BDSM Library - Revenge of the breeder of Borg

Revenge of the breeder of Borg

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A Starfleet officer from the USS Voyager gets assimilated by Breeder Borg's and he is out to get revenge on Captain janeway, and anyone else who is with her.

On a grassy plain of a planet in the Delta Quadrant five humanoids materialized out of thin air. High above in orbit is the space vessel from which they live eat, sleep and sometimes die. The ship is the U.S.S. Voyager of the United Federation of Planets commanded by Captain Kathryn Janeway. The Voyager landing party consisted of two males and four females. Their mission is to locate edible food supplies to restock the starship Voyager.

Unknown to the small starship or to the landing party, another small craft crashed landed on the planet a week earlier. It has already sent a distress signal to its nearby mother ship and of the original crew of five only two survived the crash -- both females. Unlike the Voyager landing party these survivors were not interested in food supplies. Their mechanical instrumentation that has been implanted into their biological form told them everything they needed to know about the new visitors. The instrumentation also permitted them to think and act as one. They are known as the Borg. A cyborg race of beings that has the sole purpose of searching the universe for technology and beings that would make the Borg the absolute perfect life form. The hive of perhaps hundreds of millions or even billions of drones worked, thought, fight, and lived as a single being. All controlled by a single female queen.

They take only what they need and only destroy when resistance occurs. All technologies and live forms become the Borg's properties. If the technology is something the Borg has not seen before they copy it and improve it. The life forms of which the Borg encounter are unwillingly violated by artificial automated machines, hundreds of times smaller than human cells, that the Borg inject them with. These "nanoprobes", as they are named, immediately and painfully create internal mechanical devices in the host that force them to lose all self will and independence and force their brains to think as one with the Borg. So, in less than a minute they become a Borg.

That is one way the Borg keep there intense numbers however the Borg on this planet, that are watching the Earth crew, do not use assimilation to find the perfect life forms. They are breeders. Deliberately forcing a male and female to sexually join each other to create a perfect biological being. They are now short two breeders. They already calculated of who on the Voyager landing team would be regular drones and who would be breeders. The landing party broke up into two groups, and the two Borg drones maneuvered to intercept each individual group.

Both landing parties had their own individual weapons as in hand phasers or phaser rifles. Weapons that use a combination of laser and particle beam energy. Plus, they also had small scanning devices. However the Borg had previous experience with the crew of the starship Voyager and their many devices. The Borg learned from the experiences. They developed a shield around there body that matches the individual energy frequency modulation of the weapons thus they cannot be killed or injured by the weapons, plus they also know the frequency of the scanning devices so they can move without being detected. The first group composed of a female lieutenant commander and two female ensigns, and the second group composed of a male and female lieutenant and a male ensign. The scanning devices of the groups detected no dangerous animals so each group broke up to a single individual.

Ensign Susan Lochery from the first group got "assimilated" first. The Borg slipped around a tree and injected the nanoprobes into Ensign Lochery's neck using three titanium tubes from its fist. She fell down with her eyes wide open in shock but soon her complexion started to change to a different color and on the left side of her face mechanical hardware immediately started to form. She never had the chance to scream for help. Group two was slightly different as a green Rigellian lieutenant female met up with a Borg face to face. She froze in fear and screamed before being assimilated herself. Her group leader, Lieutenant Marion Hakes, heard the screams as well as Ensign Mark Hathor who was working nearby. Both of them ran toward the direction and saw the young female being transformed on the ground. Hakes knew that it was a Borg transformation

The lieutenant followed the standing orders given by his commanding officers months ago -- if any crew become assimilated show mercy and kill them. Mr. Hakes lifted his phaser and fired it onto the female from Rigel. She died instantly. The second group leader hit his com badge, "HAKES TO LT. CMDR. L'TAR! WE GOT BORG ON THIS PLANET! LT. LITH'KA IS DEAD!" As he waited for a reply he heard a struggle in the brush. Ensign Hathor stumbled out as his hand covered his neck. He was attempting to fight the fast moving transformation into another Borg drone. His right hand is raised toward his leader as he begged for mercy. Hakes gave him what he asked for and the ensign flew back ten feet from the impact of the phaser beam. His emergency com was finally answered, "Mr. Hakes, you and Ensign Hathor report to the beam down sight immediately." I lost contact with both of my people!"

On the USS Voyager they received the distress call from the landing party. They were able to locate L'Tar and get her back to safety, but before they were able to locate Lt. Hakes they detected a very unwelcome visitor. A Borg ship shaped like a pyramid! Lt. Tom Paris was the first to spot it, "Borg Pyramid in our sector Captain. Five minutes to intercept." Captain Janeway immediately stood up "SHIELDS UP. SOUND RED ALERT!" She looked towards Chakotay, her human Executive Officer. "What is it with Borg and geometric shapes?" The heavily armed Earth warship of a crew of less than 150 immediately had all her defensive systems and weapons fully charged and armed. But even this powerful warship is no match when it comes to the Borg. Over the speakers on the bridge the typical Borg hail in monotone was heard, "WE ARE THE BORG. YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED. YOUR BIOLOGICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DISTINCTIVENESS WILL BE ADDED TO OUR OWN. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE." The general quarters order brought several crew to their bridge positions. One of them is a blonde human female called Seven of Nine. A former Borg drone set free with the help of Captain Janeway to find her human side. The young adult looked at the incoming Borg ship while Captain Janeway used the final minutes to search for the last crewman. The expression on her face turned into intense fear. She dealt with the Borg before but this Borg Pyramid is the worst thing in her past fears.

Seven of Nine walked to the ships captain and her fear was instantly detected in her voice, "CAPTAIN! WE CANNOT STAY HERE ANY LONGER! YOUR CREWMAN IS GONE ON THE PLANET!" Kathryn Janeway turned slowly to the human female being surprised by her outburst. "Seven? What's wrong? You never acted like this before." The former drone turned toward the forward view screen, "A Borg Pyramid. They seek perfection through breeding. Any female they assimilate will be forced to breed in search of the perfect biological distinctiveness. If they capture Voyager than all of the females on the ship will be forced to have children, and some of the males may be used to assist on breeding them. They did it once to me before many years ago." No other words were said except the constant reminder that the Earth vessel would be in weapons range of the Borg ship soon,

On the planets surface Lt. Hakes met up with Ensign Tritt a black human female. In fleeing a Borg drone she lost her communicator badge. The superior officer placed his hand on her shoulder; "We'll be going home soon. Hakes to Voyager, two to beam up. I have Ensign Tritt with me." The Captain heard the hail from the planets surface just before a powerful energy weapons from the Borg Pyramid rocked her ship. The blast threw the bridge crew like rag dolls in a tornado. "WE LOST AFT DEFLECTOR SHIELDS CAPTAIN! NUMEROUS HULL BREACHES REPORTED! BORG PYRAMID IS STILL OUTSIDE PHASER RANGE!", the warning came from an unseen crewman. Captain Janeway reached for her chair com, "Lt. Hakes. We are under heavy attack and we need to break off. Attempt to avoid the Borg on the planet and locate a safe place to hide until we get back. Janeway out! Helm; plot a course out of here Warp Nine! Mr. Tuvok, fire a barrage of aft Quantum Torpedoes to blind our escape." Three faster than light torpedo's blasted out of the aft torpedo launcher just before the small starship sprinted to over 700 times faster than light! However, on the planets surface, Lt. Hakes only heard "we need to break off" from all the jamming. "THAT DAMN BITCH! SHE'S ABANDONING US! FUCK HER!" LET'S GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE BEFORE THE BORG FIND US!"

Hakes and Tritt ran off hand in hand to stay together. More Borg transported down to the planet as the USS Voyager made her escape. As the two attempted to climb a steep hill other Borg drones spotted them. In the forest clearing the former Ensign Lochery laid flat on her back with her clothing removed. She could not move or scream as the Borg collective took over her mind. Her eyes are focused upward and she felt the cool breeze over her naked skin. Her reddish brown nipples hardened, and she felt her legs being pushed apart. Shifting her eyes downward she saw a male Borg drone whose mechanical cone extended outward. Fear took over her as she felt the extremely large and wide funnel forced into her pussy. Once inside of her vagina, she felt a warm muscle extend itself out of the cold steel like device. The sensation was not the same as she felt when warm fluids went into her by her boyfriend on the Voyager, for the sensations were far more sensual. Her nerve endings felt the miniature vibrations that the Borg dick transmitted. Surprisingly she felt no pain whatsoever. Her eyes gazed at the Borg face that is over her. She felt her body being rocked by the constant thrusting. The Borg drone pushed himself up off of her, and her eyes moved downward to see the grayish colored device pull out of her pussy with green fluid flowing from the head of it.

