Aubree’s First Apartment (cont.);
Chapter 6: A Rainy Night
Winston crushed out his cigarette in the ashtray. He listened to the voice on the other end of the phone. He nodded in agreement. “Yes… I think so… I agree. Okay… I understand… I don’t know… soon. Just a little more time… She’s learning… I know… Okay. Very soon. Give me a little more time with her… she’ll bring a good profit… She’s my best find in years…very submissive… I hear you. I’m glad you liked the pictures… the real thing will follow… Okay… I’ll call you… Trust me… I know you have an interest here… Soon… Okay…Goodbye.” Winston hung up the phone. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. He glanced out the window into the darkened night sky.
The curtains shifted in the wind from the open screen. The smell of rain was in the air. Winston lit another smoke and smiled. In the distance, thunder rolled through the clouds.
Aubree stepped into the steamy bathwater. She sat down and allowed the soap suds to wash over her body. Leaning forward, she cupped her hands and scooped warm water onto her face. Rubbing her cheeks, she leaned back against the tub. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, inhaling the steam. Her mind raced. Now he wants me to quit my job… why? I can’t quit… I can’t depend on him to pay my bills… I’ll be at his mercy… A sudden realization came over her. She sat up in the tub. That’s what he wants. He wants to control me completely. This is ridiculous… I should just tell him to go to the police… let him tell the dean of the university about my drug use… who cares? Why am I so afraid of this man???
Aubree reached for a soapy sponge. She massaged the sponge across her legs and feet. The soles of her feet were dirty from her experience in the park earlier that afternoon. Seeing the dirt and grim reminded her of everything that had happened. She felt her bottom lip quivering. She scrubbed her feet vigorously. Suddenly, she dropped the sponge and held her hands over her face. The tears began to flow through her fingers. She felt helpless and hopeless. How did I get into this mess???? How can I get out of it??? She fell back against the tub and pounded the water with her small fist. “Damn it!.. DAMN HIM!” The tears rolled down her cheeks.
After finishing her bath, Aubree wrapped a towel around herself and walked into the kitchen. She glanced at the clock. It was almost eight. Aubree remembered Winston’s word’s, ‘I want you to be in bed by nine o’clock. Don’t bother wearing pajamas. I have a key to your apartment and I will be by later this evening to enjoy you.’ She shuddered. She walked into the living room and looked over at the front door. The chain was in place and the inside deadbolt was latched. She felt a little better knowing that even if Winston had a key, he couldn’t get through a deadbolt and chain. She hurried to her bedroom. Screw him and his damned key!
After putting on her panties and nightshirt, Aubree got into bed and grabbed the remote control. She turned on the television and laid back onto the soft pillows. She always slept with the television on. It made her feel safe. She lit a scented candle and tried to relax. As she flipped through the channels she felt her eyes becoming heavy. Within minutes, she sank into a fitful sleep.
Winston checked his watch… 3:15 AM. He looked up at Aubree’s apartment and smiled. His cock was already hard in anticipation. He picked up his duffle bag and crept up the stairs, stopping in front of her door. He looked over his shoulder at the parking lot. Not a sound… no one moving. Setting the duffle bag on the ground, he slipped out the key and slowly pushed it into the latch. He turned the doorknob and wasn’t surprised to find that it wouldn’t open. She had locked the door from inside. Winston smiled. He had anticipated this. That’s why he had unlocked her living room window several days ago. Little whore. Don’t try to outsmart me… He inched over to the window and deftly removed the screen. Glancing around the parking lot below, he eased the window open. Grabbing his bag he quietly slipped inside.
It was dark in the apartment. Winston waited for his eyes to adjust. His nostrils flared. The place smelt like peaches. He could see the light of the television coming from the bedroom. The laughter of a studio audience wafted through the room. He slowly lowered the window and slipped the latches into place. Creeping across the living room, Winston heard Aubree roll over in bed. He paused and stood silently until he was sure she was still sleeping. He inched his way down the hallway and peeked into her room. There she was… laying on her side, her back was towards him. The covers were halfway off and he could see her smooth legs and bare feet. He noticed her nightshirt which had ridden up onto her back, revealing her red panties and delectable ass. His brow creased. I told her not to wear pajamas… He felt himself becoming angry. She’ll learn. One way or another, she’ll learn to obey.
Stepping back into the hallway, he sat his duffle bag on the carpet. He unfastened his trousers and pulled off his shoes and socks. He took off his shirt and pants and placed his clothes in a pile in the corner. Slipping off his underwear and casting them onto the pile, he walked back over to the bedroom door. He stroked his erect penis as his eyes wandered over the sleeping teenager. He walked slowly towards the sleeping girl. His cock was rock hard. He sat down on the edge of the bed and leaned over her. He gently brushed her hair from her face and caressed her cheek. He noticed her eyes flicker slightly as she began to awaken. Suddenly, her eyes fully opened and she opened her mouth to scream. Winston clasped his hand over her mouth while encircling her neck with his powerful arm. “Shut up, girl. Not a peep.” He felt her go limp under his arm. “Don’t scream, little girl. If you do, it will be very bad for you. Do you understand?” She nodded weakly. Winston released her mouth and let his hand fall across her firm breasts. He pinched her nipples. “What did I tell you about wearing pajamas, girl?” She began to shake uncontrollably. He repeated the question. “What did I tell you about wearing pajamas tonight, little whore?” He reached under her nightshirt, fondling her bare tits. “Speak up, girl. I can’t hear you.”
Aubree was terrified. How did he get in here? Her heart pounded. She could feel his stiff erection touching her butt. He’s naked. His thing is touching me. His hands were strong, holding her motionless.
“What did I tell you about pajamas, girl?” Winston squeezed her throat.
“Not…not to wear them….I … I’m sorry… please don’t hurt me…” Aubree felt sick with fear. She could hear the television in the background. Winston’s hot breath was on her back. She was terrified.
Winston slowly eased his grip on the shivering girl. “Now. I want you to sit up and take off your panties and nightshirt. I told you to be naked. Get them off, fuck toy.”
Aubree sat up on her knees and faced away from Winston. She was afraid to look at him. She lifted her nightshirt over her head and let it fall beside the bed. She felt goose bumps rising over her exposed flesh. Outside, she heard the sound of rain starting against the window. Lightning flashed through the blinds. On the television, a salesman implored her to ‘Shop at Joe’s Auto. No credit? No problem!’.
Winston plucked at her panties. “Get these off too, missy.” His breath smelled like beer.
Aubree pushed her panties down to her knees. Sitting down on the bed, she pushed them off her feet and dropped them on the carpet. She shifted on the bed and sat with her legs crossed, her back towards Winston. She held her big toes with her hands. She had always sat in this position whenever she was in trouble as a young girl. She did it now, subconsciously. Thunder rolled outside. The rain was coming down hard. She shivered.
Winston knelt behind the shaking girl and placed his hands on her shoulders. Sitting up, he pressed his stiff erection against her bare back, enjoying the feel of her soft flesh on his engorged penis. He reached under her arms and cupped her large breasts in his hands. With one hand, he brushed the long hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ears. His fingers traveled over her face outlining her eyes, nose and mouth. He felt the wetness of teardrops on her cheeks. He slipped a large finger between her warm lips and across her tongue. “Suck my finger, little girl.”
Aubree squeezed her big toes tightly as she began to suck on Winston’s finger. She could taste the saltiness of her tears on his skin. He moved his finger inside her mouth, over her teeth and under her tongue.
“Why did you disobey me, girl? I told you not to wear pajamas to bed. Did you think I couldn’t get in because you locked your deadbolt?”
Aubree didn’t answer. She continued to suck on Winston’s finger as it circled her tongue.
“Answer me, girl. Why did you disobey me?” Winston slipped his finger out of her mouth and cupped her chin in his palm. He squeezed her mouth into a puckered position. “Answer me, girl.” He pinched her nipple with his other hand.
“I’m sorry.” Aubree sniffed. Her nose was starting to run. “I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad. I didn’t know you would come here tonight. You said… you said the next lesson would be tomorrow… I…” She squeezed her toes and shifted uncomfortably. She could hear the rain pounding the roof and rushing through the gutters outside. Lightning flashed through the blinds casting shadows across the wall. She saw her own small shadow with the evil man kneeling behind her. She wanted to run but couldn’t bring herself to move.
