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Karel (This page has been viewed 44461 times since Dec 14, 2009)
(Author: if you want to add/change/update any information below, please email me)

Author's Words:
I am Karel from the Netherlands, born 1960, and male with dangly bits and all. I love women. For me there is a huge differance between reality and fantasy. Stories and art reach deep into the realm of fantasy, and are not meant as an how-to guide for real life... Indiana Jones may be fun to watch, and it might be even more fun to identify with the hero. But most people will not enjoy running for their lives in front of a huge roling boulder in real life. A sub once told me that a whip in real life tended to be a lot more painfull then it had been in her fantasy. Yep! Sometimes fantasy can better be left fantasy. Once we are clear on that, we can drop 'safe and sensual' from our imagination while keeping it alive in real life. And what's more, we can also drop boring reality from our imagination. Lets go wilde inside the borders of our imagination... Bring on the 10.000 elephants! Greetings, Kaharel
Author's Homepage:
Send Author Email: Kaharel (at) hotmail (dot) com

Total 2 Stories by Karel

#1 Starting life on his own by Karel (170 kb) 1 votes! (8/10, 1 votes) (review it)
  (Added on Oct 12, 2010) (This month 71197 readers) (Total 83980 readers)
  Story Codes: F+/f+ F+/m+ m-self cbt enema modification BDSM slavery bondage chastity belt humiliation torture nc Forced Extreme
#2 Madame Justine by Karel (105 kb) 2 votes! (10/10, 2 votes) (review it)
  (Added on Dec 15, 2009) (This month 85516 readers) (Total 97211 readers)
  Story Codes: MF/mf cbt enema exhibition modification slavery chastity belt humiliation torture Extreme

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