"Lieutenant, they found us!" Both of the last of the landing parted stopped in front of four Borg drones. Hakes fired his weapons at point blank range but the Borg personal deflector shield easily absorbed the energy. The lieutenant yelled and sprinted toward the drones with the weapon in the air. The Borg drone raised its hand and jabbed the Terrain's neck with four titanium tubes. Mr. Hakes automatically stopped. In his mind he started to hear the thoughts of the Borg. He saw the naked Ensign Lochery through another Borg. The thoughts in one voice ordered him to face the black female ensign that he escaped with. "AFRICAN HUMAN FEMALE. SENSORS DETECT HUMAN EGG IN RIGHT FALLOPIAN TUBE. HER BIOLOGICAL DISTINCTIVENESS WILL BE ADDED TO OUR OWN. BREED AND ASSIMILATE". is all that he heard.

Marion's body moved against his will towards Ensign Tritt. His eyes are fixed on Mrs. Tritt face. She looked around as the other Borg stood watching them, and froze in fear as she saw the Borg transformation on Lt. Hakes. Every instinct told her to run and at the last second she did only to be stopped by the large hand of Hakes on her shoulder. "Lieutenant? It's me Ensign Tritt. We can still run." Hakes other hand grabbed a hold of her upper tunic and ripped it downward. The young woman screamed and fought to get away from him. He continued to gaze at her as her breasts bounced from her struggles, 'RESISTANCE IS FUTILE" he spoke in a monotone voice. Her one-piece tunic tore down past her hips and she is forced down onto the ground and the Borg Hakes finished pulling off the uniform. He opened the crotch portion of his uniform and an extremely erect penis with Borg metallic plating came out. "NO MARION! PLEASE GOD HELP ME!" She continued to scream as the new Borg forced his new metallic planted dick past her very black hair bushy covering and into the surgically tighter pussy. The mechanically enhanced dick drove deeper into her cervix and Tritt continued to scream from the pain that she felt. As the semen is released with "Borg" assimilated sperm to head directly to the lone egg; Tritt felt more pain on the side of her left breast. She turned her head as Hakes stayed on top of her ejecting the last semen and she seen the four tubules out of his wrist penetrating the soft skin of her breast.

Hakes got up after the pain stopped. Tritt's body shook violently from the two points of assault. The egg was soon after fertilized and the genetic code within it began to change. Hakes, Tritt, and Lochery in there pre-Borg implants were transported up to the Borg Pyramid. Within a day more implants were surgically attached to them. The two girls had their right lower arm amputated to fit a multi-task mechanical arm. All three's left eye was removed to give them more enhanced sensory. The former Lt. Hakes also had several new capabilities added to his new Borg skin and brain that permitted him to phase into walls and become invisible. Two weeks later as the Borg Pyramid assimilated the crew of an alien freighter, the Borg Hakes (now designated as one of six) was forced to move to another part of the Pyramid where he met the former Lochery doing her duties. The database to him told of the egg that has been released in her left tube, and as she turned around from his instructions a circular opening appeared beneath between her legs. Hakes lifted her upward and joined a connector onto the opening were his very long and large penis fired out of the connection into her hairless pussy. No other Borg noticed the sense of pleasure that came across Hakes' eyes as he felt the texture of the inside of the pussy of the Borg know as Three of Six (Lochery) with his naked dick. The deposit is quick and both drones separated from each other to continue their work. It was time, for the Drone formerly known as Hakes, for the regeneration cycle. The Drone moved to his alcove and deactivated to "sleep".

In a very small percentage of Borg drones there is a recessive mutation from the forced DNA changes. This mutation permits these drones to enter a realm known as Unimatrix Zero as themselves and not as a drone. Here they can associate with other drones that have the same recessive gene, and Marion Hakes finds himself walking through a fog shrouded grassy plain. Although all of the drones are in a dream state and their bodies are not real in this domain, somehow they can interact with each other, feel each other, and enjoy each other. Hakes have already noticed that some drones are even having sexual relations. Another thing that Hakes did noticed is that with a thought anything will form out of nowhere. Unimatrix Zero both acts like a dream and reality.

His memories still have all the things that he had done as a Borg drone, as well as the memory of him raping Ensign Tritt before she became a drone. The memory of the recent fucking of Lochery also was fresh as well as the scent of her body's chemicals from the joining. Too bad he could not get Captain Janeway for abandoning him! Because he began to realize that he actually enjoyed the rape.

Around him in Unimatrix Zero are members of a large variety of aliens both male and female including a small number of humanoids. One such humanoid is a sixteen-year-old Romulan girl who is sitting by herself. She is T'Pal. She was on one of the Romulan outposts near the Romulan Neutral Zone at the age of seven when a Borg Cube attacked and either destroyed or assimilated the outpost crew, as well as several Federation outposts. Hakes saw her a few times, and knowing that she is a Romulan he also knew of her superior strength against humans. If he chooses to rape her than he needed to do something about that damn super strength! There is no type of energy weapons in Unimatrix Zero and her superior hearing would prevent him from sneaking up. However, on the planet Vulcan there is an insect that can cause temporary paralysis and Romulans are very similar biologically to Vulcans. All he had to do is to have the insect and to somehow get that insect to bite her. Then she will have no strength in stopping Hakes from raping her.

It took quite many more "sleep" cycles for Hakes to get the insect by wishing for it and to enter Unimatrix Zero the same time the Romulan did, but finally both entered the reality/dream world together. Hakes stalked the Romulan teen from a distance and carried the four of the large cockroach size insects safely in a leather bag. He also has a hollowed out stalk of a tubular plant that will serve as an excellent blowpipe. Earlier he used practice ballistic shots to get a good ideal on where he needs to be. Now, he hides behind a fallen tree and blows out the first insect. The Romulan heard something hit the ground behind her before she turned her face crating a large gap on top of her clothing and totally unaware of another insect being propelled through the air whose ballistic path is leading it to that gap. She jumped when she felt the insect land between her breasts and as her breasts pressed together from her swift movement the insect got more irritated and dug its powerful talons into her soft tissue releasing an overpowering venom into the bloodstream. Her hand successfully grabbed the insect and through it out, but her legs collapsed under her weight as the venom attacked her nervous system. She laid on the ground unable to move a voluntary muscle with her eyes wide open and her breathing fast and shallow.

Hakes got up and dumped the last of the insects on the ground. Walking slowly to the paralyzed Romulan he had a huge grin on his face as he removed his pants. Once he got to the Romulan he rolled her over onto her back by his leg. "Welcome to your nightmare Romulan. Perhaps your so-called "elements" will bless you by awakening you or me from our sleep cycle before you get raped." Hakes mocked her before he squatted down to rip her top off of her body. He heard many things about Romulan women and their bodies. One detail he heard about is that all Romulan women have small dark brown nipples and none of them has areole. The exposing of her greenish tone breasts verified with that detail. But the detail he was very interested in finding out lies within her vagina and it's internal muscles and nerves. Her pants were pulled off just as quick as her top and now Hakes' dick became wide and hard. "Too late Rommie. Your body now belongs to me. Resistance is futile!"

The Romulan pussy is extremely tight to get into from its evolutionary building to handle a Romulan male's extreme strength, but Marion finally is able to penetrate the outer muscle wall and pump into her. That is when the next rumor surprised him. The Romulans body actually started to help the process of breeding by tightening around the male human's penis and actually pulling it in deeper by rhythmic muscles and nerves! The pain on his penis was extreme from the Romulans super tight muscles whose evolutionary traits are designed to keep the penis in her. Even as he voluntarily stopped driving into her, the Romulan vagina took full control and literally slammed his hips onto her body. Only when her body detected the flowing of the semen did it automatically stopped. Hakes pulled out of her fast and gripped his throbbing penis. The crimson red tone that replaced the former white with brown tone penis frightened him. The pain is more horrendous then he ever felt and the tip of the dick felt like it is on fire! Looking back down on the greenish entrance that has white semen glazing it he noticed the still ongoing erratic inward pulsations that caused him so much pain. He stumbled away from her still in pain.

Fifteen minutes later Hakes' penis returned to its placid state and original color. Noise from the area of the Romulan caught his attention, and he wondered whether or not the Romulan teen is now up and walking.

The noise was not the Romulan but a human female. Still unseen by Hakes, the young human woman kneeled down to the Romulan female and covered her with her original clothing before she and the clothing phased out of sight as the drone's sleep period ended. "At least your nightmare is now over." The blonde said out loud, and she heard extra noise in the brush in the distance. It may be another person who was assaulted is her first thought and she slowly moved toward the direction. Hakes hid in thick brush as the human female came into his view and he could not believe his luck as he recognized the female from the his old ship Voyager! The woman is the ship former Borg -- Seven of Nine! She has a proper name but "Seven" is the name she preferred. The pretty blonde walked past Hakes unaware of the danger that lurked behind her, and she got startled when her body got grabbed from behind and a strong hand covered her mouth!