“Stop offering excuses, girl. You’re only talking yourself into a corner.” Winston sat down behind her and placed a leg on each side of the trembling girl. He pushed up against her back. His testicles rested at the top of her butt crack. His erection pressed against the bottom of her back. He slipped a hand between her legs and stroked her trim pubic hair. “I told you I would be coming to enjoy you tonight. It is my privilege in return for the life lessons I’m offering you. Since you will be quitting your job in the morning and I will be responsible for your bills and upkeep, I will be expecting more things from you in the near future. Do you understand me?” He slipped a finger inside her. He felt her vaginal muscles tense. “You will be learning to use these muscles more effectively in the future, girl.” He probed inside her tight vagina. “Do you hear me, girl?”
Aubree felt ill. “Yes.” Her voice was barely a whisper.
“Yes what, girl?” Winston slipped his finger deeper inside her.
“Yes… sir.” Aubree wiped her nose and sniffed loudly. “Please stop touching me there. Please… I don’t want…”
Winston squeezed her nipple while plunging a second finger inside her. “Shut up, little girl. I will touch you wherever and whenever I so please. You have no say in the matter.”
Aubree winced and clenched her toes. She crossed her hands over her stomach. The thunder roared outside and the rain came down harder.
Winston pulled on her nipple while continuing to probe inside her. “You have no say whatsoever, girl. I pay your bills. I oversee your lessons and progress. In return, I will enjoy you sexually at any time I wish. In fact, I will be enjoying you tonight. If you resist, I will have you across my knee for a good spanking and I will enjoy you afterwards. Is that what you want, girl? Do you need a good strapping before you pleasure me?”
Aubree moaned. He was squeezing her nipple painfully. “No, sir.” The tears rolled down her cheeks. “No, sir… I don’t need a spanking.”
Winston smirked. “Good. That’s a good little girl.” He slipped his fingers out of her vagina and released her nipple. He caressed her stomach and patted her lightly on the thigh. “Now, I think I’m in the mood for a good sucking.”
Winston grabbed a pillow and leaned back against the headboard. He cupped his testicles in his hand. “Get down here, fuck toy. I want to feel that warm mouth.”
Aubree slowly got to her knees and crawled across the bed towards Winston. Don’t call me fuck toy you bastard. I’m not a fuck toy. She sat in front of him. She held her arms over her breasts hiding her nipples. She clenched her legs tightly together. She watched as he squeezed his testicles and stroked his erect penis. Her eyes rose to his face and they briefly locked eyes. His eyes were cold and dark… lifeless… like a reptile. She quickly looked down at her lap.
“Get on with it, girl. Put that smart mouth to good use.” Winston pulled on her arm.
Aubree bent over and took his erection into her lips. She continued to hold her arms folded over her breasts. She allowed him to push his cock deeply into her mouth.
“That’s it, girl.” Winston moaned. “You had better get used to this. You’ll be sucking me off on a regular basis from here on out.” He smiled. “You had best make my cock nice and wet because I’m going to be putting it in your tight little ass shortly.”
Aubree shuddered. She felt him reach behind her and squeeze her buttocks. He slipped a large finger into her anus. She heard him laugh.
“Yes, girl. That’s a good little fuck toy. Suck it like you mean it, baby.”
Aubree slid her lips up and down over his shaft. Her tongue played across the soft underside of his erection. She realized with disgust that she was actually becoming better at performing this perverted act. She shivered uncontrollably.
Winston looked down at the top of the young girl’s head as she sucked his cock. He enjoyed the tightness of her anus on his finger as he probed her rectum. His eyes roamed over her bare back and legs. The only sounds in the room were those of the young girl slurping on his dick, the rain on the window and the chattering of some old sitcom on the television. Winston sighed. Life was good… he grabbed her ears and pushed her face harder against himself. He began to thrust his hips against her mouth. Her hair fell across his legs. “Mmmmm… That’s the way, girl. Now, suck my balls.” He watched as she took his testicles into her warm mouth. “That right… that’s right… suck on them like you suck on those joints you like to smoke, girl.” He remembered the first time he had seen the young tart… walking across the parking lot in her tight jeans and cutoff shirt. He remembered how badly he had wanted her. Now, he owned her. He pushed the head of his dick against her lips. “Open up.” He squeezed her mouth open and shoved his cock down her throat. “Watch the teeth, girl. If I feel those teeth again, you’ll be across my knee.”
Aubree let her tongue play across his shaft. She sucked his bulbous head, tasting his pre-cum. She listened as he moaned. She knew he was close. She felt like a cheap whore. Suddenly, he pushed her aside.
Aubree sat up and crossed her arms in front of herself. She was scared. “What did I do? I didn’t use my teeth… I…”
Winston slapped her. “Shut up, tramp.”
Aubree held a hand over her throbbing cheek. She watched as Winston got off the bed and walked into the hallway. He reappeared moments later carrying a duffle bag.
Winston dropped the bag onto the bed and stood back. He looked at the nude teenager cowering in front of him. Lightning flashed outside. He picked up the remote control and turned off the television. The room became dark but for the flickering of a scented candle beside the bed. It smelt like peaches. Shadows played across the walls.
Winston walked over and flipped on a bedside lamp. He looked down at the naked cringing girl. She sat on her knees with her hands cupped over her breasts. Her left cheek was red from the savage slap he had applied. Her cheeks were tear stained and a trickle of drool ran down her chin. She looked down at her legs, submissively.
Winston’s gaze traveled up and down the girl’s naked body… over her bare feet and slender legs… onto her trim pubic mound and delectable slit…across her tight bare stomach and cute bellybutton… over her large round mounds which she attempted to conceal beneath her arms… over her soft throat and onto her adorable face… the full, pouting lips… the button nose and large eyelashes… her shiny, thick and luxurious brown hair. His cock twitched….
He unzipped the duffle bag and began to rummage through the contents. “Tonight, I’m going to give you a little preview of tomorrow’s lesson. Are you listening, tramp?”
Aubree didn’t respond. She continued looking down at her lap.
Winston took a step towards her. “Do you hear me, girl?”
Aubree flinched. “Yes, sir. Please don’t hit me again.”
Winston smiled. He motioned towards the bedroom door. “Go into the dining room and get a chair. Bring it back here.” He watched as Aubree stood up and walked towards the hallway. His eyes locked on her bare butt. He enjoyed the way her buttocks shifted as she walked. I’ll be fucking that ass soon…. Winston shook his head. The times they are a changing’…
Aubree walked across the living room. The carpet felt cold under her bare feet. She went into the dining room and looked at the table and chairs. She noticed her cell phone sitting on the table. She picked it up. She glanced over her shoulder. She could see Winston’s shadow in the bedroom as he rummaged through the duffle bag. One phone call… 911... I tell them there’s an intruder in the house… He would go to jail… Then he would be the one getting it in the butt… She dialed the first number. You’ll be the one in trouble now…
Suddenly, there was a savage slap across the back of her head. She staggered forward and dropped the phone as she fell to the floor in a daze. Winston was on her in an instant. Grabbing her by the hair, he yanked the nude girl to her feet. He spun her around and pinned her against the wall. He held his elbow across her throat. “What are you doing, girl?” He punched her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her lungs. She fell to the floor at his feet, gasping for air. He grabbed her by the ears and yanked her to her feet. He banged the back of her head against the wall several times. “Who were you calling, girl?”
Aubree gasped for air. She was weeping like a child. “No one… I wasn’t… I didn’t call anyone… I …”
Winston bent her over and grabbed her neck under his arm, placing her in a headlock... He dragged the prone girl across the room. Leaning over, he picked up her cell phone. He looked at the digital screen. He thrust it in front of her face. “Mmmmm… 9...1... I wonder what the next number would be?” He dropped the phone onto the floor and crushed it under his foot. The phone broke apart under his heel. “It appears that you’ve lost you phone privileges, little girl.” He punched her savagely in the stomach. He heard her gasping for air under his arm. He threw her down.
Aubree lay on the carpet in a fetal position. Her eyes were closed. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She gasped for air while clutching her stomach. She felt Winston standing over her. She felt his hand on the back of her head, pulling her up by her hair. Suddenly, his hand fell across her bare butt.
*** Slap *** Slap *** Slap *** Slap *** Slap *** Slap ***
Her buttocks felt like they were on fire. Still, he continued the harsh spanking. His hand continued to fall across her bare butt. She could feel bruises rising on her bare cheeks. He was no longer spanking her… He was beating her. She tried to hold her hands over her butt. She was weeping uncontrollably… blubbering like a fool… Still his powerful hand fell across her backside.
