John Roper
(This page has been viewed 30671 times since Sep 27, 2002)
(Author: if you want to add/change/update any information below, please
email me)
- Author's Words:
- I have been scribing bondage fiction since I learned how to read and capably write, but have limited my audience to a select group of friends and acquaintances. A few bondage mags have published my stuff, to include Harmony Pubs, and Florida based 'Get Kinky,' back in the 80s. Since August of 2001, several of my short and short-short stories have appeared on Whitelord, Alazar, Bondage-fiction and BoundNDetermined dot coms.
- Author's Homepage:
- Send Author Email: LovesRoper (at) AOL (dot) com
Total 3 Stories by John Roper