Unlike the crew from the USS Voyager Seven had very little training in military hand to hand combat and found herself overwhelmed by the more stronger attacker. As she desperately tried to pull the hand off of her mouth (so she could scream), she became more frantic as her breasts were man handled harshly. She squirmed and maneuvered to try to get away from the painful squeezing and pinching, and she calmed down as the assault stopped. Even that was short lived as the hand forced itself down inside her pants! She desperately wanted to cry out loud as she felt the large fingers force themselves into her most private feminine sexual organ! "It's nice to see you again Seven. I figured I would never see you again, but now that you are here I figured that it would be appropriate to see and feel more of you."

Seven of Nine recognized the voice from her past however her mind is more on the current time as she fought to keep her pants from being forced off by the attacker. Hakes realized that is sleep cycle is almost over and he desperately wanted to leave a personal message to Captain Janeway through Seven of Nine. Forcing her against a tree was simple. As well as ripping the blouse off of her and groping the left breast. It has been a long time since he felt the soft and fatty tissues of a natural human utter. Seven's eyes open widely when she realized who was sexually assaulting her. The hand on her mouth slowly released its grip unlike the one on her breast. She nervously followed the instruction from Hakes to remain quiet as he slowly released her mouth. "I would love to fuck you right here Seven but my time is nearly up. Are you still on the Voyager with Captain Janeway?" Seven acknowledge his question before Hakes continued, "Good, then you can pass on a message to the bitch! Tell her that I have made an agreement with the Borg Queen. The agreement is that once the Voyager gets captured then all the women will be transferred to my ship and I get to personally fuck Captain Janeway plus all the other compatible women. Including you Seven! Call it a personal thank-you for abandoning us on the planet. Both Tritt and Lochery were also alive when they got raped themselves, and you knew that was going to happen but you still left them!"

"She had no choice!" Seven fired back. "You knew of her primary concern of getting the crew home. If she stayed any longer then the whole ship would have been assimilated!" Hakes' face got very close to her face as he pressed his body against hers. The hand is now off of her breast but she felt crushed by his naked chest against hers and the horrible feeling as his warm and hard penis pressing on her panties. Hakes answered back, "I had no choice in raping many females either Seven. Unfortunately for them I'm enjoying myself in the process. And I want to rape Captain Janeway and her female crew to get back at her for abandoning me!" Seven felt nauseated as her lips forcibly met his for fifteen seconds before he automatically disappeared. She re-clothed her body and ran to several friends that she made in Unimatrix Zero.

Like the other Borg drones (both current and former) that are in Unimatrix Zero, she also left the dream world when she woke up from her sleep period. She left her cubicle that is constructed in one of the cargo rooms, and rushed to the Voyager's captains quarters whom is a very good friend and mentor of hers. There she told Kathryn Janeway of many things she heard while in Unimatrix Zero. The most important of which is the frustration that the Borg Queen is having in losing control of her drones that are in Unimatrix Zero and her plans of torturing, mutilating, and killing the drones to find how to stop them from getting into Unimatrix Zero. She also told Janeway about Hakes and what he had done to her. After discussing the situation with her command crew in the conference room the Captain made a decision that would eventually destroy Unimatrix Zero as well as freeing the drones from the Borg control who went to Unimatrix Zero.

In doing so the Borg Queen ordered the destruction of one of her ships with thousands of drones, but the Queen lost this battle as a large number of her drones regained their freedom and took control of the Borg ships. The Borg Pyramid that Hakes is in is one of those ships. He and about fifty other former drones fought for control of the Pyramid. The battle for control led to the destruction of the Pyramid and three former drones managed to escape before it self-destructed. One of them is Hakes. He and the other two safely guided their escape pod to a populated planet. All three worked together to construct three separate ships to help them get home. Hakes planned to find his own home -- the USS Voyager! Fortunately, with the help of the other two former Borg, he is able to connect with Borg sensor and scanning and easily found the experimental Federation ship. During the construction he became a close friend to one of the other former Borg that is near his age. She, like Hakes, is also a human and her home is in this far quadrant of the galaxy. But somehow her people are not connected anyway with people from Earth but had the same evolutionary process as the humans on Earth did. The only exception is that her people never had any wars!

The two shared one last meal before they had to leave. In the previous months she had try to convince Hakes to go home with her with no luck. She seen the anger in his soul as they worked together to remove the Borg implants from their bodies. Most of the body armor has been removed with the exception of around their reproduction organs, as the armor is now part of the organs. The female ex-Borg (whose name is best translated as the "flower that blooms in winter") moved much closer to Hakes and brought his hand to her naked breast. Unlike the majority of the female Borg on the pyramid her duty was to assist in nursing the newborn children and the previous Borg implants kept her breasts as matured as a teenagers breasts. Her eyelids closed as his hand gently explored the soft curve of her motherhood and gently rolling the flat brown nipple up to and beyond the erect hardness into a very large nipple.

Hakes introduced her to French style kissing as he pressed into her breasts with his fingers and she returned the favor as she explored his military formed chest muscles obviously enjoying this new way of sexual excitement. Her hand went lower to his pelvis to locate the Borg device to activate his penis. Unlike the natural expansion by engorged blood vessels, the Borg found ways to give the male penis a maxinum enhancement and once activated Hakes' dick stretched out to ten inches long and a circumference of six inches. The young female bent down to cover his huge manhood with her mouth and to press it backs to her throat. The Starfleet's officer arched his head back as he savored the enjoyment of the young woman's tongue. As she sucked and teased the enhanced muscle, the hands of Hakes once again fondled her breasts and she groaned from the pleasure of her breasts being teased. After minutes of intense pleasure the Starfleet officer forced her face up to his lips and his hand went down between her legs; "I want to fuck you so much. Tell me to fuck you. Tell me to fuck you hard!" She looked at him in confusion as he said the words.

"What do you mean by "fuck"? I do not understand what you want.." Marion Hakes brought her pelvis closer to him so that his still erect and wet penis rubbed against her brown pubic hair. With a smile he continued speaking to her in a soft tone, "I want to mate with you, to breed with you, to guide this (he placed her hand on his dick) inside of you here (he moved her hand onto her womanhood)." She bent her head down in sorrow, "I want you in there as well my friend but it cannot be done. The reason that I never became a breeder on the Borg Pyramid is because I am imperfect from a genetic disorder. Give me your hand." She took his large hand and guided his long and wide fingers past the outer lips of her vagina and into what he thought would be tight and warm tissues. However just beyond the distance of his fingernails the finger came to a muscular obstruction.

She continued with tears starting to fall. "I was born with a partially formed reproduction organ. The entrance is fully formed but the internal organs never formed and the muscles fused together. I can never fuck as you say it. I can never have any children." She laid her head onto Hakes' shoulders and wept bitterly. Marion wrapped his arms around her as she cried. "Let me give you something that the Borg never took away from you." She pushed herself up looking at him in curiosity. He wiped a tear off of her reddened face, "Lay down on your back and permit me to show you." The human female cracked a smile on her face in anticipation of what he is talking about and she rolled on her back to find out. First she became nervous as her legs are pulled apart, however the ticklish sensation of the male blowing on her vaginal lips and hair created a soothing smile, "What are you doing down there?" she asked him as his fingers gently moved the fleshy pussy lips aside. "Ah hah! I figured that you may have this!", he commented just before he brought his mouth to the targeted area.

Waves of sensation rolled through her body, and she gripped on whatever she could find as her body tightened and arched from the pleasurable ecstasy that she volunteered to let her body goes through. Never in her life, even before she became assimilated, has her body gone through such pleasurable agony! Her screams of pleasure aroused Hakes even more as he continues to tease her fully formed clitoris. Beads of perspiration grew into a solid coat of water on her body as she slowly climbed the mountain of her climax. Outside of the two combined starships a para-military group from the world the former Borg's have landed on approached the never before seen vessels. The human female screams gave the soldiers the wrong impressions of one of there own females were being tortured, and they had their orders not to permit the ships to escape. So, using their inferior weapon technology, they fire explosive armour piercing shells at the two joined space vessels.

The female Borg was near her climax when they heard the first sharp clang on the joined ships and out of instinctive reaction both of the drones stopped what they were doing and went to their individual cubicles that connected their brains to their individual ships. Essentially, their minds became one with the ship. Whereas Hakes had to slide through a connecting tunnel to get to his cubicle, the naked female Borg got to her cubicle in less than ten seconds and seen the attackers. Unfortunately for the natives that were attacking, the female Borg was agitated because they interrupted an event she never had before and her agitation was copied into the weapon systems of her cubed shaped vessel. The weapons are minimal for a Borg starship but even the minimal amount became very deadly to the vastly inferior technology of the native attackers and they received the full force of an energy-based weapon. At the blink of an eye all of them, as well as their equipment, were literally converted to plasma.

