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Grace's Hard Lessons II Author: Dark Avenger
(Added on Mar 7, 2006) (This month 355446 readers) (Total 635972 readers)
A young female executive finds herself blackmailed into a cycle of submission, humiliation and depravery after being discovered by her colleague that she had embezzled money from the company. A sequel to Grace\'s Hard Lessons.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 25
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Weighed Average (?): (9/10)
Average Rating: (9/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (5/10)

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Reviewer: grinner666 (Edit) Rating: Feb 9, 2010
Good story. I'd have preferred more physical coercion, especially when Grace starts realizing exactly how deep in the shitter her blackmailers are willing to take her, but that's just personal preference.
The author needn't have called it a sequel, however; from what I can see it's simply a continuation of the original storyline and he could easily have just continued THAT story. In any case, a highly enjoyable tale of abuse, humiliation and submission.
I do, however, have a couple of comments.
First, the author MUST learn that when you START a story in past tense, you FINISH the story in past tense. You do NOT change to present tense in the middle of the story. You most ESPECIALLY DO NOT change back and forth from past to present, and back again, in the middle of a SENTENCE. That indicates either a complete lack of writing ability, which is not the case here, or a complete lack of attention to such minor details as making certain the reader knows what the fuck is going on. And if these seemingly random tense changes are something the author MEANT to do, they're just annoying and confusing. In any case, they should be fixed.
Second (and this is just a quibble, but one the author might want to take note of), "LABIA" is Latin for "lips". When the author writes "labia lips," he's saying, in essence, that Grace's lips ... have lips. So either Grace is a fucking mutant, or Dark Avenger needs to learn a few things about language, or human anatomy, or both, before he sits in front of a computer keyboard.
:D (8/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Jan 20, 2009
As a sequel, this holds its ground steadfast. Dark Avenger has enough cards up his sleeve to keep things 'interesting'. A nice niner from me.
JJ (9/10)

Reviewer: jleeetechie (Edit) Rating: Nov 23, 2008
Fantastic pacing. Not your usual hit and run madness. Perhaps it was bit repetitive many chapters ago, but this is one of the best and the mix of action and emotion is excellent! (10/10)

Reviewer: monique997 (Edit) Rating: Nov 20, 2008
Had some good moments but basic premise seems too outlandish, it would be easier to go to prison then go thru all that of course I have a different view.
That being said I am an avid reader, I like reading adult fiction and my spouse is more into the visual side.
Again good story, for me personally I hope she gets to turn the tables on the guys and get out of their clutches.The poor girl has learn a Hard Lesson! (7/10)
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Dec 20, 2008)
A frog dropped into a pot of boiling water jumps out immediately. But if you put it in cool water and slowly turn up the heat, it doesn't know when to jump out and ends up getting cooked. grace does not know what she is getting into at the beginning.
Meanwhile in real life, you have a McDonalds teenage cashier strip searched by her manager and her manager's fiance at the instruction of a phone caller they have never met. She does not run, is made to perform oral sex and is sodomised. No more outlandish than that.

Reviewer: redlegtiger (Edit) Rating: Oct 23, 2008
Love the gradual escalation of Graces enslavement and humiliation. Hope to see more in the future. (9/10)

Reviewer: ramses (Edit) Rating: Jul 21, 2008
Very enjoyable story. It gets better all the time. I didn't really like the constant repetitions of the plot in the first part, the second part is much better. (10/10)

Reviewer: maimai1311 (Edit) Rating: Jun 24, 2008
Nasty... Can't imagine wat Grace had to take in future.... Great story (10/10)

Reviewer: gnomhawaii (Edit) Rating: May 2, 2008
Very good storie. I hope you have written still more chapters.
GH (10/10)

Reviewer: Beemer9 (Edit) Rating: Apr 12, 2007
Very hot story. Dark Avenger's blackmail plots have me eagerly awaiting the next chapter. (10/10)

Reviewer: slutsteph (Edit) Rating: Mar 2, 2007
no one writes like Dark Avenger!!! no one makes his sluts sizzle like he does! (10/10)
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Mar 6, 2007)
Thank you, girl. Do write me - would like to get your view on some ideas I have for upcoming chapters.

Reviewer: Dbones (Edit) Rating: Jan 10, 2007
MUST READ! I check daily for updates. The story is intensely erotic and flows well. The author paints the story in detail and flavor unsurpased. (10/10)
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Mar 6, 2007)
Thank you for the top marks. I have been wondering myself if more readers prefer a faster pace of the plot and lesser detail, or if more readers prefer detail and don't mind something stretching over a few chapters. Like the third bondage shoot is stretching over three chapters.

