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Review This Story || Author: billy_bob

Texas Teenage Slut

Part 1


      Jennifer got off the bus and looked at the barren landscape in the small Texas town she was being forced to spend the summer in. This was definitely not on her list of places she would have chosen to end her teenage years. Her father had died, and she and her sister Allison had been bounced back and forth from a couple Friends homes until the Final chapter 13 paperwork was finished liquidating their Dads business. Her mother Brenda was finishing all that up and was going to follow the girls in a few weeks when everything was settled. Her mothers step sister Sharon was the only living relative they had, and she had gotten remarried and had left their home town of Houston to live here in this godforsaken place with her new husband and his 3 teenage sons on their 2500 acre cattle Ranch. As she looked around for her Aunt she sulked at the thought of spending the next few years in Hicksville Texas breathing dust and smelling Cow shit. Last year she was Head Cheerleader, and one of the smartest most popular girls in school. Her petite size, long blonde Hair and deep blue eyes seem to attract boys like flies. She treated them all like dirt and they would always come running back for more. Even the male teachers gave her special treatment, And Jennifer loved every minute of it! She had quickly learned how to control every situation and loved the way the guys fell all over themselves for a simple touch of her delicate hand. She learned at an early age that guys loved blonde hair and blue eyes and with her looks she could have almost anything she wanted and took full advantage of it every chance she got. Basically Jennifer got her way in every situation and was all to happy to leave it that way. She did not know what to expect in this dirty, nasty, isolated rotten stink hole. She may as well be on an Island alone, and she had no intention of giving any one the slightest enjoyment even for one second. To make matter worse her little sister Allison had squirmed out of the first month of the awful place by attending summer school. So Jennifer was stuck all by her self with a family of cave dwellers. She spotted her Aunt waving as she climbed out of a dirty old Suburban. Jim and his sons were there also and after the normal greetings they piled back into the Suburban and headed out to the Ranch. All three of the boys stared at her from the moment they got to the bus station and she did not like it. Her aunt engaged her in idle chit chat all the way on the long ride to the ranch getting all the latest news on her old friends and family and filling Jennifer in on how wonderful life at the ranch was. She had a wonderful job that she loved working a small local hospital. It was under staffed and she had to frequently work multiple shifts but it was the happiest she had ever been. At the ranch they showed Jennifer her room and left her to unpack and rest up before dinner. She looked around the small room at the simple furniture and surroundings. The bed was small and had an old moth eaten quilt covering the yellowed thread bare sheets. The small closet was far from adequate to hold her clothes and she had no intention of putting her nice clean clothing in the dirty old rickety dresser in the room. The bathroom was right between her room and the boys bedroom with a door leading to each bedroom with no way to lock it. It was just as awful as the rest of the house and she would have to clean it before she could use it at all. She went back to the bedroom and sat on the bed staring out the window at the barren landscape. She decided the only way out of this was to be a complete BITCH the entire summer. If she made their lives miserable they would not want her to come back, and may even let her go home to the city. Jennifer stayed in her room all afternoon and came out only long enough to eat a little supper. After she ate she went back to her room and continued to sulk. The first week there she made it clear to everyone she wanted nothing to do with them and snapped at anyone who even so much as said good morning.