Hakes got into his cubicle just before the female Borg "defended" her ship, "WHAT IN HELL ARE YOU DOING! THEY POSED NO DANGER TO US!". The angry screams shot through the internal communications. Only after the Borg weapons was discharged did the female realized what happened, "I AM SORRY! MY FRUSTRATION WAS SENT TO THE SHIP! WHY DID I DO THAT?" The ships sensors showed there reading into Hakes' mind and he seen a new and very real danger approaching. "We need to separate and take off. I got four aircraft approaching from the northeast at 125 kilometers. They are armed with guided weapons with nuclear type warheads." The girl argued at him and begged not to separate from each other for she wanted to reach her orgasm. Hakes shot back, "WE CAN REJOIN IN SPACE BITCH! I CONSTRUCTED THIS SHIP TO SEND ME HOME, NOT TO JUST STAND AROUND AT GET MYSELF DESTROYED BECAUSE SOME DUMB ASS CUNT DECIDED TO WIPE OUT SOLDIERS WHO PREVENTED HER FROM REACHING HER CLIMAX. RELEASE THE DOCKING LOCKS NOW!"

She could not believed what she is hearing! This other Borg who became her lover is more concerned over his pitiful mission to get home then he is about her needs! "We can lift off together..." The reply was cut off by a powerful rock from a Borg weapon. Hakes is trying to destroy the docking ring with his own weapons that were designed to be more powerful than hers! As she attempted to disable his weapon platforms the two ships violently broke apart. Hakes' cube was moving away at a high speed. The female Borg pursued the fleeing male Borg in pure anger. As the two ships left the planet's orbit, Hakes was preparing the quantum drive engine to propel the Borg Cube into incredible speeds but he failed to realize the female Borg behind him. Her weapons signaled her interception. The first weapon hit caused major damage to Hakes ship, "I THOUGHT THAT YOU LOVED ME! ALL YOU WANT IS TO GO HOME SO THAT YOU CAN MATE WITH OTHER WOMEN! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!" Hakes' cube damage is severe but not in any vital area as he brought his attention of the female Borg. He brought his weapons online and locked all of them on the female's cube. He had to destroy her before she hits his Quantum engine; "You already know what your problem is. Your mating organ is defective and you do not want to be mated any other way. Goodbye." Torpedo's from Hakes' cube found there target and the female Borg's ship tumbled out of control from three direct hits before exploding from a warp core breach.

Eighteen months later. Planet Earth, Sol star system. Alpha quadrant.

Kathryn Janeway, newly promoted to an Admiral, finished packed her luggage for a long needed vacation on Risa. Months of debriefing of her experiences in the Delta Quadrant were exhaustive and sometimes controversial. Despite her wishes, she met with a half Betazid mental counselor named Diana Troi and became fast friends with her. Counselor Troi recommended the vacation to Janeway as well as Seven of Nine (who is a good friend of Janeway). Diana Troi would join them, they will pick up a botanist of Earth named Kako O'Brien and finally they will dock at Deep Space Nine where a friend of Troi will be joining them -- Counselor Erzi Dax.

Deep inside a starbase (that is orbiting Earth) a lone VIP yacht is being loaded for Admiral Janeway's extended vacation. The two female crewmembers have been making sure that everything is perfect for the long trip. Individually, they also handle the engineering and communications. The Orion communications officer sent a coded message to Deep Space Nine giving them the itinerary of the planned voyage to them in case of an emergency. A single passenger Borg ship that is under a cloak of invisibility intercepted the coded communication. The male pilot spoke out loud to himself; "Admiral Janeway is taking a trip to Risa with six other girls? Then this is one trip that she will never forget!"

The Borg pilot knew of the capabilities of both of the starbase over the Earth as well as the space station known as Deep Space Nine. Although is small craft is invisible to scanning devices and sensors, the pilot also knew that the military arm of the Federation is always searching for ways to detect cloaked vessels with Romulans and Klingons having the sole right to develop them. He has the advantage of surprise and an edge of technology on his side. Plus, the tactical knowledge of starship captains learned from the assimilations of the Borg. Finally, after a few hours, he detected the VIP yacht leave the starbase and he followed it getting as much information as possible about the defensive and offensive capabilities of the small ship. Usually, these VIP ships have a fighter escort but apparently Admiral Janeway felt that there is no need for such escorts. The yacht has minimal shields and deflector plates, minimum weapons, but very comprehensive communications. He needs to destroy the communications arrays before he boards it and make Janeway think that she destroyed his Borg ship. As they approached Deep Space Nine he again stayed in one spot and waited for a day before he detected the yacht leaving once again with seven luscious babes on board.

The trip to Risa would take over twelve hours. He decided to use an assault tactic that a Romulan Captain used to kidnap a Vhoranian princess. As his ship increased its velocity to intercept he charged up his weapons.

In the yacht Kako O'Brien volunteered to make the meal for the four other women, as the two assigned crewmembers either piloted the craft or kept the engines running. The Orion helmsman/communication was not paying attention when the Borg ship materialized off the port stern. As soon as it de-cloaked it fired a faster than light offensive weapon to knock out the yachts deflector shields on the first shot. The yachts passengers and crew felt the shock wave of the hit, and as the Borg ship passed it launched a second torpedo locked onto the communications array. The powerful blast knocked everyone off of their feet and caused structural damage to the yacht. The Asian Kako screamed in pain as a massive piece of equipment fell across her leg breaking it in three places. On the bridge the massive explosion instantly killed the Orion, and in Engineering the Bajorian officer attempted to keep the warp field together however shock damage caused safeties to kick in and the yacht slowed down to sub-light speeds.

As Seven of Nine and Dax helped the civilian O'Brien, Admiral Janeway and Commander Riker-Troi made it to the bridge where they found the badly burnt Orion. Troi told the admiral that the communications array was destroyed and they are unable to send out a distress signal. Janeway gently pulled the dead Orion off of what was left of the helm, "Engineering, we lost helm control up here set a direct course to the nearest planet with all possible speed." As Janeway moved to the tactical station she listened to the report from the engineer on the damage, and that they will have warp drive back in less than a minute. However, un-noticed by the Bajorian female a human male materialized behind the warp core and he instantly became invisible.

Admiral Janeway noticed the (now automated) Borg ship approach them. "The Borg! I knew they would come looking for me sooner or later. Dianna, transfer all power to the forward phasers. Their shields are still up but they will drop them before transporting over." The counselor looked toward her, "Admiral, we have no shields." Janeway smiled, "They won't want to destroy us. That would be too merciful. OK, that's the power we need. The one thing about the Borg that I learned is that they always transport at the exact distance every time." Soon after an audible hail went onto the speakers, "WE ARE THE BORG. YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED. YOUR BIOLOGICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DISTINCTIVENESS WILL BE ADDED TO OUR OWN. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE." Admiral Janeway smiled as the ship approached, and as she knew the shields dropped exactly where she thought. "ASSIMILATED THIS!" The Borg ship exploded as it received a direct hit by the small vessel's primary weapon. Both women breathed a sigh of relief. "Janeway to Ensign Kott damage report." The engineer replied immediately, "I got the shields back up and the warp field has been aligned. Hull integrity is down to 72%, Warp 5.8 is the best I can give you." Janeway ordered her to return to Deep Space Nine. Ensign Kott turned to enter new commands in the computer, but she got the wind knocked out of her as her back got slammed onto the engineering department wall. Her hand reached to press the communicator on her tunic. Before she reached it she felt her tunic being ripped as a warm and harsh hand squeezed her naked breast. Looking upward she saw a human male smiling at her, and before she had a chance to scream another hand slapped her mouth shut.

Kott attempted to move away from the wall but the stranger kept her in place. Fear and anxiety started to overwhelm her especially as her tunic ripped more. Soon she felt the cold metal of the wall with the bare skin. The entire upper part of her tunic was torn away, and the harsh hand on her breast squeezed harder and she soon felt the wetness of a tongue and lips on her other nipple. Pain from one nipple being crushed as well as the other breast being bit into wanted to make her scream in pain. Finally the hand came off of her mouth and she breathed in deeply to scream. Pain and a hot feeling raided on the left side of her face before she could scream and she fell down onto the deck floor. She never realized that the bottom part of her tunic has been ripped off. Her bald pussy has a glaze of blood from her bi-monthly period and she felt more pain as she is roughly flipped onto her belly and felt someone get on top of her and forced her face down.