Reviewer: Massen (Edit) Rating: Sep 28, 2006
Very good. I hope their are more to come!! (10/10)
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Dec 2, 2006)
Thank you. Chapter 18 and 19 have been posted, but not yet published by the webmaster. Should be up soon.

Reviewer: Paulsir (Edit) Rating: Sep 28, 2006
Great story , excellent humiliation looking forward to more humiliation in front of her boyfriend (10/10)
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Dec 1, 2006)
I welcome your ideas and suggestions. Email me on how you think she should be humiliated in front of her boyfriend.

Reviewer: masterdw (Edit) Rating: Sep 11, 2006
excellent story. love the humiliation. Looking forward to more pain. Would love to see pictures. Looking forward to next installment. (9/10)
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Dec 1, 2006)
thank you. write me for the pictures.

Reviewer: learningtopleez (Edit) Rating: Jun 1, 2006
Such a great story about humiliation! You pull the reader in and are making me beg for more! ;) Reading about Grace just gets me all hot and bothered! Thanks for a great read Dark Avenger! (10/10)
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Jul 25, 2006)
Thank you for the compliments. grace_slut will soon be begging for more too. For pictures to accompany the story, please email me.

Reviewer: chksng19 (Edit) Rating: May 16, 2006
Hot story, good as the first. But I don't have a 30 inch wide monitor, sadly, so I spent most of the time scrolling back and forth. This story deserves a better score!
Now that the formatting concern is addressed, I can give the story the scor it deserves. A fine cotinuation of Grace's Hard Lessons. (10/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Apr 20, 2006
why did you repost it andwhy on earth didd you use such a poor layout it like reading 1 long paragraph
Nice redo, thanks for a GREAT storey, hope there is more like it to come either with Grace ort another story similar, please let mek now, i sent you an email about it (10/10)
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Apr 30, 2006)
Thanks for re-rating my story. I am hoping the other reviewers who initially gave a low rating due to formatting can do the same.
Note to all readers: If you like to see pictures of what Grace wore in chp 3, email me.

Reviewer: ThisGirl (Edit) Rating: Apr 19, 2006
The author does not disappoint. He continues with the gradual heightening of Grace's degradation and forced depravity, leading us by the libido deeper down the lusty spiral hand in hand with Grace. Thank you again, Dark Avenger. (10/10)
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Apr 20, 2006)
ThisGirl, thank you very much for your review of both GVHL and GHL, and the kind compliments. There will be more to come, very soon.

Reviewer: darkavenger (Edit) Rating: Apr 11, 2006
The formatting problem has been fixed. (10/10)

Reviewer: Coffeecup (Edit) Rating: Mar 19, 2006
This is a real good story! Love to read more! I gave it a en, be cause the rating is much too low now! (10/10)

Reviewer: RhondaLee (Edit) Rating: Mar 13, 2006
A good beginning of the previous story (9/10)
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Jul 25, 2006)
Rhonda, thank you for the rating. As the sequel to Grace's Hard Lessons, the story of GVHL begins as several flashbacks to the events in the first volume, but will move on to the present day by chapter 15, where Grace is drawn irreversibly into the world of bondage and fetishwear, slut display, and public humiliation.

Reviewer: bracemaiden (Edit) Rating: Mar 12, 2006
Yes, the formatting is annoying. However, it is the story that matters. The copy/paste into Word works just fine, and it's a hot story! The dichotomy of Grace trying to be normal while forced to be slutty is wonderful. (8/10)
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Mar 13, 2006)
Thank you. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about the formatting til the webmaster fixes it. In the meantime, I would suggest to all readers NOT to read/review the story as yet - please give a few days for the problem to be corrected. thank you

Reviewer: isabeau (Edit) Rating: Mar 9, 2006
i love this series. however like the others i couldnt read it because it took too much scrolling back and forth and so lost appeal to me. can it possibly be fixed? sorry (5/10)
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Jul 25, 2006)
isabeau, the problem has been fixed, hence appreciate if you could review and rate the story again. Thank you.

Reviewer: jip (Edit) Rating: Mar 8, 2006
Notice to readers: Select the full text, copy and do a paste special where you select "unformatted text" into ms word. You will have a formatted easy readable version!
Not bad this story.
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Mar 8, 2006)
I'm not sure why this has happened because it was fine on my MS-Word. Have already contacted the webmaster to re-publish.
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Jul 25, 2006)
Jip, since the formatting had been fixed since a few months ago, could you re-rate the story please?

Reviewer: bigcat (Edit) Rating: Mar 7, 2006
Please reformat. Looking forward to reading this sequel to an outstanding first story but the line spread is too arduous to maintain interest. Sure I will change my rating later when the change is made. (5/10)
Replied by: darkavenger (Edit) (Jul 25, 2006)
bigcat, since the reformatting has been done, could you please review again please?

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