*** Slap *** Slap *** Slap *** Slap **** Slap ***
“Pleeease! Please stop! I’m sorry….”
Winston threw her to the floor. He placed a foot on the back of her head, forcing her face into the carpet.
“This is your one and only warning, girl. If you ever attempt to betray me again… it will be bad for you. Do you understand me?”
Aubree went limp. Winston’s foot pressed against the back of her head.
“Do you understand, girl?”
She was terrified. “Yes, sir. I promise. I will never betray you.” She meant it. The tears rolled down her cheeks. Her buttocks ached from the brutal spanking. As she lay on the carpet, she could see her crushed cell phone on the floor. She curled up into a ball. Her mind went blank.
Winston stood with his hands on his hips looking down at the weeping girl. He smiled. He prodded her with his big toe. “Stop your crying, girl. If you act like a child, you’ll be treated like one.”
Aubree continued to weep. Her butt hurt and her stomach was sore form his harsh punches.
Winston shook his head. Kneeling beside her, he gently caressed her back with his fingertips. His whole attitude seem to change… to soften. “Why do you make me hurt you, girl? If you would only do as I say…” He stroked her cheek. “You must learn to trust me and obey my commands. I only have your best interests in mind.” He lifted her up and held her in his arms. “You’re just a little girl… a baby… Let me teach you, girl. Don’t resist… I am your only protection.” He brushed the hair from her face.
Aubree’s heart was beating fast. “Please. Don’t hit me again. I’m sorry… I…”
“Shush… Be quiet, little girl.” Winston kissed her gently on the cheek. He cradled her in his arm. “Shhhh… stop your crying. You made a mistake. I trust you have learned your lesson. You must always remember one thing. I am your only protector. I am your teacher. I love you. No one else cares about you. I am the only one who truly loves you. I only ask that you love and trust me in return.” He wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Stop crying now.”
Aubree sniffed loudly and rubbed her nose with the back of her hand. “I’m sorry.”
Winston smiled. “I accept your apology.” He held her closer.
Aubree felt herself calming. Winston’s tone was gentle. Maybe he’ll listen to me now…
Winston lifted Aubree’s face up. He wiped the drying tears from her cheeks. “I care about you, little girl. It pains me when I see you making mistakes.” He leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth. She didn’t resist. His hand fell across her bare stomach and onto her thigh. He kissed her chin. “Why do you defy me, girl? Don’t you know that I am here for you? I know you better than anyone else. More than your parents… your little boyfriends… more than anyone. I accept you as you are. I am only trying to teach you… to help you… Why do you betray me?”
Aubree looked down at her lap. She could feel his warmth and smell his scent. She wanted to pull away from his embrace but she was afraid…. “I didn’t betray you. I didn’t call anyone… I…”
Winston placed a large finger on her lips. “Stop lying to me. You tried to call the police. Why?”
Aubree’s heart began to beat faster. “I’m sorry. I won’t do that again. I promise.”
Winston placed his hand between the young girl’s legs. He caressed her soft pubic hair. “ I didn’t ask you to apologize, girl. I asked you why you betrayed me.”
Aubree shivered. “I’m sorry… I… I’m not a fuck toy. I don’t like it when you talk to me like a …”
Winston silenced her with a pat on her inner thigh. “No. You’re not a whore. You’re a little girl in a woman’s body. You know the desires that you bring out in men. You play on those desires. It’s your female instincts. Like all females, you’re a nest builder… looking for a mate. You dress in tight clothes and revealing bathing suits. But, you don’t know how to use your body. You attract men but when they come, you don’t know what to do. I am here to teach you those things. I am here to make you a woman. I am here to help you.” He squeezed her bare foot. “You’re just naïve.”
Aubree’s bottom lip quivered. She felt him slip a hand between her legs.
“Do you understand me, girl?” Winston pulled her lips apart and gently stroked her clitoris.
“Okay.” Aubree’s voice was barely audible. The tip of his finger played over her clit.
Winston bit her earlobe gently. He whispered in her ear. “Now… I want you to go into the bedroom and wait for me. I have some toys for you.”
Aubree stood up. “Okay.” She massaged her aching butt as she walked towards her bedroom.
Winston watched her walk away. His eyes were fixated on her swaying ass. I’m going to fuck you good, little girl. He smirked.
Aubree sat down on her bed. She held her hands in her lap and looked down at her bare feet. She could hear the rain on the window outside. The worst of the storm had passed. The rain was quiet and gentle. The thunder was just a distant rumble. She looked up as Winston entered the bedroom, carrying one of her dining room chairs. She noticed his penis was still erect. She shivered and clenched her legs together...
Winston sat the chair down by the bed. He walked over and opened his duffle bag. He pulled out a video camera and tripod. “I want you to start getting comfortable being in front of the camera, girl.” He winked at her. Aubree blushed.
She watched as he set the camera up. “Why do you need a camera? I don’t like…”
Winston silenced her with a raised finger. “Stop talking. I am not concerned about what you want. I am only concerned with what you need.” He finished setting up the tripod and went back to the duffle bag.
Aubree watched as he pulled out a large rubber penis complete with testicles and a suction cup on the bottom. The penis was huge. It looked to be at least ten inches long and very thick. There was an electrical cord attached.
“What is that for?” Aubree felt stupid as soon as the question fell from her lips. It’s for me…
Winston laughed. He placed the large dildo on the chair and affixed the suction cup, securing it in place. He plugged the cord into the wall outlet. He gave the rubber penis a thump causing it to sway back and forth. “What do you think it’s for, girl?”
Aubree felt the blood rushing to her cheeks. She remained silent.
Winston reached back into his bag. He pulled out a bottle of lubricant. He squeezed the oily substance onto the large dildo and greased the shaft. He looked over at the blushing teenager. “Come here, little girl.”
Aubree stood up slowly. She looked down at the carpet. She heard Winston snap his fingers. “Are you defying me, girl?” She walked over to the chair.
Winston patted her bare butt. He walked over to the camera and looked through the lens. He adjusted the focus. “Now, I want you to have a seat.”
Aubree looked up at the camera. “I really don’t want…”
“Do it.” His command was simple.
Aubree backed up to the chair. She sat down slowly. She felt the large penis on her butt.
“Put it inside you, girl.” Winston motioned with his hand.
Aubree reached between her legs and guided the dildo towards her vaginal lips. She eased down, allowing it to enter her slowly. First the head. Then, part of the shaft. It was huge. “It hurts, sir. It’ too big….”
Winston adjusted the camera. “Stop complaining. If you think that’s big, you’ll be in for a rude awakening tomorrow. Now, sit down. Take it all.”
Aubree bit her bottom lip as she pushed the thing entirely inside. She felt like her insides were ripping. “It hurts! Please don’t make…”
Winston snapped his fingers. “All of it. I want you fully seated.”
Aubree whimpered as she forced the foreign object all the way inside. Finally, she was fully seated. The rubber testicles rested against her clit.
Winston smiled. He checked the camera to make sure it was recording. Leaning over, he picked up a small remote control. He flipped the switch.
Aubree felt the dido begin to vibrate. It startled her.
“Now, I want you to ride it. Up and down. Up and down, girl.” Winston focused the camera on her swollen labia.
Aubree hesitatingly began to move up and down on the dildo.
“Smile for the camera, girl.” Winston zoomed in on her face.
Aubree forced a weak smile.
“That’s the way, little girl. Hump it. Imagine it’s your little boyfriend. Up and down…”
Aubree slowly fucked the dildo. Her leg muscles ached. Her vaginal muscles ached worse. She watched as Winston zoomed in and out on her face, her body… her pussy. She blushed furiously. He’s video taping me! Why am I letting him do this?
Winston slapped his thigh in rhythm with her movements. “Up and down… up and down… that’s it…” He grasped his stiff erection and began to stroke. He moved his hand over his shaft in unison with the young girl’s thrusts. “Hump that cock, baby.”
Aubree began to feel aroused. She tried to resist the feeling but the dildo was hitting her spot. She started to realize it wasn’t just the lubricant which greased the dildo. Her own juices were flowing. She felt ashamed.
Winston zoomed in on her face. He could see the unmistakable look of arousal. Her eyelids were half opened. She licked her lips. He moved the camera down, across her jiggling breasts and hard nipples… down her firm belly and adorable navel… to her pussy. The squishing sound coming from between her legs was increasing. Little whore….fuck that dildo, slut…
He zoomed in on the large dildo. She was taking it all. He stroked his own cock harder. “That’s my little girl.. Hump it like your little boyfriends. Imagine it’s Matt you’re fucking, girl.”