"Too bad that you are on your period Bajorian. But, it is much worse for you that you happen to be on the same ship as Admiral Janeway is. Because of her, you will lose your life. But, I'm going to have some fun with you first." That is when she felt something hard and massive force itself into her ass hole. The Bajorian screamed as it went deeper into the narrow cavity, Not only was the intruder fucking her has he has also slid his hands under her chest and tightly squeezed her small boobs. The pain in her is intense. She felt the head of the rapist's dick ram her pelvic bone and the weight of his body made it difficult for her to breathe. Each thrust into her became more painful, and finally and fortunately there became a final and very hard thrust. It was then she realized that he finished pumping his semen into her. Unfortunately, no one heard her screams since she was far from the rest of the crew. She is still in pain as the stranger never pulled out of her ass hole and his hands continue to crush her breasts. Then a new pain entered her chest as the Borg's metal needles came out of his knuckles and directly into her heart!

As the blood stop flowing into her brain the pain subsided. The last sense she felt was her body becoming cold and the pain in her ass hole dulled to nothing. She turned her head to see the attacker and see the half Borg. Her eyesight started to fade away before she collapsed. Hakes flipped the girl on her back and pulled her legs apart. When the last of the crew comes looking for her then they will get an eye full!

The Borg then moved to the engineering controls and added some Borg devices to prevent any attempt of the Starfleet personnel to get re-control. Once he had full control he changed course and speed. But it was not back towards Deep Space Nine; it is toward a place known as the Bad Lands. The vengeful Borg left engineering by "phasing" into the walls and cloaking himself. He will wait a day before raping the next crewman.

Admiral Janeway called the women together for a conference a few hours after the attack. Kako O'Brien was treated and her leg was mended after they got the equipment off of her. Janeway expected everyone to be on time and after Kott became very late and refused to answer her communicator both Janeway and Seven of Nine went to engineering after the computer located Ensign Kott. They spotted her naked body as soon as they entered the engineering. Janeway ordered the rest of the woman down there to try to figure out what happened. It was easy to figure out that the ensign was anally raped, and it took just a little bit longer to find out that she died from a forced massive heart failure. Seven of Nine is the one who figured out what attacked the engineer. "The controls to the ship are locked out and are slowly being assimilated. We probably have one drone on the ship but there is no logical reason why Ensign Kott was raped and murder." Counselor Troi stepped in, "But aren't their Borg Breeder's who rape females?"

"Yes, there are breeders." Seven of Nine answered. "But they only rape for breeding purposes. Ensign Kott was on her menstrual period and she was raped in a non-breeding area. Plus, the Borg only assimilates and not murder." Admiral Janeway covered the dead crewman, "Unless we are dealing with a former Borg drone. For now on all of us stay together until we eliminate this person. Dax, are we on a course to DS9?" The youngest member of the groups told her of the course into the Bad Lands. Janeway knew that if they get trapped in there then they might never see home again. As with the previously dead helmsman, the engineer's body was jettisoned into space after they re-clothed her. As soon as they left engineering the doors locked behind them, and the former drone now had his own quarters in which he could control the ship and its systems. The last surviving crew tried to access the weapons lockers to arm themselves, but the Borg had already locked those lockers beforehand.

Hakes decided to attempt to add fear to the officers by switching on the intercom, "Good thinking Admiral Janeway in keeping everybody together. However I do have control of the ships systems, and that means that I have control of you. Another one of you will be raped in 21 hours and 39 minutes, and I wish you luck in preventing it from happening. Each day one of you will be raped -- including you Janeway! Once we reach the Bad Lands then I'll continue to rape each one of you over and over again until you commit suicide or kill me. If you can." Admiral Janeway demanded that the intruder identify himself, and the reply is to wait and find out when she gets her ass ripped open. However, Seven of Nine recognized the voice from the past. "It is Lt. Hakes. He was assimilated some time back and became a breeder. He warned me that he enjoyed the act of forcing himself into a female and that he is want to do the same thing to Admiral Janeway for revenge." Janeway nodded her head, "I remember you telling me of him in Unimatrix Zero Seven. But why does he want to rape all of you when it is me he wants?" Erzi Dax gave her a possible answer that he wanted to hurt her emotionally as well when she finds out that friends or crew are being hurt.

The five women moved into the conference room. Hakes decided to scare the shit out of one of the girl's eight hours before the plan time of assault. He shut down the lights in the conference room and entered the room using the phasing and cloak technology that the Borg gave him. Using technology that enabled him to see in the dark he moved around and gently touching the butt's or the breasts of his future victims. Each time he touched someone there were frantic shouts of the touching. He moved closer to his intended target who were apart the others sitting in her chair and drinking coffee. Admiral Janeway stood up off the chair to try to detect the intruder. That gave him the opportunity he needed and he moved in fast pushing Janeway to the wall. She screamed for help as he injected the nanoprobes into her neck just before ripping the top part of her tunic off completely. Seven of Nine found him and pounded the back of his body, and after doing what he wanted to do Hakes phased through the walls.

The lights turned back on quickly and the rest of the girls seen the topless Janeway. They came to her aid and they all seen the holes in her neck from the injection. But she was not transforming into a drone. Her tunic was ripped to the point where it could not be repaired, and soon after Janeway found out why she was injected as a voice entered her head. "Your thoughts are now my thoughts Kathryn. Everything that you see I will see. Everything you hear I will hear. Before I attack one of your crewmembers I will inject other probes into them, and you will see, hear, and feel what they feel as I rape them. Now look up and say goodbye to your crew. The next time you see them in this room they will be naked and raped." As she started to yell to the women they all materialized into thin air by a transporter unit. Each of them re-materialized in their own cramp quarters except for one. Kako O'Brien found herself inside the yacht's holodeck and an image of a forest appeared. The original clothing she wore is now gone and is replaced by tight beige slacks and a front buttoned red blouse. She also noticed that she is braless. With fear building she ordered for the holodeck's arch to appear so she could get out. It did not appear because Hakes already eliminated all commands except his own. In less than eight hours Kako will be raped.

With one hour left Hakes moved toward O'Brien. There are already simulated sounds of animals that Kako heard. She attempted to trek through a forest of pine trees that had no distinguishable trails and she came across a field of very high grass. Marion, hidden like a chameleon, jabbed her right butt cheek and nanoprobes invaded her blood stream. Quite a few holograph mosquitoes have already bitten Kako and she thought that one has just bitten her ass. In less that ten minutes later Admiral Janeway started to see and hear everything that Kako is. The forest behind Kako disappeared and she stood in the center of this grassy field. Fear almost completely consumed her as she trembled, cried, and turned around in hopes of finding an escape. Something grabbed her left leg and she screamed as she fell downward. It was then, through Kako's eyes, that Admiral Janeway got her first good look at Marion Hakes. Unfortunately for her, Janeway also felt the intense fear that Kako was feeling especially when the slacks and panties were forcibly pulled off of her.

The holodeck is near the quarters of the other girls and they were hearing the screams of the civilian botanist as Marion lay down on top of her as he continued to rip off the rest of her clothing. The fingernails of O'Brien attempted to scratch and claw her attackers skin only to be stopped by his defensive shielding. Janeway found it difficult to breath from the nanoprobes that transferred the entire attack from Kako, and even though Janeway's uniform is still on she felt something going into her pussy even though nothing is there! Of course Kako felt it to because the Borg's dick was actually forcing itself into her hole.

Janeway is flat on the floor. Her legs are spread apart just like Kako's. Her brain saw the image of Marion pushing himself up with his hands pinning down the arms of both girls. Marion sneered at Kako knowing that Janeway could hear him as well as feel her pussy being violated. "Enjoying yourself lying on the floor unable to move Admiral? This woman's pussy is tight and dry, and her small titties are perfect size for biting. Her nipples are smaller that her brown nipples Kathryn. You will be able to experience the rape of all the girls before you get raped. Now, you will understand what it is like to be raped. Now all feel the Borg enhanced dick ladies!"

Marion's dick was at its natural erection size when her entered the inner regions of Kako's pussy. Using his thoughts the dick swelled in size and grew longer penetrating deeper into Kako -- deeper than her husband Miles has ever done! Satisfied at the length Marion rocked his hips to start the delivery process. No one in the room heard Kathryn grunting and screaming in pain as her own pussy started to become saturated with its own fluids. Kako's neck was arched back as the dick rammed deep into her cervix and she screamed as loud as she could. Her breasts bounced with each inward thrusts and Marion easily held his semen for over fifteen minutes using Borg technology. Kako's head and upper chest became a shade of red far before Marion released the semen into her. He got off the extremely exhausted Kako and groped her naked breasts even as she tried to roll away into a fetal position. Marion forcibly rolled returned her on her back and placed his fingers onto the saturated entrance into her womb. "Here we go again Admiral!", Marion commented with an evil grin as he pushed his entire fist inside between O'Brien's legs. Both O'Brien and Janeway gasping at the pain brought on by the huge fist that forced itself as far as possible into her. Ruptures in the membrane of the vagina caused it to bleed heavily as Hakes removed his hand.

