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Losing the Super Bowl Author: The Technician
(Added on Feb 11, 2009) (This month 57865 readers) (Total 70362 readers)
A first person account of a bet gone bad at an office Super Bowl party. Shelly learns that she should have made all of her bets with Kelly before the game while they were both still sober.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 7
3 Votes
3 Votes
3 Votes
3 Votes
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3 Votes 2 Votes
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3 Votes 1 Vote 2 Votes 1 Vote
3 Votes 1 Vote 2 Votes 1 Vote
3 Votes 1 Vote 2 Votes 1 Vote
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 43% 14% 29% 14%
Weighed Average (?): (8/10)
Average Rating: (8.5/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (7/10)

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Reviewer: afk8214 (Edit) Rating: Feb 22, 2009
Good start to the story but it needs another update or two to make it really worth reading. (7/10)

Reviewer: Curtis (Edit) Rating: Feb 20, 2009
I agree with Major Littman's critique, but not his rating. This is one of those stories where the sex/bdsm is talked about, but not really described. If there is a continuation telling about the following week (and I hope there will be), that gripe could go out the window. (I'd like to claim I would revise my rating in that case, but I an no longer able to edit my reviews or reply to other reviews.) (7/10)

Reviewer: fitzgilbert (Edit) Rating: Feb 14, 2009
short but good (7/10)

Reviewer: JimmyJump (Edit) Rating: Feb 12, 2009
Good story. But it bears a little too much resemblance to "Tigers and Bears, Oh My!" by Euryleia Rider, to my taste.
JJ (8/10)

Reviewer: efwb2 (Edit) Rating: Feb 12, 2009
Loved the story cant wait to read the next chapter.
EL (10/10)

Reviewer: wyst1716 (Edit) Rating: Feb 11, 2009
I've always loved the "bet out of control" scenario. Thanks for this! (9/10)

Reviewer: Major Littmann (Edit) Rating: Feb 11, 2009
Well written as usual for The Technician and I guess if you are into football or whatever super bowl is this would be a 10 but it's too much game and too little BDSM for me to score it 10 (9/10)

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