Aubree felt herself approaching orgasm. She was so ashamed. But, she couldn’t resist her own body. Her juices were flowing. I’m a whore…
As she approached her climax, the vibration suddenly stopped. She looked up at Winston. He flipped off the camera. He walked over to her. “Good job, girl.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “I think you’re a natural for the camera.” He lifted her by her elbow. “Stand up now.”
Weakly, Aubree stood up. Her vagina was moist. Her body tingled.
Winston guided her towards the bed. “Bend over, girl. I want to enjoy your butt.” He pushed her forward.
Aubree bent forward across her bed. She felt Winston step up behind her. She felt the head of his penis on her sphincter. With one motion, he thrust inside her. She heard him moan. Then, he was pumping her. She bit her lip and clenched her toes as he pounded her butt. She felt his testicles slapping against her thighs. She felt like she needed to use the bathroom.
For several minutes there was only the sound of his legs slapping against her thighs. She felt his testicles against her buttocks. The pain was overwhelming. She heard him groan loudly. His penis swelled. Suddenly, he exploded inside her. She felt his warm semen flow into her anus. He collapsed on top of her.
Aubree lay completely still… afraid to move. Her rectum hurt and she could feel Winston’s warm semen running out of her anus and onto her thighs. She was positive her rectum was bleeding… the pain was intense, stinging the lining of her anal cavity. She felt Winston ease himself out of her… She listened silently as he stood up and began to get dressed.
Winston zipped his trousers and fastened his belt. He glanced at the nude teenager and smiled. “Get some sleep, little girl. I’ll be by to pick you up at seven tonight. We’re gonna have some fun…And remember, first thing in the morning I want you to call the Donut Palace and tell them you’re quitting. Do you understand?”
Aubree sniffled loudly and rubbed her nose. “How can I pay my rent without a job?”
Winston laughed. “Don’t worry about the rent, little girl. I’ll take care of you from here on out. You will quit the Donut Palace in the morning. Do you understand?”
Aubree wiped her nose and clenched her knees tightly together. “Yes…”
“Yes, what?”, came Winston’s quick reply.
“Yes, sir.” Aubree felt tears running down her cheeks.
“That’s better, whore.” Winston finished loading his gear into the duffle bag and zipped the top. “I’ll see you at seven.” He turned and walked out of the room.
Aubree listened as Winston closed the front door behind himself. She slowly sat up and looked down at the bed. She could see red droplets on the sheets. She knew it was her own blood. She gently caressed her aching buttocks and tender anus. Her hand came away moist with blood. She collapsed onto the mattress, weeping.
Chapter 7: From Accomplice to Victim
Aubree awoke suddenly. There was a loud knock at the front door. Bright sunshine glared through the bedroom blinds. She looked at the clock by her bed… Two o’clock in the afternoon… she had been asleep for at least eight hours.
The knocking started again. Aubree sat up and rubbed her head. She stumbled to her feet and staggered into the living room. The knocking at the door was louder now, as if someone were pounding on her door with a clenched fist. Aubree grabbed a robe and tied it tightly around herself. She crept towards the front door. Peeking through the eyehole, Aubree could see James, an employee at the Donut Palace. Damn! I was supposed to be at work this morning!
Aubree unlatched the door and opened it a crack. She peeked outside. “Hi, James.”
James looked irritated. “Hi, Aubree. Where were you this morning? We were really busy. We missed you.”
Aubree brushed the hair out of her eyes and squinted into the bright sunshine. “Sorry, James. I couldn’t make it. In fact, I can’t work at the Donut Palace anymore. Something has come up. Forgive me?”
James looked confused and concerned. “Aubree, what’s going on? You don’t seem like yourself.”
Aubree sighed. “James, just listen. I can’t work there anymore. Tell Mr. Jones that I quit. Okay? I won‘t be coming back… okay?”
James looked down at the ground. “Well, you might have given a little notice.”
Aubree slammed the door shut and latched the deadbolt. There’s your notice, jerk!
Aubree parted the blinds and watched James walk down the stairs and get into his car. She saw him look up at her door. She frowned. Poor guy. He’s always had a crush on me… He doesn’t think I know but, I do… She watched him back out and drive away.
She walked back into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Taking out a bottle of orange juice, she took a big swallow. Glancing over at the counter, Aubree noticed a note beside the sink. She sat the juice container down and walked over to the sink. She picked up the note. It was from Winston…
‘Aubree- Remember I will be by to pick you up at 7 pm this evening. I have placed the clothes I wish you to wear on the bathroom counter. You are to wear no bra. Panties only. I will be checking to make sure you comply with my demand. Don’t make me punish you. It pains me to do so. Be ready at seven sharp. Don’t keep me waiting. - W.’
Shaking, Aubree walked towards the bathroom. She flipped on the light. Her clothes had been laid out neatly on the counter… A pair of cut off shorts, a halter top, a pair of g-string panties and high heels.
She picked up the small halter top and held it up. The words, “Daddy’s Girl” were emblazoned across the front. An image of her aging father flashed through her mind. She winced. Poor Daddy… I’m glad he can’t see me now… She dropped the shirt onto the floor. She picked up the cut off shorts. They looked to be two sizes too small and were extremely short. She tossed them onto the ground. Picking up the high heeled shoes, Aubree held them at arm’s length in front of her. The heels were at least three inches and the shoes looked to be terribly uncomfortable. She dropped them onto the growing pile of clothes at her feet. Lastly, she reached for the g-string panties… they were the tri-string variety with three small stings in front and a whale’s tail in the back. Disgusting. She dropped them onto the pile.
Aubree looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks were tearstained. Her hair was disheveled and her lipstick smeared. Oh my gawd! What did James think of me just now??? She turned on the faucet and splashed cold water over her face. She looked back up at the mirror and watched as the water droplets cascaded down her face and splashed into the sink. She realized she was crying… the warm tears trickled down her cheeks intermixing with the cool water. Her bottom lip quivered. She sucked in a deep breath. Crying! Like the little girl he says I am! She slapped herself savagely across the face. Her cheek turned red. She slapped herself again. Stop blubbering like a little girl! She slapped herself again. She could see red hand prints appearing on her cheek. Winston’s words began to echo through her mind… Fuck toy… whore… She slapped herself again, harder. Stop crying, little girl… Suddenly, Aubree sank to the floor. She leaned back against the wall and cried like a baby. She fell on her side, collapsing into a fetal position on the bathroom floor. Little girl… little whore… blackness engulfed her.
Winston looked up from the sink. Water cascaded down his freshly shaven face. He smiled, showing his yellowed, nicotine stained teeth. He frowned and picked up the tube of toothpaste from the counter. He examined it. Whitening Power, Extra Strength… bull fucking shit! He tossed the toothpaste into the wastebasket. Fucking liars! He grabbed the bottle of cologne from the counter and twisted off the top. Splashing an ample amount onto his cheeks, he grimaced as the alcohol burned into the razor cuts. Need a new razor… Suddenly, the phone rang.
Winston walked into the hallway, wiping his face with a towel. He picked up the phone. “Hello…. Hey there… Yes… tonight… for sure… normal place… you have my word on it… no… nothing is free… you can sample her tonight… the normal amount… I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures… the real thing will be tonight, then you can decide… okay… goodbye for now…” Winston hung up the phone. I hate to let this one go… but money is money… He smiled and walked back into the bathroom.
Aubree looked at the clock. Six thirty… A half an hour to go… She walked back into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. The cut off shorts barely came to the top of her thighs and rode low on her hips, several inches below her exposed navel. The halter top barely covered her breasts. She might as well have been naked. She could see the outline of her nipples protruding from the tight fabric… Winston’s words sprang into her mind… No bra…She looked down at the high heeled shoes lying in the corner. Slowly, she picked them up and walked into the living room. Sitting down on the couch, she unfastened the straps and put the heels on. She stood up. She felt off balance. The heels were much too high. She felt like an idiot. Walking to the kitchen, Aubree grasped the counter. How does any girl manage these heels??? She glanced at the clock. Almost time… She looked over at the front door. I could just leave… get in my car and drive home … to Daddy and Momma…
There was a loud knock at the door. Aubree looked at the clock. 6:49 … the bastard is early! She walked over and opened the door. Expecting to see Winston, she was instead surprised to see Matt. Matt from school! Matt from the Blue Lagoon who saw me naked yesterday! She stood looking at him, slack jawed.