He ordered the computer to transport both O'Brien and himself directly to where Admiral Janeway is. In the far corner Kako curled up into a fetal position, and Marion walked over to Kathryn of who he grabbed her by the hair and threw her on the table. With one hand holding her down on the table by gripping her neck, his other hand ripped the tunic between her legs and placed his hand on her very wet pussy. Janeway muttered "bastard" in a very anger tone. "I may be a bastard Admiral, and you are a bitch! You left us on that planet and you abandoned us. This is pay back time for me. The next woman will be raped in her ass hole and you know what that means. Who will get raped next? Will it be Dax, Troi, or perhaps your good friend Seven of Nine? It will not be you though...yet." Hakes disappeared into thin air thanks to his personal transporter unit.

With his Borg capability Marion walked on the deck by the crew quarters. He stepped into the rooms unnoticed to check and choose the next victim. Seven of Nine was desperately trying to open the locked door. But Marion made sure that nothing short of a phaser blast would open them. Counselor Troi sensed his presence when he stepped in and Marion told her that it is not her time yet. Finally, he moved into Dax's quarters. In there the youngest of the group is taking a sonic shower to try to relieve her stress, and unlike Troi she never did sense his presence even after he entered the shower and stood in front of her in his cloaking and phasing mode.

For a small girl her breasts are large and still erect for her age. Being a five-foot Trill, the most distinguishing feature of her are spots running on the sides of her body from the top of her head down to the bottom of her feet. Gawking at her naked body made Marion's dick swell. Her "D" size breasts has large brown nipples surround by much larger yet lighter brown areola. Beneath that flat belly with a deep navel lies her pussy with a thin coat of brown hair. From his angle, as she moved to wash her body, he could tell that the outer folds of her pussy spread out like the pedals of a flower making it look like a fat pussy. Erzi once again turned to face the unseen intruder. She got startled as her whole body was pressed against the wall, and a moment later the sense turned into pure fear as she finally realized that what was holding her against the wall is a 6.25 foot Borg with one arm pinning her neck, and the other hand forcing her legs to stay apart as it spread across her vaginal area.

The other two girls that Marion dropped in on jumped at the loud scream of Erzi Dax. The sonic shower masked the tears that are streaming from her eyes, and she trembled from the fact that the Borg is bending down and she felt his tongue and teeth ravage her right hand side nipple. What was worse for her is than three of his fingers are now pressing deep into her pussy. There is little pain to the intrusion because her body does not need foreplay to get the pussy ready for insertion. Her last two lovers, the Klingon Lt. Cmdr. Worf and Dr. Julian Bashir, found that out easily themselves.

Marion straightened up to face Erzi directly with less than an inch separating them. Her frightened blue eyes looked directly into the brown eyes of the intruder. He smiled, as he smelled the sweet breath of his panting pray; "Your pussy is much too easy to get into Dax. I prefer tight holes to rape. Now is not the right time for us to fuck. Tomorrow you will get milk forced into your pussy because I have detected an egg waiting for me. But not before I force my large dick into your ass hole. There is nothing in your symbiant's memory that compares what will be forced into your body." Before Dax had a chance to answer the intruder both of their lips joined together. As he pressed his flat chest against the two very soft breasts Marion closed his fingers inside Erzi's pussy. Her hips reacted to the building pain and a fiery sensation enveloped it as the Borg spikes ejected out of his knuckles and into the fleshy interior. That is also the very first sensation that Janeway felt from the direct line of communication. As Marion slowly re-cloaked and phased he assured Dax that he would see her in the morning. She slid down on her butt crying ignoring the frantic calls on her intercom by Dianna Troi. A few hours later Dax returned the call telling her exactly everything that happened.

As time passed Erzi paced her small quarters uneasily. She had very little sleep during the night. She flinched as the ship received its first jolt from the plasma storms in the Bad Lands. She heard the main engines shut down as the ship coasts its way into nowhere. The Bad Lands is one area in space that no large ships can survive in one piece very long, and small ships like the VIP shuttle can be tossed around like a twig in rough waters. As the shuttle entered a plasma current the shock through Erzi off of her feet and her head hit the wall of the sleeping quarters knocking her out cold. When she woke up she found herself near the tree line of a mountain trail without any clothing on. She recognized the trail from a childhood memory of camping in the mountains on Trill. The air is hot and muggy. She soon realized that she is in the shuttle's holodeck and assuming that the safeties have been deactivated she found a massive stone and a solid branch. If the Borg is going to rape her then he is going to have to fight her first!

What seemed like hours went by as she walked cautiously on the mountain trail. "WHERE ARE YOU!" Erzi yelled at the top of her lungs, "YOU SAID THAT YOU ARE GOING TO RAPE ME! ARE YOU AFRAID OF A WOMAN WHO IS GOING TO DEFEND HERSELF?" The simulated cool breeze caused a chill on her naked body, and the wind also carried the sound of a savage animal that a former lover (Lt. Cmdr. Worf) told her about that lived on his home planet of Kronos. It is the Targ. A vicious and destructive hairy hog. A saber tooth beast with an ivory horn and bony spikes along its spine. The Targ has a vicious temper and will attack anything without reason. Her primitive weapons would have no effect on this beast and she seen three of the beasts walking over a far hill with their noses in the air as in an attempt to locate the Trill. Erzi turned and ran down the mountain trail as fast as she could. With the Targ's running at a slightly faster pace behind her Erzi turned into a tight cavern and climbed upward. The rough minerals of the volcanic stone scraped and cut her un-clothed body but she finally made it to a ledge and sat down on a boulder to catch her breath and cry from the stress.

The good thing about the holodeck is that Marion can hide anyplace he wants to be and at that particular moment Marion disguised himself as the rock that Erzi is sitting on. He had the holodeck heat and humidity turned up and Erzi's wet body reflected the simulated sun. Erzi bent her head down between her knees since she felt dizzy as the humidity is getting to her. Her eyes went wide as the stone turned into humanoid legs and two powerful arms wrapped around her chest! "I told you that I was going to rape your ass hole and pussy Dax!", Marion announced as his dick grew more erect. As Dax tried unsuccessfully to get away, Marion forced her ass cheeks to align with his growing penis and after getting it between the two muscles Marion thrusted his hips upward until the head of the dick found the tight hole.

Everyone on the shuttle heard Dax's screams as well as Janeway's. Mrs. O'Brien attempted to comfort the Admiral as she twisted her body on the floor. Erzi is forced on the ground with the massive dick still buried into her ass as Marion positioned himself to go in as deep as possible. Gulps of air joined the demonic screams of Erzi as the former Borg started to do hard and slow thrusts into the stretched out hole. Marion pulled out and disappeared from view. Slowly, Erzi pushed herself up and became confused on why the assault ended. She feared that it was going to become an ongoing rape. She remembered about what he claimed that an egg of hers has been released from the ovary. There is no way she could tell where the rapist would come from, and she figured that he was close to her and deliberately waiting to make her more fearful, "COME AFTER ME AND GET IT OVER WITH!" Erzi yelled into the room. She is afraid, and she stumbled on trembling and crying. Every time she heard a noise she was sure that the Borg would come out and rape her.

Being cloaked, Marion enjoyed seeing the fear from Dax. He already knew on how he was going to get her pregnant As Erzi continued to walk; Marion revised the holodeck program to have the trail give way to the young counselor. She is about to meet more terror that she never thought of!

The ledge came out of nowhere to Erzi and she rolled down the rocky slope into a mountain stream. After she got up she spotted three Targ's within a few meters of her! All of them were snarling with saliva dripping from their mouths. The largest one lurched and tackled her down into the stream and its jaws snapped as Erzi fought to keep its jaws away from her bruised and weakened body. The beast managed to clamp down on her left arm, and Erzi managed to grab a large rock with her right hand and used all her strength to smash the Targ's ear. The massive animal howled in pain and Erzi got up and ran while holding her bleeding arm. Behind her the last two Targ's followed in pursuit.

Being unbalanced Erzi's sprinting speed has diminished greatly that gave the approaching Targ's the greater advantage. One of the Targ's is actually her captor using one of his many Borg programs, and unseen by Erzi Dax, this Targ's dick is fully extended. She turned just as the Borg/Targ leaped toward her. This time it was too late for her because the Targ's jaws clamped down onto her neck keeping a steady and tight pressure.

She is completely drained and prepared to be eaten by the heavy beast that is on top of her. Her pain sparked as the other Targ licked her open wound. Surrender to death her legs relaxed. Expecting her neck to get crushed she instead felt something hairy, massive, firm, and warm sliding into her pussy! The Targ does not want to eat me, she thought. It wants to mate with me! As she looked up in shock the Targ on her transformed into the Borg! She did not resist the Borg as he rammed deep into her vagina. She felt the warm fluids spread inward inside of her. After the Borg finished delivering the semen Erzi found herself on the conference table in front of Admiral Janeway. Her body continued to ache however there are no injuries like she seen on the trail. It was all-unreal. Except the fact that semen is dripping out of her pussy!

