tenderly and starts to explore the folds between
my legs with his fingers, kissing my shoulder blades as he does so.  "Put the
corner cuffs on, babe." He says into my ear. I know what he means and I kneel up
facing the head of the bed and slide my hands into the shackles that are
permanently attached to the bedposts there. He sheds his clothes and walks over
to tighten my bonds. He runs the back of his knuckles lovingly down my
cheekbone. " Now I want to hear you, the way you were with him. You know how."

I can feel his hand sliding gently down my arse-crack as he lubes it and I
spread my knees wider in anticipation. Putting his hands on my hips he pulls me
back towards him and I feel his cock questing for entrance to my tightest hole.
With one thrust and an almighty grunt he buries himself deep in me and I tense
at the abrupt entry. "OOOOOHHHHHH! Thankyou master! Please fuck me hard in my
arsehole! AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! YEESSSS! OH MASTER! Please! MORE!" He pounds me until
I can no longer support my weight with my legs. The intense feelings of his
beautiful smooth cock sliding through me pushing me forward to collapse against
the pillows with him still inside me.

Our climax is beautiful. The lights explode behind my eyes and he falls against
me, totally spent. We lie there like that for I don't know how long, until he
reaches up and changes the cuffs on my wrist to my sleeping cuffs. Rolling onto
his side he pulls me back against him with one arm under his head and the other
around my waist.

"Good girl." And he softly kisses my shoulder before drifting into a totally
satisfied sleep.

I smile widely and snuggle back into his strong arms.

My master loves me.

Review This Story || Author: Artemis
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