“Hi, Aubree.” Matt winked at her. His eyes traveled up and down her skimpy attire.
Aubree stood back quickly and pushed the door closed to a crack. Hiding behind the door, she peeked out. “What do you want?”
Matt shifted his feet and shrugged his shoulders. “I figured we had a moment yesterday… you know… I thought… I thought maybe we could get together sometime.” He pushed on the door.
Aubree pushed the door. “No, Matt. I’m sorry. We didn’t have any type of moment. I can’t explain now. Please just leave.”
Matt ran his fingers through his hair. “No… I think we had a moment, Aubree. You took your clothes off yesterday… remember? Why did you strip in front of me unless we had a moment? Why did you suck me off if we didn’t have something? By the way, you’re really hot! You’re the sexiest girl I’ve ever seen.” He stepped forward. “We should hook up. I think we have something.” He pushed on the door.
Aubree shoved against the door with all her force. “NO, MATT! WE DIDN’T HAVE ANY MOMENT!” She heard Matt howl as the door crashed against his fingers. “JUST GO AWAY!”, Aubree screamed.
Matt staggered backwards in shock as Aubree slammed the door shut. He heard the deadbolts clicking into place. He shook his head in amazement. Shaking his stinging fingers, her headed towards the steps. Crazy bitch.
Aubree watched him through the blinds. She watched him walk down the stairs. How does he know where I live? She watched as he walked across the parking lot. She suddenly saw a pick up truck coming down the drive. Winston! Hurry, Matt! Get into your car! She looked over her shoulder at the clock… Seven o’clock sharp! Her heart raced.
Aubree watched as Winston pulled into the parking space. She watched Matt as he walked towards his car. He seemed to be moving in slow motion. Hurry! Get out of here, Matt!
Suddenly, Winston honked his horn. Aubree’s heart sank as she watched Matt turn around. She watched in disbelief as Winston stepped out of his truck. He walked towards Matt, smiling. She watched as Winston shook Matt’s hand. The two had a short discussion. They both glanced up at her apartment. Winston said something to Matt and he seemed to nod in agreement. Aubree’s heart sank as Winston got back into the truck and Matt turned and started towards the steps to her apartment. What did they talk about???
Aubree dropped the blinds and walked backwards into the living room. Her heart raced. She could hear Matt’s heavy steps coming up the stairs. She sank down onto the floor, her arms wrapped tightly around her knees.
Moments later came the knock at the door. Aubree looked up and brushed the hair out of her eyes. She stood slowly and walked to the door. She peeked out of the eyehole. Matt stood outside, grinning.
Slowly, Aubree unfastened the deadbolts and opened the door slightly. “I thought I told you I was busy.”
Matt laughed. “You’re not busy, Aubree. Come on out.”
Aubree felt like throwing up. “Please, Matt. Please, just go away.” She pushed on the door.
She was surprised as Matt pushed the door fully opened. She backed away into the living room, almost tripping over the high heels. Matt stood in the doorway.
“Hello, Aubree. Winston told me to come up here and get you. He said not to take no for an answer.” Matt smiled. He stepped into the entry way. “Winston told me to make sure you’re wearing the correct attire.” Matt stepped forward. “More specifically, he wanted me to make sure you’re not wearing a bra.”
Aubree felt the blood rush to her cheeks. “Look, Matt. Just go away, okay?”
Matt stepped towards her. “Nope. Sorry, Aubree. I promised Winston. Now, just lift your shirt up and let me have a look.”
Aubree slapped Matt across the face. “Fuck you! You’re not looking at anything pervert!” She shoved him outside. “Get out of my apartment!”
Matt rubbed his aching cheek. “Well, Winston isn’t going to like your attitude.” He glanced over his shoulder. Aubree followed his gaze and saw Winston leaning on the hood of his truck, staring up at them. He frowned at her.
Aubree shook her head. “No way. No way.”
She stepped backwards into her apartment and slammed the door. She slid the deadbolt into place. I’m done. I’m not going anywhere with these perverts…
She heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. Crossing her arms in front of herself, she backed into the kitchen. She strained to hear the muffled voices of Winston and Matt outside her door. Then, came the loud knock. “OPEN THE DOOR, LITTLE GIRL.” It was Winston. Aubree shuddered.
The knocking came again. “OPEN UP, LITTLE GIRL.” She could hear aggravation in Winston’s tone.
She walked slowly towards the door. Pressing her ear against the wood, she listened intently. She could hear Matt talking… something about Winston being his hero. The knocking resumed, causing her to jump back from the door. “YOU’RE STARTING TO UPSET ME, LITTLE MISSY.”
Aubree felt her heart pounding. She took a step forward and slowly unlatched the deadbolt. Leaving the chain on the door, she opened it a small crack. Winston stood outside, inches away, glaring at her angrily. She could see Matt standing just behind Winston. He was smiling broadly. Winston put his hand on the door and leaned forward causing Aubree to back away. “I will tell you one more time. Open this damned door or you’ll be in worse trouble than you already are.”
Aubree could smell the whiskey and tobacco on Winston’s breath. She shook her head. “No. I can’t. Not while he’s here.” She looked nervously over Winston’s shoulder at Matt. “Make him go away.”
Matt broke into an even bigger grin. “Don’t be so shy, Aubree. It’s not like I haven’t seen everything already.” He laughed. “A simple bra inspection shouldn’t be any big deal.”
Aubree pushed against the door, trying to close it again. Winston pushed back, forcing the door open to the full length of the inner chain. “Little girl, I’m going to count to three and this chain had best be unlatched.”
Aubree’s heart raced with fear and she felt herself blushing furiously. “Please. Make Matt go away. Why does he need to be here?”
Winston started to count… “One…”
Aubree felt her bottom lip quivering. She suppressed the urge to weep. “Please. Please. Make him go away!” She saw Matt cross his arms and lean against the rail, smiling.
Winston continued, “Two…”
Crestfallen, Aubree slowly unlatched the chain and backed away from the door.
Winston pushed into the apartment, trailed closely by the grinning Matt. He stepped towards her and grabbed her by the arm. Without speaking he led her towards the couch.
Aubree could hear Matt laughing in the doorway as Winston dragged her across the room. She tripped over the high heels and stumbled to her knees. Winston harshly yanked her to her feet and pulled her over to the couch. He sat down and spun her around by the hips until she stood facing him. He looked up at her angrily.
Aubree looked down at her feet. She felt helpless. She felt Winston’s hands on her hips. He exhaled deeply. “Why do you disobey me, girl?”
Aubree shot a look at Matt. He was still smiling. She blushed in embarrassment.
Winston repeated his question. “Why do you disobey me, little girl?”
Aubree fought back the tears. I won’t cry in front of Matt… Her voice shook as she responded, “I’m not trying to disobey. I only wanted him to go away.” She shot a glance at Matt.
Winston shook his head slowly. “You did disobey. And now, I’ll have to punish you. Because you disobeyed me in front of Matt, it’s only fair that he witness your punishment.” Winston looked up at her. “What happens when little girls are disobedient?”
Aubree looked down at Winston’s face and quickly looked over at Matt. He was leaning against the door with his hand held over his mouth, his elbow resting in his other hand. It was clear he was smiling. He winked at her.
Aubree was angry and ashamed. She wanted to pull away from Winston and punch the grinning Matt right in the mouth.
Winston slapped her thigh. “What happens when you disobey me, little girl?”
“I don’t know.” Aubree tried to step backwards but Winston’s hands held her firmly by the hips.
“Well, I guess I shall have to remind you.” Winston unsnapped the button on her shorts and lowered the zipper.
Aubree tried to push his hands away as he lowered her shorts off her hips and pushed them to her ankles. She closed her eyes as he reached into the elastic waistband of her panties and pulled them down. She felt the cool air rush across her bare butt and exposed pubic area.
“Get across my knee.” Winston pulled her forward.
As Aubree leaned forward across Winston’s lap, she saw Matt step forward, grabbing his swollen crotch. The smug smirk on his face made her sick.
Winston placed a hand on her bare backside. He rubbed his palm across the smooth flesh of her buttocks. “You’ll get ten swats. You will count aloud.”
He raised his hand and came down across her butt savagely. Thwack! The sound of his hand on her bare flesh echoed through the room.