      Jennifer’s Aunt seemed to be at a loss to know what to do, she tried everything she knew to get Jennifer to get along with her new family but it all ended in disaster. Jennifer spent 90% of her time by herself and refused to do even simple chores around the house. Her nasty disposition was causing everyone else to stay mad all the time, and several heated arguments had taken place as a result. The Boys could not even look her way without being accused of being mindless boobs. At the end of the first week Jennifer was completely satisfied that she was in total control of the entire situation and it would not be long until she would be safe and sound at home in Houston in her comfy upper class suburb surrounded by her friends. She smiled to herself as she planned to step things up a notch, if they think she had been a Bitch before, wait until they get a load of what she had in mind next. Monday Morning as the sun came up, Jennifer was woke up by someone banging on her door. It was her aunt Sharon; she told her she was going into the city with Jim to the buy some new cattle and do the shopping for the month. They would be gone for Three days, and she pleaded with Jennifer to try and get along with the boys while they were gone. Jennifer grunted and went right back to sleep fully intending to stay hibernated in her room the entire time they were gone. After all the boys were little better then the Neanderthals they had obviously descended from. She on the other hand was an intelligent, sophisticated, young woman, and she was certainly not even remotely interested in knowing anything about these mental morons that she was being forced to be with. No matter, she thought as she drifted back asleep, I will be free of them soon enough and will never return again!!! She heard the sound of the Suburban pulling away and was soon fast asleep. No sooner has she gotten asleep when some one was banging on the door to her room. Jennifer jumped out of bed and stomped over to the door, these idiots were going to pay for disturbing her sleep and she would just have to put them in their place once and for all. She yanked the door open and started to scream at the three boys standing in the door gawking at her standing there in her T-shirt and panties. While she continued to yell and scream they all pushed into her room blocking the exits completely. The biggest and oldest was Bob, followed by Bruce and Brian. Bob grabbed her arms and held her tight while Bruce and Brian tied her arms and hands tightly behind her. Jennifer was suddenly scared as she realized she was no longer in control. What she did not know was what they had in mind and how much her life was going to change from now on. She darted free from Bob and when she could not get past Bruce or Brian, she ran to a corner of the room and tried to hide as best as she could. She fought and kicked as they grabbed her again but they seemed to be enjoying her fighting them. Bob pulled her out of the corner and tossed her over to Bruce, Bruce handed her off to Brian who took the opportunity to lift her T-shirt up exposing her panty clad ass. With her arms tied behind her there was little Jennifer could do to fight except to kick at them, but that was almost impossible and they really seemed to be more amused then anything else. They pushed her around yanking and tearing at her t-shirt until it was a useless rag on the floor. Her firm young 16 year old tits stood straight and proud as she struggled to get free of the boys. Jennifer pleaded with them to let her go, but that was pointless and she knew she was in real trouble now. After several minutes they pulled the helpless girl kicking and scream downstairs to the kitchen. Bob told her “ you can yell and scream all you want, but no one will hear you.” they tied her arms over her head and stretched her up on her toes in the kitchen and sat down to eat breakfast. Jennifer watched them as they ogled her nearly nude body while they discussed what they planned to do to her. The shame and humiliation was bad enough as she was forced to hang helpless in front of them, it was a wonder they could talk at all she thought to herself. Bruce moved his chair closer to the little blonde and ran his hand up her smooth white thigh right to the edge of her panties.

      Jennifer clamped her legs shut tight, if they were going to rape her she would not make it easy for them. Bruce fingered her cunt thru the thin fabric tracing the outline of her teenage pussy slowly. Jennifer held her breath as her most private place was slowly and deliberately violated. Bob and Brian watched as Bruce kept toying with her panty covered cunt. The longer he played, the more desperate Jennifer got, she begged and pleaded with him to stop and let her go. Bruce slowly peeled the tiny white garment over her hips slowly exposing her pussy hair a little at a time. Jennifer’s Legs were clamped shut tight, but was little help in stopping him from exposing her pussy to all three boys. Stripped naked they left her to hang a little bit longer until at last she was lowered down and Tied to the table in the kitchen. The table was just large enough to allow her Ass to hang off one end and her head off the other. She tried to keep her legs clamped shut but they were to strong and forced them apart. She was tied spread eagle to the legs of the table and was totally and completely helpless now. She watched as they all stripped naked and pointed their cocks right at her. Bob stepped between Jennifer’s open legs and grinned as he rubbed his cock head along the fine layer of blonde hair of her pussy lips. She was getting desperate as she suddenly realized she was about to lose her virginity to him and there was little or nothing she could do to stop him. She was tied so tight she could move her ass a little, but not so she could stop the violation of her body. With a huge grin Bob Slid placed his cock at the entrance to her pussy, desperate to save her self from the fate she knew awaited her she pleaded even harder for him to spare her. He inched his dick into her tight little cunt slowly allowing it to open and accept his manhood on its own. At first it only hurt a little but as he sank deeper into her cunt the increased. He went deeper into her pussy and drew closer and closer to the delicate flower of her maidenhood. Bob stopped just short of popping her cherry and pulled his dick back out. Her cunt was wonderfully tight, and molded itself to his dick as soon as he slid past the lips. Jennifer was confused and wondered if he had changed his mind. The awful burning as his cock spread her cunt lips apart further confused the girl even more. He slid in and out stopping at that point several times before thrusting hard driving his cock deep into Jennifer’s tight little pussy shattering the hymen and her virginity with it. Jennifer suck in her breath hard as his dick split her pussy wide open. She bit her lip to keep from crying out in pain refusing to let them have any pleasure in what they were doing to her. Bob ignored her as he plunged in and out of her pussy. The pain in her pussy was replaced by pleasure as it accepted the invader in spite of the humiliation she was feeling. Bob was enjoying the tight little teenage pussy and had no intention of ending any time soon. He was looking forward to a summer filled with fucking and had no intention of letting her go. Bruce the next oldest had waited as long as he was going to and stepped up to Jennifer’s Head, he placed his dick right on her lips and tried to push it inside. Jennifer was repulsed by the thought of having the nasty thing in her mouth, but she was confused by the way her body was betraying her and reacting to Bob’s assault to her pussy. At first she managed to keep her Mouth closed tight, but with her pussy starting to boil she could not keep it shut and when she open it in a moment of unwelcome passion Bruce shoved his cock inside her mouth and started face fucking the impaled teenage girl. The cock in her mouth was sort of rubbery and she did not care for the taste it was leaving but she knew she had little choice and just wanted to get this whole thing over with. While Bob drove his dick in and out of her cunt Bruce was shoving his all the way in her throat. Each time he hit the back of her throat Jennifer gagged and spit as she tried to adjust to having the male member in her mouth. Bruce pushed his cock all the way into her pretty white throat and left it there laughing as the poor girl choked and gagged trying to expel the unwelcome cock from her mouth. It took her a few minutes but at last she was able to breathe and leave the dick inside her throat.

