Aubree’s First Apartment: Part 10
Chapter 31: The Room:
Madison pulled Amber down the hallway. She laughed as Amber tripped over her own jeans and panties which were bunched around her ankles. “You’re a clumsy girl aren’t you, Ms. Tiny Tits?”, Madison asked with a smirk.
Amber’s face reddened. “I don’t have tiny tits and I’m not clumsy! My name isn’t Tiny Tits! Stop calling me that, bitch!” She pulled away from Madison and backed against the wall. Leaning over she grabbed her jeans and panties, pulling them up. Fastening the buttons, she looked up at Madison with trepidation. “Why are you people doing this to me? What have I done to you?” She continued to fumble with the buttons on her jeans while looking nervously around the hallway. This is weird… These people are out of their minds… I need Ross… He would know what to do… She looked back up at Madison and blinked rapidly. “Just leave me alone.” She’s my own age… why am I afraid of her??
Madison frowned at her. Her eyes were dark with hatred, contrasting her pretty face. She placed a finger on her lips and raised her eyebrows. “Uh oh…” She smiled and rolled her eyes. “Are you defying me, Ms. Tiny Tits?”
Amber finished fastening her jeans and stared at Madison. “I’m not defying anyone. I really don’t care about any of this… this is lame.” She blinked nervously and glanced down the hallway. “I’m leaving. I need to get home… I have school tomorrow and…”
Madison gave Amber a hard slap across the face. She stepped back and giggled. “Are you defying me, Tiny Tits?”
Amber held a hand on her face. She felt the blood rushing to her cheeks. This bitch just slapped me… She considered punching the girl. No… I just need to get out of here… this scene is going south with a quickness…She turned to walk away. “I’m out of here… freakish bitch.”
Madison grabbed her shoulder. “You may want to reconsider, Ms. Tiny Tits. My mother believes is sexual punishment. If you resist us, it will be bad for you.” Madison giggled. “Mother is in control now, Tiny Tits…”
Amber stared back at Madison. She blinked several times. Sexual punishment? What the hay??? Mother is in control?… These people are totally gone… not right in the head… She held her palms up and shrugged. “Look, Madison… I don’t know what’s wrong with your mom or what’s wrong with you. You people have some real issues. Serious problems…” She batted her eyes and turned towards the front door. “I’m leaving.”
Madison smiled. “I’ll give you one more chance, Tiny Tits.”
Amber felt herself becoming angry. She raised her middle finger and glared at Madison. “Screw this and screw you!” She ran down the hallway. I need Ross…
Madison cupped her hands over her mouth. “MOTHER!!!!”
Amber felt the adrenaline rushing through her body as she hurried down the hallway. I’ve got to get away from these people… crazy freaks… She heard Madison screaming behind her. Freaks…
Amber raced down the hallway. Got to get out of this house… get to Ross… As she approached the main entryway Barbara stepped in front of her, blocking the exit. “Where are you off to, Ms. Tiny Tits?” She stood with a wine glass in her hand, staring at Amber with one hand on her hip. Alan stood behind her sipping a lemonade, straight faced.
Amber stopped dead in her tracks and backed away. She blinked. “Leave me alone. Please. I want to leave this place. You’re keeping me here against my will. This is illegal.” She looked nervously from Barbara to Alan. Sick freaks… “Look… just give me my phone. I’m leaving. If you let me go, I promise I won’t call the police.”
Barbara took a sip of wine. “What is my title, girl?” She frowned.
Amber felt her stomach churning. She was speechless. She watched as Madison walked past her and stood next to Barbara, smirking at her.
Madison tapped her foot impatiently. “See, Mother? See what I said? She’s not learning. Not learning at all…” She cast a derisive look at Amber. “Maybe she’s slow in the head…”
Amber backed down the hallway. “Please… you people are crazy… this isn’t right…” She blinked rapidly and crossed her arms over her breasts. “You’re all nuts…” She unconsciously batted her eyes.
Barbara handed her wine glass to Madison and walked calmly towards Amber. “What is my title, little girl? Do we have to go through this again?” Her heels clicked on the tiles in the entryway. She looked over her shoulder at Madison. “Lock the front door, honey.” Madison giggled and hurried over to the door and flipped the deadbolt into place.