“one”… Aubree’s voice was weak.
“three”… Aubree could see Matt out of her peripheral vision as he maneuvered for the best view. I won’t cry… I won’t cry…
“four.” Aubree choked back the tears.
“seven”… Aubree sniffed. She felt the tears start down her cheeks. She tried to wipe them away but, Winston forced her hand back to her side.
Aubree swallowed. “eight”
Winston sat back and pulled Aubree up by the elbow. She stood, looking down at her feet. Her shorts and panties were around her ankles. She held her hands over her pubes. She faced away from the grinning Matt and could feel his lustful gaze on her bare butt.
Winston folded his hands in his lap. “Now, I want you to walk over to Matt and tell him you’re sorry for your misbehavior.”
Aubree leaned over and started to pull her pants up.
Winston stopped her. “No. Keep the pants where they are. Go tell Matt you’re sorry.”
Aubree held her head in shame. She was crying now. She watched the tears drip from her face onto the carpet. She slowly turned and looked at Matt.
Matt stood with his arms crossed over his chest, smiling.
Aubree dragged her feet across the carpet. She moved very slowly, afraid that she might trip on the high heels and tangled shorts and panties around her ankles. She stopped in front of Matt. She couldn’t look at him. Instead, she looked at his shoes. His shoes were dirty. Disgusting bastard. How was I ever attracted to this pig?
She heard Matt cough. “I’m ready for my apology, Aubree.” She heard the mirth in his voice.
Aubree looked down at the carpet. Her hands were folded in front of herself. The teardrops dripped down her face and onto the floor. Stop crying stupid!
She forced out the words, “I’m sorry.” She just wanted this all to be over.
Matt reached around and pinched her bare butt. “You’re forgiven.” He gave her butt cheek a slap.
Winston sighed. “Now, if you had done what I asked originally, we wouldn’t be here right now.” He cracked his knuckles. “Now lift your shirt and let me confirm you’re not wearing a bra.”
Aubree turned around to face Winston. She slowly lifted her shirt. Her large breasts sprang free from the tight material. Her nipples were hard in the cold air.
Aubree felt sick. She stood, holding her shirt up, her shorts and underwear around her ankles. She felt Matt pinch her butt. She heard him laugh.
Winston chuckled. “That’s good, little girl. Now, pull your pants up and stop parading around like a whore.”
Aubree lowered her shirt and pulled up her panties and shorts. She pulled on the shirt, wishing it would offer more cover. The bottom of the skimpy garment only fell to just beneath her ample breasts. The shorts weren’t any better. They rode low on her hips and were so tight that she was barely able to fasten the zipper. She stood in the middle of the room looking down at her high heeled shoes. She wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. I cried… Damn them. Damn me! I cried again…
Winston stood up and reached into his pocket. Pulling out a pack of smokes, he lit one up. He turned to Matt. “Okay, young sir. Thank you for your help. You may leave now.”
Matt looked hurt. He shot a look at Aubree and turned back to Winston. “Why? I mean… I thought… I’m not busy. Can I hang with you guys tonight? I mean… I thought maybe… you know.” He squeezed his crotch and looked towards Aubree.
“Not tonight.” Winston nodded at the door. “See you around.”
Matt took a step forward. “Wait a minute, man. You can’t just make her strip down and show it off without a little finishing act. I’m horny as hell. I know you deleted the pics I snapped yesterday. I mean, I ain’t asking for the pics… That’s cool. Just a little blowjob or even a hand job. You know? I need to get off.”
Winston was on him in a split second. He struck like a snake. One instant, Winston was standing calmly, taking a drag on his cigarette. The next instant, his hand was wrapped around Matt’s throat, forcing him to his knees. “I asked you to leave, boy. Are you defying me?”
Matt’s hands flew to his throat in an attempt to pull Winston’s powerful grip away. He tried to stand up but Winston forced him further to the ground. “I…hmmpf…”, he was unable to speak. He gasped for breath.
Winston squeezed tighter. “I told you once, boy. The party is over. I gave you a free show not once, but twice. Now, you insult me?”
Matt strained for air. He felt his face turning blue.
Winston jerked him to his feet and punched him savagely in the stomach. Matt fell to the ground, gagging.
Aubree backed into the corner. Her heart raced with fear as she watched Winston manhandle the helpless Matt.
Winston put his boot over Matt’s neck, pinning him to the ground. “I think the free show is over, boy. I gave you an inch and you want a mile. Now, you’ll pay. The way I see it, you owe me for two free nudie shows and one damn good blowjob.”
Matt shook with fear and shame. “What do you want, mister? I don’t understand…”
Winston reached down and pulled Matt’s wallet from his back pocket. He kept his foot over Matt’s neck as he opened the wallet. “Now, let’s see what you have to offer, boy.” Winston pulled out a wad of cash. He thumbed through it quickly. “Three hundred twenty-two dollars. That sounds about right.” He lifted his foot off Matt’s neck and shoved the money into his pocket. “I think we’re even.” He tossed the wallet at Matt.
Matt slowly got to his knees. He held his head low in shame. He picked up his wallet and pushed it into his back pocket. His throat ached and he could feel bruises forming. He couldn’t look at Aubree.
“Now, get out.” Winston pointed towards the door.
Aubree watched as Matt slinked away. Her mind swirled with emotions… Fear, shock, desperation and uncertainty. She looked at Winston. He was staring intently at her. She watched him take a deep drag from his cigarette.
Winston walked over to Aubree and stood looking down at the cowering girl. “You sure are one fine piece of meat.” He reached under her shirt and pinched her bare nipple. “I’d almost like to take you to your bedroom for a good fuck session but, we’re already running late.” He looked down at his watch. “Get moving.” He pushed her towards the front door.
Aubree walked gingerly down the steps, being careful not to trip over the uncomfortable heels. Her mind raced… one fine piece of meat… She felt Winston pushing her along. “Hurry up, girl. Get to the truck.”
Winston slammed the truck door and stated the engine. He turned towards Aubree. “Now, I want you to be on your best behavior tonight. We’re meeting a very important friend of mine. I want no defiance out of you. If there is defiance, I’ll have my belt across your little tight ass. Do you hear me?”
Aubree folded her hands in her lap and looked out the window. “Yes, sir. I understand.”
Winston smiled. “That’s good. Very good.” He punched the gas and the truck sped out of the parking lot and into the busy street.
Chapter 8: Eight Ball, Corner Pocket
Aubree watched the streetlights passing by the window as the truck sped down the highway. She was afraid to look at Winston. She had been afraid of him before but after witnessing the beating he administered to Matt, her fear had turned to pure terror. She looked down at her exposed midriff and legs. She felt shame wash over herself. How did I get here?? She crossed her arms over her stomach and resisted the urge to cry.
Winston placed a large hand on her bare thigh and squeezed. “Get those damned heels off, tramp. All you do is trip in them anyway. I thought you could handle wearing a woman’s shoes, but it is apparent that you’re still a little girl. Better you should go barefoot than stumble around all night.”
Aubree leaned forward and unfastened the high heels and slipped them off her feet. She could see the red outlines of the shoe straps on the tops of her feet. She wiggled her bare toes, glad to be free of the cumbersome heels.
Winston looked down at her. “Throw them behind the seat.” He watched as Aubree placed the shoes in the back. He laughed. “To think, I thought you might be a woman and able to handle those heels. Foolish me. You’re just a little girl in a woman’s body.” He pulled out a smoke and lit it quickly. “Now, remember. No damned back talk. The first negative word you utter will be your last. Got it?”
“Yes, sir.”, came Aubree’s weak reply.
Winston chuckled and turned on the radio. An old rock n roll song poured out of the speakers…
Well, I'm a back door man,
I'm a back door man.
Whoa, baby — I'm a back door man.
The men don't know
But the little girls understand.
Winston laughed out loud. “How fitting… How god damned fitting.” He pulled on his cigarette and turned the volume up. “How fucking ironic…” He shook his head as he steered the truck towards the exit.
Winston slowed down and pulled into the parking lot of a non descript building. Aubree looked at the sign over the door…. BIG JACK’S HOUSE OF BILLARDS. She glanced around the parking lot. There were maybe a dozen cars and a couple of motorcycles. The parking lot was dimly lit. It was one of those buildings you could drive by everyday without noticing. She got an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach. Something’s wrong here… An image of her aging father flashed through her mind. Daddy…
Winston turned off the engine. He shot a look at Aubree. “Stay with me and do everything I say without question.” It was a statement. Aubree simply nodded.