Bruce began slowly face fucking her once more. Her own feelings of being violated seemed to matter very little as her pussy accepted its role and produced plenty of lubrication for the dick that was driving in and out of it. Now as Bruce continued to face fuck her Jennifer felt a new sensation building side her. She found it hard to concentrate as her body continued to betray her. She felt the tension building in her pussy as Bob continued to pump his dick in and out of her boiling snatch. Jennifer did not know she was meeting each one of his thrusts with one of her own. As the tension built in her steaming pussy her thrusting increased, Bob was also building to an orgasm and was fucking Jennifer fast and hard now. Jennifer found it was impossible to concentrate as Bruce fucked his cock into her face and Bob fucked her pussy. Brian added to her confusion by licking and sucking her ripe teenage tits biting the nipples and pulling them out with his teeth. He would pull the firm resilient flesh out and let go of it watching it snap back in place. The humiliation of being forced to lay naked and helpless while her body was abused this way was the ultimate insult, she was determined to make them pay when she got free. Bob and Bruce finished fucking the girl both at the same time, Bob left her snatch a bloody cum soaked mess while Bruce shot his entire load right down her throat. Jennifer weak from the first round of fucking was hoping for a break, but Brian was ready for his turn. He untied the girl and turned her over so her ass was facing up now. Jennifer wondered what he had in mind, and when he pushed his finger into her tight little ass her blood ran cold. “NNNNOOOOO, please not there, I’ll do anything else, please don’t do that to me, I’ll die if you do”!!!! Her plea’s fell on deaf ears as Brian began pushing his dick into her virgin ass. He lubed it with the bloody cum mixture still dripping from her pussy, and with just a little pressure his cock popped open her puckered ass and he shoved it in to the depths of her tight teenage ass with a satisfied evil grunt. Bob walked around to Jennifer’s head and presented his sticky cock to her to clean with her tongue. Jennifer was repulsed by the thought but she knew at the moment she had little choice except to get thru this ordeal as best as she could. The cock in her ass was killing her and she could not help but open her mouth in response to the pain. As soon as it opened Bob’s dick went right inside her mouth. Reluctantly she started to clean the sticky mess for it all the while Brian was happily fucking her ass. The pain slowly subsided as her ass got used to the cock that was fucking in and out of it, and Bob’s dick began to grow in her mouth as she continued to lick it clean of the blood and cum mixture. Bob’s dick was bigger then Brian’s and she was having some trouble taking it in her mouth. Her jaw ached from being stretched open so far but she had little choice except to do her best to bring him off as soon as she could. Brian was really enjoying her ass now and she was even absent mindedly returning his fucking. Each time Brian’s cock went inside her she could feel his balls hitting her pussy. Bob was slowly and deliberately face fucking the pretty blonde teenage and having shot his load once he was in no hurry to finish. Brian however was already rock hard from watching his 2 brothers fuck their new fuck toy, and began pumping his jism into her ass. He pulled his cock out of her ass and stood back looking at the gaping hole left by his dick. He pointed and laughed as he watched it slowly shrink and close up. Jennifer had little time to rest though Bruce was ready for action and quickly filled her pussy with his dick picking up where Bob left off. For the next 3 days the boys fucked Jennifer almost non stop. Only slowing down to eat and sleep. They all took turns showering with her and sleeping with her as well.  When Sharon and Jim returned, she was glad the ordeal was over and decided not to say anything. Sharon told Jennifer her vacation time was over and she would have to return to her Job at the local Hospital the following morning for a 12 hour shift. The Boys sent a look to Jennifer that let her know if she told it be very bad for her. She went to bed that night wishing this was all over.

