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Alice In A Bind Author: Pick Up Man
(Added on Apr 19, 2002) (This month 96114 readers) (Total 177965 readers)
A beautifull T.V. Anchor Woman is kidnapped and taken to a mountain cabin where she is bound tortured and raped along with her teenage daughter.

Ratings and Reviews:
Number of Ratings: 6
2 Votes
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1 Vote 1 Vote 1 Vote 1 Vote 2 Votes
1 Vote 1 Vote 1 Vote 1 Vote 2 Votes
1 Vote 1 Vote 1 Vote 1 Vote 2 Votes
1 Vote 1 Vote 1 Vote 1 Vote 2 Votes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
17% 0% 17% 17% 0% 17% 0% 0% 0% 33%
Weighed Average (?): (6/10)
Average Rating: (6/10)
Highest Rating: (10/10)
Lowest Rating: (1/10)

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Reviewer: sharkshark (Edit) Rating: Sep 27, 2012
Excellent story! Would it be possible to continue it? I would love to see the guy call up his ex-girlfriend to come over and assist him. I envision her as a twentysomething big beautiful woman. She is strong but very feminine with huge utters and a big firm ass. She throws alice around for a while while the guy is getting oral from Amy. Then they switch, and the big lady teaches Alice's little girl all she'll ever need to know about how to please a woman. Thanks! (10/10)

Reviewer: mkemse (Edit) Rating: Jan 20, 2007
the story was ok, the layout and spacing is very poor (6/10)

Reviewer: Nitrofox (Edit) Rating: May 12, 2003
This isn't a particularly original story. There are most likely millions like it. The fact that sentences and paragraphs seem to go on and on doesn't help matters either. Punctuation is improper, in the rare occurence that it is even used, and grammar is also relatively non-existent. I was going to give this a two, but when I read back over my review, I decided a one would be better suited. (1/10)

Reviewer: boccaccio2000g (Edit) Rating: May 11, 2002
I'd give the author a 7 for enthusiasm, but only a 2 for writing style and sloppy syntax. And a 1 for its endless paragraphs. Another hour or two of editing might have made it a much better story. (3/10)

Reviewer: hyphen666 (Edit) Rating: May 3, 2002
There is nothing original or even novel about this trite tale. The non-existent proof-reading certainly doesn't help. The author should try to write complete sentences that express choherent thoughts. Other than that there is nothing wrong with this sleeping pill of a story. (4/10)

Reviewer: kiketort (Edit) Rating: May 2, 2002
Althought seems to be a chapter missing (That of the beginning of treatment) it is a well told story fully detailed. Hope to see more chapters. (10/10)

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