Winston got out of the truck and walked around to the passenger side. He opened the door and pulled Aubree out by her arm. Slamming the door he pulled her across the parking lot towards the main entrance.
Aubree almost had to run to keep up with Winston’s fast pace. The rocks and pebbles on the parking lot hurt her bare feet. She heard the sound of muffled music coming from within the establishment.
When they reached the front door, Winston knocked twice. Aubree looked at the sign hanging on the door. MEMBERS ONLY. NO SOLICITING. She felt sick.
The door was quickly opened. A large bearded man stood in the doorway. He wore a leather vest and torn blue jeans. A large chain hung from his belt loop, securing his wallet. Tattoos covered his bare arms. His eyes traveled over her body. He examined her from head to toe. He turned to Winston. “Hey, man. Good to see you again.” He extended a hand. Winston grasped his hand. “Good to see you. I have an appointment with Mr. Black.”
The bearded man nodded. “He’s been expecting you.” He glanced down at Aubree and winked at Winston. “Fly in the web?”
Winston nodded. “Yeah. Could be.”
The bearded man smiled and opened the door. “Looks young. Come on in.”
Winston pulled Aubree into the darkened interior. The door closed behind them.
Aubree looked around, nervously. They were in a large open area with a low ceiling. The room was dark and filled with smoke. At least a dozen pool tables were lined up across the entire length of the chamber. At the far end of the room was a bar. Loud music pumped through speakers hanging throughout the room. Although the place could hold several hundred people, there appeared to be only twenty or so individuals. Aubree was stunned at the diversity of their appearance. Some of the people seemed to be the biker sort… leather and chains… Others were wearing suits and ties. The most disturbing thing was there seemed to be only men in the building. She glanced around the room… where are the girls??? She felt a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach.
The bearded man looked at Winston. “Mr. Black is in the office. He asked that you be brought in straight away.”
Winston nodded. “Of course he did.”
The bearded man led them down into the pool hall. Winston grasped Aubree’s hand and pulled her along. He looked over his shoulder and squinted his eyes at her. He didn’t speak but Aubree understood… shut up and obey. She felt sick.
Aubree felt totally exposed in the her skimpy attire. The air was cold against her bare stomach and her nipples hardened in the chill atmosphere, pressing against the tight fabric of her shirt… Daddy’s Girl… Aubree remembered the statement emblazed on her shirt. She sniffed, loudly… I am Daddy’s girl! The hard floor was cold on her bare feet. She almost wished she still had the high heels. She looked around the room and noticed the men had stopped playing pool… all eyes were on her… She heard whispers throughout the room. She couldn’t make out exactly what they were saying but, she got the general idea… hot, young girl… Her nervousness increased.
When they reached the bar area, Winston motioned Aubree towards a stool. “Have a seat. Wait here. Don’t move.” He squeezed her arm and guided her into the stool. “Don’t move.”, he reiterated.
Aubree watched as Winston walked away, following the bearded man. They vanished down a darkened hallway at the rear of the bar and were gone. Aubree was left alone. She looked around the room. Most of the men had resumed their games. The sounds of pool echoed throughout the chamber, intermingling with the loud music. Tobacco smoke was thick in the air. Aubree turned her back to the room and faced the bar. She smoothed her hands across her cut off shorts and pulled on the skimpy top. She felt totally exposed and was glad to have the cover of the bar.
She glanced around the bar. There were several men leaning against the counter to her immediate right. Mostly, the biker type. They talked loudly amongst themselves but, Aubree noticed their eyes were all turned towards her. She looked to her left and saw a short, white haired man in a business suit sitting at the far end of the bar. He was looking directly at her. He lifted his glass towards her and smiled. Aubree nodded and quickly turned away. Where are the girls???
As if in answer to her unspoken question, a curtain parted behind the bar and a young woman stepped out. She was wearing the skimpiest of black bikinis, high heeled shoes and nothing more. She had long dark hair and the brownest eyes Aubree had ever seen. She looked to be in her early twenties. Aubree watched, fascinated, as the girl walked over to the bikers and took their order. As the girl handed them their full mugs, Aubree took notice that no money was exchanged. Odd… The girl walked down the bar, her hips swaying provocatively in the skimpy thong bikini. The bikers hooted and whistled at her… “Hey, Kimmy! Shake that money maker!” … “Shake that little ass, baby!” … The girl appeared not to notice. She walked past Aubree without looking at her and approached the white haired man at the opposite end of the bar. Aubree noticed a tattoo on Kimmy’s left shoulder. It read, ‘Property of M.F.’. Aubree wondered who ‘M.F.’ could be… she must really love him to get his initials tattooed on herself…
Aubree continued to watch as the bikini clad Kimmy approached the white haired man. He leaned forward as she approached, waving what appeared to be a hundred dollar bill in the air. Aubree heard him say, “Let me have another one of the same, cutie”. Kimmy took the man’s money and ran her hand across his cheek, smiling. “Coming right up, honey.” Aubree watched Kimmy fix the man’s drink. She poured a large amount of several different alcohols into his glass before topping the concoction off with cola. She handed him the glass and took his hundred dollar bill. Aubree watched her deposit the bill into the register. She was surprised to see no change returned to the man. That’s one expensive drink…
Kimmy turned towards Aubree and walked in her direction. Aubree realized she had been staring. She quickly looked away. She felt uncomfortable as Kimmy leaned on the bar in front of her.
“What will you have, cutie pie?” Kimmy rested her elbows on the counter and stared at her. Aubree felt self conscious. “I’m not twenty-one yet. I can’t drink.”
Kimmy laughed. “You’re twenty-one here, girl. What would you like?”
Aubree shifted uncomfortably on her stool. She pulled on her skimpy top, wishing it covered more. “Okay. Just a beer. Thanks.”
Kimmy leaned over the bar and looked down at Aubree’s body. “You’re a pretty one. You have a really tight stomach. I’m jealous. You work out?”
Aubree didn’t understand how Kimmy could be jealous. She had one of the hottest bodies Aubree had ever seen.
“Sometimes. Not much.” Aubree looked away.
Kimmy smiled. “Not much, huh? With a toned body like that, I know you’re lying. You must work out everyday.” Kimmy tapped her long red fingernails on the bar. “I need to work out more, but I can’t stand treadmills.” She brushed the hair off of Aubree’s forehead. “Pretty hair. You here with your ‘boyfriend?’”.
Aubree didn’t like the question or the way Kimmy stressed the word ‘boyfriend’. “No. He’s just an acquaintance. We won’t be staying long.”
“Really?” Kimmy shrugged. ‘Okay, cutie pie.” She walked over and poured beer into a frosty mug. “Here you go, cutie.” She placed the mug in front of Aubree on the counter.
Aubree suddenly realized she had no money. “I… I … seem to have forgotten my purse…. I…”
Kimmy laughed. “It’s okay. You have credit here, sweetie.”
Kimmy looked around the bar. “Slow night.”
Aubree nodded.
Kimmy leaned forward, inches away from Aubree’s face. “I can see you don’t know where you are. Take my advice. Get out of here, girl.”
Aubree felt a chill on her spine. “What do you mean?”
Kimmy started to speak, but was interrupted by the bikers at the end of the bar. “WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, KIMMY? DON’T SCARE OFF THE NEW CLIENTS!” A fat biker with a long beard walked down the bar. “What are you two little ladies chatting about?” He leaned against the counter. His eyes were cold and black. “WELL?”
Kimmy flipped her hair. “Nothing, Animal. Take it easy. I was just telling the new girl how pretty she is.”
The large biker nodded. “All right. Fine. Just watch the mouth.” He glanced down at the end of the bar. His eyes rested on the white haired man. “Looks like Jones needs some company. Why don’t you give him some?”
Kimmy looked over her shoulder. The white haired man winked at her and produced another hundred dollar bill, almost magically.
Kimmy sighed. “Must I?”
Animal nodded. “Yep. Get movin.”
Kimmy shot a glance at Aubree before turning away. She walked to the end of the bar and said something to the white haired man. He smiled and followed her into the back hallway. They vanished into the darkness.
Aubree took a sip of her beer. This must be some kind of brothel… that girl was a whore… I need to get out of here…
Aubree realized the fat biker was still leaning on the counter beside her. Her bare toes clinched on the bottom of the stool. She tried to look away from him, sipping on her beer.