Admiral Janeway quickly went to Dax. "Admiral, check out the screen.", sounded the voice of her captor. The screen showed the new program in the holodeck and another of her female guests is in it. "ANNIKA!" Admiral Janeway cried in torment as Annika Hansen appeared on a simulation of a Borg ship. Annika is designated as Seven of Nine.

Seven recognized the simulation immediately as a Borg breeding ship. The memories of her being forced to breed flooded her thoughts. Before she willingly gave her Borg controlled body to be bred, and she knew that the former Starfleet officer will were one of the Borg's and will probably grab her when she least expects and rape her. Seven of Nine has never been more incorrect as Marion stalked her from one of the many cubicles. In less than eighteen hours only two will be left to be raped.

Seventeen and a half-hours has passed. Seven kept moving and dared not to sit and rest. Even though she is getting tired. Ever since Voyager reached Earth the scientists and physicians managed to release her of a majority of Borg implants. She did not need to be in an alcove anymore to be "recharged". She enjoyed the sensations of being a wife and lover to the former first officer to the starship Voyager. She even had her vagina opening surgically altered to help both Chakotay and her enjoy sexual interactions. Every time a simulated Borg moved she jumped. She even seen breeding being occurred. Annika jumped after a Borg hand touched her shoulder. She slipped away and ran.

As she turned around a corner she is grabbed by a Borg female of which it pulled on Seven's upper tunic and ripped it apart. Admiral Janeway seen and heard the screams of her adopted daughter as seven continued to run. Her large breasts bounced with her very step. The image zoomed on the former drone's large pink nipples and areola. The camera moved outward to show Seven dodging several Borg's as thy attempt to grab her. One of which grabbed her ankle and Seven fell down on the deck only to lose the rest of her clothing. However, Seven did not give up as she pulled away.

Marion enjoyed watching the attempted escape as well. The Borg permanently made Seven incapable of having children. However for her husband's pleasure she has a bald pussy!

On the same path that Seven is running a simulated male Borg activated his penis and it grew into a long and large organ. He grabbed the hair on Seven's head and forced her down on her knees and he stepped out of the alcove with his dick approaching Seven's mouth.

The screen in front of Admiral Janeway zoomed in on the tense face of Annika Hansen as the huge dick pushed inside of her mouth and the Borg forced her to have oral rape. However, Janeway is also on the floor being forced to take the same punishment of her adopted daughter. Several other male Borg's approached Annika, and she is forced to lay on her back as her mouth continued to be violated. As the first Borg positioned himself above her face, another one lifted her body to slide underneath it and ram his massive organ into her ass hole. and held her thighs apart leaving her pussy wide open. Marion came to her and looked toward the camera that is showing the double hole assault. Without saying a word he bent down and put his mouth onto the Annika's bald pussy.

Seven gagged as the semen of the Borg fuck her mouth squirted into her throat. Her muscles were tight as she fought to get loose but four Borg's held her down. She looked down and seen Marion sucking her pussy, then another Borg pulled her face back down to shove its dick into her mouth, and again she went through the entire painful and disgusting oral sex. She counted at least five times that both her mouth and ass hole were forced to fuck and filled with semen, and as she spat out the semen out of her mouth she felt Marion's dick force itself into between her thighs and into her pussy. She arched at the pain of the massively large dick sliding into her. As he stayed in one position, Annika's mouth and ass were also violated at the same time. All three male Borg's simultaneously pumped together and simultaneously climaxed.

The next hour were followed by groups of three Borg males all fucking Seven at the same time. Several times Seven threw up from the semen that seeped down to her stomach. After it was done the ravaged body of seven laid on the deck. Her face, ass, and pussy were glazed by wet and crusty semen. She looked up at the sound of another Borg approaching her. It's Marion, and his dick is out once again. "Please. No more. Don't rape me anymore." Annika begged. She did not resist as her body is pulled upward and forced against an empty alcove. She permitted her right leg to be lifted upward, and again felt Marion slide easily into her pussy. She arched as Marion had his penis grow longer and deeper into her and as he crushed her breasts. "You have been apart from the collective too long Annika.", Marion told her, "Now you will become a part of me. Welcome back to where your belong Seven of Nine!" Annika's eyes went wide as soon as she felt the Borg nanoprobes invade her breast, and as she felt her body once again being assimilated by this one Borg's devices. She cried as her body slowly became a slave to Marion, and transported to Admiral Janeway. She knew what Marion's plans were to Janeway and she could not prevent it from happening or warn her friend. Annika attempted to say something to Janeway but she could not get her mouth to move.

Admiral Janeway came to her friend who is sitting naked on the floor. Even though the Admiral spoke to the former Seven of Nine she just sat and stared onward. Kathryn Janeway felt lost. She has three naked women in with her all of whom have been sexually assaulted and raped, and she could not contact Troi to get her advice. Unfortunately she is well aware that Troi is probably going to be raped next. Then, she will probably be last. Trying to give the women with her some dignity Admiral Janeway reached for her torn tunic and ripped it into thirds. both O'Brien and Dax gladly accepted the ripped portions to cover their breasts. But, Annika appeared to be in serious shock and would not even lift an arm to accept the tunic portion.

Through Annika's eyes, Marion could see Admiral Janeway. When she bent down the breasts hanged and swayed. Unknown to any of the girls the Borg nanoprobes that he injected into them, to force Janeway to live through the same horror of rape, also has a second purpose of permitting Marion to take control of them just like he has control over Annika. In less than 24 hours Janeway will see just how much control he has on them!

Dianna Troi knew that she is the next one to be raped. She fought hard to keep her fear in, but she knew sooner or later her body will be violated and ravaged. She has been raped by mental powers in the past, she has counseled women and men who were violated, and through the use of her ability to sense her patient's emotions she knows emotionally what would happen to her. The intercom beeped an alert to get her attention. She answered it hoping that it would be one of the other women but she soon realized that it is the Borg captor. "A few hours ago Troi, Seven of Nine got gang raped in the holodeck more than once by Borg drones before I had my way with her. She is now with the other women and Admiral Janeway. All of them, except Janeway, are in a state of shock and are in my full control."

Troi knew this game that he is playing. He was trying to get her terrified. But she knew mind games as well as she shot back, "So. This is how you get revenge by hurting innocent people. I heard that you were once a Starfleet Officer Mr. Hakes. You have disgraced that uniform by hurting innocent women, by raping them, by violating their bodies. How does that make YOU feel?" There is silence. Hakes saw the grin on her face, "I have been declared dead by Janeway. I am part Borg. I am a breeder who is designed to breed female humanoids and to assimilate them whenever possible. I have no connection with the collective anymore...". Troi shot back, "BUT YOU DO ARE NOT THINKING LIKE A BORG! YOU CHOSE TO RAPE ALL OF US. IT IS NOT OUT OF INSTRUCTIONS. IT IS BY YOUR OWN WILL! "

"I don't give a shit if it is by instructions or my free will. I enjoy raping women, and I enjoy hurting Janeway." Hakes replied. "You are next Counselor Troi. Where do you want to be raped? Right they're in your sleeping quarters, or someplace else?" Troi defended herself; "I DO NOT WANT TO BE RAPED!" Again, more silence. "Then, remove your clothing now and wait for me. I'll fuck you and let you go." Marion figured that Troi would not accept his offer and he is right. "I gave you the chance counselor. I will fuck your pussy. With or without your permission. I would keep an eye on your clothing Troi. It will not be on for much longer."

Again there is silence. Dianna sat back down on the bed and silently cried. Even if she did take off her clothing and let him mate with her it would still be a violation on her. She now regrets wearing the uniform that she chose. It is a modestly low cut top with a thigh high skirt. Plus, she wore dark brown panty hose. For a crew of women it meant nothing, but now there is a sex-craved maniac turned rapist on the ship. The uniform to him it means that she is a ripe fruit for the taking!

Through Annika's eyes the Borg is watching Janeway as she is crouching down and working in a pulled out panel. Every time he had Seven of Nine move to the panel Admiral Janeway always stopped what she was doing and would not permit anyone get near it. She even slapped Erzi Dax to keep her away. Marion figured nothing is going to happen since he had still full control of the ship's computer

Janeway finished tapping the code onto a makeshift console. She connected it to the secondary emergency communications array data conduit and all she had to do was to find a compatible power supply. Once she found one she connected it and the code started to be transmitted outward by-passing the computer. Janeway did not notice the woman comming behind her and they jerked her back way from the open console. Annika looked into the console and seen what Janeway was doing. She grabbed several power conduits and shorted out the system. The makeshift communication device was instantly destroyed. The Borg saw Admiral Janeway smiling through Seven of Nine. "You're too late bastard, you're much too late!" Janeway answered the look, for after the initial code was sent it went into a continuous loop and kept sending the message over and over again to the inaccessible secondary communications array.