      Before she got the chance to get to sleep, Bob snuck into her room and climbed into bed with her. He wasted no time in ripping off her t-shirt and panties, and a quick hand over her mouth let her know he was ready to fuck. She hoped they had their fill of pussy and would let her rest, but it was not to be. Bob looked at the naked teen’s body as she lay on the bed bathed in the moonlight. This was almost like a dream, she was his to do with as he pleased, and Bob had no intention of letting her forget her new role as their personal fuck toy. When he finished Jennifer dressed in fresh undies and t-shirt and went to bed once more. Bruce was in the room almost before she finished dressing. Jennifer quickly stripped naked, before he tore her clothes off and lay back on the bed and waited to be fucked once more. As soon as Bruce finished, Brian took his place and fucked her too. All that week every time Jennifer was alone one of the boys found her and took the opportunity to fuck her or get a blow job. She did not bother to put anything on at night; she knew before the night ended each one of the boys would be in her room to fuck. And she was not allowed to shower alone either they took urn showering with her and it always ended in a fucking or a blow job. Bob also started a new ritual, every morning she was to wake each one of them with a morning blow job. She was fucking so much she started to worry about getting pregnant, so Bob went to one of his friends and got her some birth control pills. The pills at least eased her mind some but she longed for a break, even a short one. Her Aunt seemed to always be at work and at times even spent the night in town at the small hospital quiet often. She said they needed the money until it was time to sell the cattle. On the 4th of July The boys announced they were all going on their annual 4th of July fishing trip. They tried to take Jennifer along, but were sent off by Jim telling them to git and leave her alone. Reluctant to leave their fuck toy behind but unwilling to disobey their father the boys left leaving Jennifer alone. Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief as she watched them Drive away leaving her alone at last. Sharon left for work that morning almost as soon as the boys left.  Jennifer was planning on spending the day relaxing and getting a much needed rest but Jim called her over to where he was sitting at the Kitchen table. “My boys been having a real good time with you” he told her. “I think its high time we got better acquainted. Now how about showing me what you been showing my boys”. Jennifer considered what he was asking for a moment, but Jim did not give her much time to think. Listen girly, if you know what’s good for you you’ll show me some cunt and do it fast or you’ll be real sorry. She knew better then to disobey him and she quickly stripped naked for him and stood naked  front of him. Jim was older and far more experienced then the boys who only wanted to fuck, he knew plenty of ways to satisfy a woman and plenty of ways to have some fun with them too. Please Jennifer whimpered what about my Aunt? Jim laughed at the girl’s plea. Don’t you worry none little girl your Aunt won’t be back until the wee hours of the morning. In the mean time you and I have plenty of things to do. With that he stripped naked and showed Jennifer his massive dick. It was far bigger then his sons and Jennifer just knew it would split her in half if he fucked her with it. Jim had Jennifer kneel in front of him and take his prick in her mouth. She wrapped a delicate hand around the base and took the musty smelling head in her lips and curled her tongue around the un-circumcised head. As she took his dick in her mouth it grew bigger and bigger until it was hurting her mouth to leave it in there. She tried to pull away, but Jim held her head fast and pushed his cock down her throat. Jennifer could hardly breathe with the massive male member in her mouth and her arms flailed futilely as Jim fucked her face with his dick. He wasted no time in filling her mouth with thick hot cum, it ran over her lips and dripped down her chin onto her tits. It seemed like he shot gallons of the thick salty liquid into her belly but at last he slowed down and she milked the last few drops form his cock.