The biker took a long swallow from his mug and looked down at Aubree. “Hey there, honey. You’ll have to forgive our little Kimmy. She’s a little coo-coo sometimes.” He made a swirling motion with his finger beside his head. “Coo-coo.. Coo-coo.” He laughed as if he had made some fabulous joke.
Aubree smiled, politely. She took another drink of the cold beer. Just go away…
The biker snorted. “Don’t talk much do ya?” He cleared his throat loudly and held one finger over his nostril. He blew loudly, expelling a large amount of snot onto the floor. “Excuse me.” He laughed.
Aubree felt sick. She looked over her shoulder at the front door. I have to get out of here…
The biker leaned forward onto the bar. “Oh well. If you’re one of Winston’s girls, we won’t need you to talk much. I think I’ll be seeing a lot more of you later.” He glanced down at her breasts. His gaze fell across her bare stomach and legs. “Damn! You sure are fine.” Snorting loudly, he walked away.
Aubree’s heart was beating fast. Her palms felt cold. I may be young but I’m not stupid… She stood up quickly and walked towards the front exit… I’ll call my friend, Jill… she’ll come get me… why did I let him bring me here??? Where are we exactly?? Aubree tried to remember the name of the exit Winston took… McGowen? McCowen?? … She wished she had her cell phone. Winston smashed it… bastard…
Aubree walked quickly through the pool hall. She could see men looking at her from every direction. She realized what a sight she must be in her tiny shorts and halter top. I may as well be nude! She stepped on a bottle cap and winced in pain as the sharp edge cut into her bare foot. Damn it! She looked up and could see the front exit just ahead. Suddenly a pool stick came down in front of her. She stopped dead in her tracks. She looked over at the man holding the stick. He was at least six and half feet tall and wore a jean jacket emblazed with multiple patches. His hair was long and stringy. Silver rings shined on all his fingers. A cigarette hung from his bottom lip. He stepped towards her.
“Where you headed, missy?”
Aubree thought fast. “My purse. I left it in the car.”
The big man chuckled and tapped her bare stomach with the pool stick. “Purse, huh? Don’t worry about your I.D., we don’t need it here.” He stepped in front of her and leaned on the stick. “What’s your name, sexy?”
Aubree contemplated running past the man and breaking for the door. She looked at him nervously from under her eyelashes. “Aubree.”
The man took a long drag on his smoke. “You don’t look like an Aubree. You look like a Baby. I think I’ll call you Baby. Okay?”
“Whatever.” Aubree tried to push past him. He stopped her with a large hand on her shoulder.
“Whoa, Baby. You ain’t goin no where.”
Aubree’s heart was racing so fast that it felt as if it would burst through her chest. “Look, mister. I need my purse. I drank a beer and I have to get my money.”
The man didn’t respond. He just leaned on the pool cue, staring at her.
“I already called my friend. She’s on the way up here.” Aubree didn’t know why she said that. It just sprang out of her mouth.
The man rubbed his chin. “Is she as sexy as you?”
“No. She’s older. Not sexy at all. She’s a cop.” Aubree hoped her gamble would pay off.
“A cop? Mmmmm… I don’t like cops.” The man leaned forward. “Are you a cop?”
Aubree had never been so afraid in her life. “No. I’m not a cop. She’s my friend. I just mean she’s older. You know? I need to get my purse.”
The man frowned. “Nope. Don’t know what you mean. I think you might be an undercover officer. Are you wearing a wire?”
‘No!” Aubree shuddered. This was getting strange and out of control. “No, I’m not wearing a wire. I’m not a cop! Look mister, I need to get my purse.”
“Nope. I don’t think so. I think you’re wired.” The man looked over his shoulder. “Hey, Animal! This bitch is wired!”, he yelled.
Aubree saw Animal walking towards them. He looked menacing.
“What are you talking about, Mongrel?” Animal walked over and stood with his fists on his hips. “This bitch ain’t a cop. She’s with Winston. You saw them come in together. Besides, she’s way too young to be a fucking cop.” Animal looked down at Aubree. “How old are you, sweet thing?”
“Eighteen.” Aubree looked nervously between the two men. “I’m eighteen. I’m not a cop. I just want to get my purse.”
Mongrel grinned. “Eighteen… whoa doggies! Eight fuckin teen! Barely bleedin!”
Animal laughed and slapped Mongrel on the back. “Fresh outta school, bro. Premium flesh. That Winston knows how to find em’ young.”
Aubree really didn’t like the way the discussion was progressing. “Look. I just need to get my purse… I’ll be right back… I ….”
Animal silenced her with a raised hand. “Shut up now, little Miss Eighteen. You ain’t gonna be goin anywhere right yet. Go back to the bar and sit that pretty ass of yours down.”
Aubree felt her heart sink. The exit was just a few steps away. She turned slowly and walked back towards the bar. She heard Animal and Mongrel talking behind her. They were talking about her ass. What they would do with it… Aubree was scared.
As she approached the bar, she saw Winston step out of the darkened back hallway. He raised a finger towards her and beckoned her.
Aubree hurried over to him. She was almost glad to see him… almost…
Aubree looked up at Winston. “I need to get home… I …”
Winston shook his head. “Not now. Shut your mouth.”
Aubree’s full lips turned downwards. “I have to go… I need to study for class…”
Winston shook his head. “No more studying tonight. Follow me.” He looked at her through narrowed eyelids. “I don’t need any trouble from you.”
Aubree followed Winston into the darkened hallway. The sounds of the pool hall slowly faded away as they made their way into the dimly lit corridor. They reached a wooden door which Winston quickly opened. On the other side of the door, a steep flight of stairs led down to a lower level. Winston grabbed her arm and pulled her down the stairs.
At the bottom of the stairs they entered another hallway. This hall was richly adorned with shiny oak floors and wall panels. A red carpet extended down the entire length of the corridor. Fancy candlelight fixtures lined the walls. There were three closed doors on each side of the hallway. At the far end of the hall, two oak double doors stood closed.
Winston looked down at Aubree and squeezed her arm. “I want you to shut you mouth. Do exactly what I tell you without question.” He squeezed her arm again. “I mean without question. It will be bad for you if you disobey.”
Aubree nodded. She had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Warm tears formed at the corners of her eyes.
Winston pulled her down the hall approaching the double doors. Aubree heard sounds coming from behind the closed side doors as they walked down the hall. The sounds were unmistakable. Sex. Aubree shivered. People are having sex in these rooms… She thought she heard Kimmy’s voice. She was moaning.
Aubree looked up at Winston. Please let me go… She pulled on his hand. “Sir?” Her voice was a mere whisper. He turned to face her. “Please. Let’s just leave. I’ll suck your dick in the truck. Please?”
Winston punched her in the stomach. She fell to her knees, gasping for breath.
He leaned over. “I told you not to speak. If I didn’t need your pretty face, I’d give you a black eye. Don’t open that mouth again.” He pulled her to her feet.
Aubree took deep breaths, trying to regain her wind. Winston pulled her towards the double doors. He stopped at the end of the hallway, just outside the doors. He looked down at the gasping girl.
“Take your clothes off.”
Aubree froze.
Winston repeated his command. He clenched his fist. “Strip. Everything off. Now.”
Aubree felt sick as she pulled the skimpy halter top over her shoulders and dropped it to the floor. She unfastened the button on her shorts and lowered the zipper. She stepped out of the garment and stood fully nude.
Winston cupped his hand under her buttocks. “Get on your hands and knees.”
Aubree knelt onto the floor. She wanted to speak but her fear suppressed her urge.
Winston produced a leash and dog collar from his pocket. He fastened the collar around her neck and latched the leash onto the collar. He laughed. “You’re a dog now. Act like it.” He shoved her face to the ground with his foot. “Don’t open that fucking mouth again.”
Aubree knelt on all fours. The leash was tight around her neck. A few moments before, she had wished the shorts and halter top would offer more cover. Now, she wished to have the shorts and halter top back. She was as naked as the day she was born.
Winston knocked twice on the large double doors. He turned the handle and pushed the doors fully open.
The interior room was dark. Very dark. A voice seemed to materialize out of the blackness. “Come in.”
Winston pulled the leash and led her forward into the black room.
Aubree’s mind went blank. She went to a happy place. Mommy and Daddy in the old garden… dolphins in the ocean… She blacked it all out. Her mind became numb.
(Next Chapter: “Sold”. Coming soon…)
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