The Borg ordered Erzi Dax to grab Janeway's arms from behind her. With the Borg nanoprobes in her body Dax is now as strong as a full-grown man. Marion stepped into the room with the other women. Kako and Seven of Nine didn't even seem to notice or care that they are still naked in front of the Borg. Janeway looked toward him and tried to struggle out of the grip of the smaller woman with no avail. Marion walked toward the Admiral. He gently lifted the left breast with his hand and gently squeezed the small pink nipple. The wider areola that is the same color of the nipple, and large goose bumps formed on the outer edges of the areola. Janeway turned her faced and cried out a "NO!" Soon after she screamed as the Borg bit into her nipple and drew blood. "Your time is almost here Admiral. Annika and Kako. Bring Counselor Troi here. I'm sure that the good admiral would like to see her counselor get raped right in front of her, before she gets raped in the ass herself!" Both of the girls left right away. Hakes' hand slipped down into her pussy, "Yes Admiral. Your ass hole will be ripped open not your pussy, and you are not going to enjoy the rape. I guarantee that!"

What emotions that the two assimilated women had were bottled up tight in their brains. They knew what they are doing and seen where they are going, but they had no control over their actions whatsoever. Kako is the only one who showed any hint of emotion as a single tear came out of her eye.

With her limited telepathic ability Deanna Troi attempted to contact any other telepathic beings. The opening of her door startled her immediately, and when she turned both Seven of Nine and Kako O'Brien stood in front of her in the nude. "Seven? Kako?" Troi asked as she attempted to get their attention by waving her hand in front of their face. In a combined monotone voice Seven and Kako gave Troi the dreaded answer her hoped and pray that she would never receive, "Commander Troi. Mental health counselor of Starfleet Command. You are to come with us to be bred within the collective. Your distinctive biological capabilities will be added to the Borg collective. Resistance in futile."

Troi backed up shaking her head unable to say anything. Both Seven and Kako moved together towards the uniformed Starfleet officer each grabbing her arms and dragged Troi out of her quarters screaming. Over in the conference room, Admiral Janeway attempted to stop the unwanted sexual molestation by the former Starfleet officer. As his hand finger fucked the Admiral, she gave a swift kick directly into the Borg's groin. But, instead of making the Borg collapse in pain her foot burned in agony after it struck the Borg's armor plating. "One of the many advantages of being the product of Borg technology Admiral. The breeding equipment that they have enhanced is the most protected part of my body. Even the maxinum power of a phaser cannon cannot do much damage." The screams of Troi became more apparent and Hakes moved away from the Admiral. Borg Hakes ordered his female slaves to throw Troi onto the table and keep her arms and legs pinned. The counselor found herself forced down on her back with the two crewmates holding her arms down and keeping her legs pulled apart. She screamed and yelled in a vain attempt to get the girls to release her, and as she looked up she saw the Borg that created the entire nightmare. Between his legs a sexual organ started to grow outward. Grown not from sexual arousal but by Borg implants.

Dax forced Janeway closer to the conference table to get an exquisite view of her counselor and the rapist that us about to violate her. "Check this out Admiral. The Borg knew that various species require various lengths to deliver sperm, so they equipped breeders the capability to change the size of the male penis. Right now my dick is a normal size erect penis, but check out what I can do with very little effort!" Soon the erect penis grew considerably longer and larger. The mere size of the organ brought out intense fear from Troi because she thought that her is going to put that mammoth organ into her. He reached into her skirt and ripped a hole into her panties and panty hose. Then he moved the gargantuan dick towards her entrance. He knew that the size is far to great to penetrate a Trill's pussy so he adjusted the size to an acceptable but painful male Trill's penis (which is slightly greater than a human's is). The head penetrated the torn fabric and moved into the parched and rigid entrance.

In all her years of command Admiral Janeway seen and heard pain from burns, decapitation, and other serious injuries. But this did not compare to the pain and agony that she seen and heard from her new friend. Dianna's head is thrashing back and forth as her womanhood is being forced to accept an abnormally large dick. Hakes has his dick to go into an automated burrowing mode. Troi's constant thrashing caused the burrowing muscle to miss the entrance and it jabs into her thighs, until her natural moisture permitted the penis to slide easily into deeper regions. After ten agonizing minutes the invading dick went as deep as Troi's body would permit it. Satisfied with the amount of penetration Hakes switch from burrowing mode to drive mode making the inward pulsations faster and harder. As his dick automatically drove into the newest victim Marion bent down closer to Troi's body and grabbed her chest. As soon as she felt her breasts groped Commander Troi spat large loads of salvia onto the Borg's face, and Marion reacted violently by slapping the Betazoid's face. After the spitting stopped, Troi felt the fabric of the top of her uniform being pulled and ripped. Soon her large bouncing breasts were in the open swaying with each harsh inward thrust. Troi's breasts were the best of the group. Her dark skin enhanced her large dark nipples and areole. The thrusting stopped as he filled her caverns with human sperm, that mixed her husband's sperm that was still present from the lovemaking they had before she left.

Hakes pulled out of her and grabbed Admiral Janeway. Placing her in between the councilor's open legs. He then shoved Janeway's face down upon the wet and semen saturated pussy of Councilor Troi . Janeway's white ass and its dark brown opening is in perfect position for his still erect penis. He had it grown longer and wider before he shoved it into Janeway's tight asshole! As she opened her mouth to scream from the pain, Hakes just pushed it down on Troi's pussy more.

The teeth of Janeway accidentally caused more pain to Troi, as she still remained pinned. She did not want to look at Janeway as she was being raped in her anus, so she turned her head to the corner where no one is standing. A hazy image of green figurines formed in the corner, and she counted five of them. One moved forward and raised its arm. It is another Borg!

Hakes was having too much fun to instantly noticed the five new visitors. He stopped fucking Janeway's ass hole when he finally seen them, but by that time it was too late as he was directly hit by an energy beam comming out of the raised Borg's arm. Hakes flew out of Janeway's ass and crashed onto the bulkhead temporarily deactivating. The shut down released his controls over the women crew, and they got back to themselves. Dax looked up at the new guests. One is a Borg woman and the rest are Romulan marines! The Borg woman is a Romulan herself, and she barked out orders in her native tongue. The marines quickly placed devices on the drone known as Hakes. The devices made sure that the drone remained deactivated.

As Janeway looked toward the one that is giving orders she told Janeway that everything will be OK, before she touched her personal communicator and again spoke in her native language. Soon, more Romulans transported on the ship with blankets to cover the nudity of the Starfleet personnel and the civilian. They are medical personnel. As Admiral Janeway is being taken care the Romulan Borg came to her, "I am Sub-Commander T'Pal of the Romulan Warbird Blackeagle. We picked up your distress signal earlier Admiral Janeway and I personally apologize for not comming nay sooner." Admiral looked at her crew. All of whom were being treated for shock and are being scanned. The Romulan knew what Janeway is thinking, "They are locating the nanoprobes, which the Borg Breeder forced in them, for we can deactivate or remove them on my ship. We can also remove the memories of what he did to you Admiral, but we do not believe in terminating any pregnancies. What you people decide to do will be your decision. With your permission I would like to transport all of you back to my ship." The admiral looked toward her former officer called Hakes, "What of him?" Telair's tone switched to a more serious and anger note, "He will be charged for crimes against the Romulan Empire and be dealt with accordingly. He raped the granddaughter of the Minister of the Tal Shiar in Unimatrix Zero. That is I Admiral Janeway and I searched for this jerk for a long time when I found out that he was heading for the Alpha Quadrant. Don't worry Admiral Janeway, he won't be hurting anyone anymore. Commander Loch has sent a message to Starfleet and we will be rendezvousing with one of your warships in a few days."


As promised the Tal Shiar warship released the six women to the USS Battleaxe in neutral space. The Tal Shiar physicians managed to eliminate all memories and injuries from the rapes, and unbeknownst to the Starfleet officers they also managed to get quite of bit of classified information out of their heads as well! Erzi Dax and Dianna Troi both became pregnant. Troi gave her daughter up for adoption when it was found out that it was not from her husband's DNA, and Dax's child died from incompatibility of the Trill's biology.

Despite Admiral Janeway's demands the former Starfleet Officer turned Borg was kept in a Romulan brig. He is now serving a life sentence mining Dilithium deep inside the planet Remus in solitary confinement with only two Tal Shiar marines to keep him company, and no chance whatsoever to see any sunlight again.

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