      Jennifer had gotten to be quite and expert cock sucker over the last Couple weeks and this was nothing new except for his size. She had learned from the boys if she brought them off quickly they would leave and she would a few minutes to herself. Jim was different, as soon as his dick unloaded it thick hot load of cum in her mouth, it popped free from her lips and started to get hard all over again. He pulled the naked teen down on the floor and pushed her legs apart. He planted his lips right in the middle of her cunt lips. His tongue parted the thin blonde hair and pushed its way into the pink inner folds of her pussy. This was something the boys did not do at all and Jennifer had to admit she liked it. Jim was a very talented Cunt licker and soon had Jennifer squirming around in sheer pleasure. After a few minutes Jim had already pushed Jennifer over the edge and a giant orgasm rocked her body. Jim pulled her clit from its sheath with his teeth and bit down it while Jennifer began her orgasm. He pulled hard on the teenage girl’s tiny bud causing her to squeal in pain. It also made her orgasm even tenser then it already was and she let loose with a series of grunts and squeals. Jim released the girl’s clit and sat up to look at her glistening sweat covered skin. Jennifer was still lost in the after shock of the huge waves of pleasure she had just felt and lay still on the floor with her pussy lewdly exposed. Jim needed no prompting and knelt right between Jennifer’s long sexy legs. Her pussy was already open and ready to accept his cock inside her. Jim slid easily past her tight pussy lips and slowly drove all the way into her pussy. He stopped when he was deep inside her and allowed her to adjust to his cock. Her tight teenage cunt molded itself to his dick and seemed to clamp itself on like a vice. For Jennifer the feeling was very different, the boys were an ok size but they had nothing on Jim who was clearly more man then any of his sons. Jim began to slowly and deliberately fuck Jennifer now savoring each and every thrust. He had already shot on load off and was ready for a long slow fuck. Each time he would come almost all the way out of her cunt then go all the way in very slow and very deliberate. It was driving Jennifer completely mad, the cock in her cunt was stretching her pussy a lot more then the boys did and the mixture of pleasure and pain was so intense she did not know what she should do. It was not hard to figure out though Jim was going to take his own sweet time and was planning on really enjoying this fuck. He slowly fucked in and out of her tight little cunt, oooooohhhhhh, god you have a tight little pussy, it feels like my dick is in a vice. Ooooohhhhhh, ooooooohhhhhhh. Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!! he moaned as he fucked Jennifer’s pussy. Jennifer was meeting each of his fucks with her own thrusts driving his cock balls deep in her pussy. Jim was enjoying the fuck but was no where near finishing. Jennifer however was nearing an orgasm for the second time, and her pussy clamped itself around his dick as it began to twitch in the beginnings of a huge orgasm. She shoved her hips hard into him wanting as much of his cock inside her as she could get. Jim grinned as he watched the girl succumb to his masterful fucking. His cock went in and out of her cunt as she tried desperately to keep him inside her. Jim took long deliberate strokes with his cock prolonging her agony. Jennifer desperately needed a release now but he was preventing her from finishing by his slow steady fucking. “Ppppplllllllleeease fuck me” she begged him. “I need you to fuck me hard”, fuck me fuck me, fuck me, fuck me fuck me, fuck me, fuck me fuck me, fuck me, fuck me fuck me, fuck me, fuck me fuck me, fuck me, fuck me fuck me, fuck me, fffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuck meeeeeee!!!!! Jennifer was right where Jim wanted her, she was his to with as he pleased and both of them knew it. She writhed and moaned as Jim kept his slow steady fuck going in and out of her boiling pussy. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGG, fuck me fuck me, fuck me, fuck me fuck me, fuck me, fuck me fuck me, fuck me, oh god I need you to fuck me hard. At last the release she so desperately needed came and her cunt flooded Jim’s cock with pussy juice. Sweat was dripping off her skin as she spent herself on his dick.

      Her breath was coming in short quick breaths as he pumped in and out of her pussy. He grinned as the girl fucked his dick hard and fast! She was a hot little bitch and Jim was really going to enjoy her. Jennifer was exhausted now and lay still as Jim continued to fuck her senseless. Over the years he had developed the ability to fuck as long as he wanted without cumming until he was ready, and now it was really coming in handy. He pulled his dick out of her pussy and looked at the lewdly splayed girl lying helplessly on the floor. Her cunt was wide open and the inner pink lips flooded with blood from the giant orgasm she was still recovering from. Jim rolled her over and pulled her ass up in the air. Jennifer made no attempt to fight him as he pushed the tip of his cock against her pink puckered ass hole. The tiny entrance to her ass opened quickly allowing Jim’s dick inside her tight little hole. Jennifer thought the huge dick would split her in half as it plunged into her back door. Jim rammed his dick all the way into her ass slapping her ass cheeks with his cum laden nut sack. Still to weak to do anything Jennifer groaned as Jim drove in and out of her ass driving his dick deep inside her with each thrust. This was heaven he thought as he fucked the teenager’s ass. He could not wait for Jennifer’s sister to arrive; he would bust her cherry himself this time instead of letting the boys do it for him. In the mean time he had all day to fuck his little prize and meant to make the most of it.

End of part one

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Review This Story || Author: billy_bob
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