Amber felt nauseated. “Look… I just want to…”
Barbara raised her hand. “What is my title, girl? I will not ask you again.”
Amber looked down. Fear washed over her. “mistress…”, she whispered. Oh… my… god…Oh… my…god…Oh…my…god.. I’ve got to get out of here… Get to Ross…
Barbara nodded. “That’s right, Tiny Tits. I’m your mistress…” She paused and tapped a long fingernail against her chin. She pursed her lips and appeared to be deep in thought. “Here’s the situation, Tiny Tits… you will not be getting your phone back. You will not be leaving this house. And…” She paused for impact. “Your behavior over the next several hours will determine how long you will remain nude…”
Amber felt lightheaded. “What?” She blinked and backed away. Nude? WTF?
Barbara rubbed her palms together. “I can’t have you running out of here without my permission and you don’t seem to be overly obedient. The way I see it …you would be less inclined to leave this house if you were nude. Isn’t that right, girl? You don’t want to be running around naked in the streets do you? ”
Amber shivered slightly. She looked around the hallway. No where to run… She looked back up at Barbara. “I promise I won’t leave. I’m sorry. I was just scared and…”
Barbara snapped her fingers. “Too late for excuses… Now strip. Get everything off.”
Amber shrank away. “Why? Why??” Her heart raced with fear. She looked over at Alan. There’s a boy here…
Barbara cocked her head. “That is infraction number two…. Not addressing me properly and… using the word ‘why’… twice… I thought we discussed this, Ms. Tiny Tits…”
Amber wanted to run. I need my phone… I need Ross… I need to get away from here…
Barbara pointed as she stepped towards Amber . “Strip, girl. Get undressed. Everything off… This isn’t open for negotiation. You’re going to be nude and you’re going to be punished.”
Amber looked from Barbara to Madison to Alan. All three people stared at her silently. Waiting. Amber blinked. Waiting for me to take off my clothes…
Barbara held a finger in the air. “One…”, she began to count, with a sigh.
Amber noticed Alan licking his lips. He had a hand on his crouch. He’s squeezing his thing… are all boys perverts?
Barbara held up another finger. “Two…”
Amber shook violently as she slowly unlaced her shoes and pulled them off. She glanced up at Barbara. Crazy woman… She looked over at Alan. He’s masturbating through his pants… freak… Her eyes fell on Madison… She’s evil… demented… She pulled her socks off and dropped them on the carpet. She blinked at Barbara. Her wide eyes pleaded for mercy… Don’t make me take off my clothes… there’s a boy over there!
Barbara pointed at her shoes and socks. “Hand each article of clothing to Madison as you remove them… all your clothes… everything off… even your jewelry… everything…” Her tone was firm. Matter of fact… “Give everything to Madison, girl. I want you in your birthday suit…”
Madison walked over and held out her hand with a sneer. “Give me the ugly shoes and socks, Tiny Tits.” She stared at Amber with jealousy. This cunt is pretty… she needs to pay… I’m prettier than her… Mother will teach her…
Amber fearfully picked up her shoes and socks and handed them over to a smiling Madison. Ross… I need you… She unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down. Stepping out of them, she handed them over to Madison. Bitch… She hesitated and stared down at her bare feet. Please stop… She heard Barbara clear her throat. Amber’s heart raced. She pulled her tank top up and over her shoulders and handed it over as well. She stood in her bra and panties, staring at her tormentors. Ross… save me… please baby… where are you? She closed her eyes as she removed her earrings and necklace.
Madison smirked at her. “See, Tiny Tits… I warned you to cooperate… but you wouldn’t listen… you’re stupid.” Stupid, stupid, stupid… nah nana nah nah… Madison glanced back at Barbara. “What’s she waiting for, Mother? Is she hard of hearing?”
Barbara pointed at Amber and made a downward motion with her finger. “Panties down… bra off… now, girl!” She snapped her fingers.
Amber closed her eyes. She unfastened her bra and let it fall down her arms. Her large breasts came into view. She heard Alan slurping on his lemonade. That boy is looking at my boobs… She slowly pushed her thong panties down her legs. Stepping out of them, she handed them over to Madison and stood looking at the floor… fully nude. Ashamed. Embarrassed. Fear washed over her. She blinked. I’m helpless… at their mercy now… She trembled.
Barbara smiled as she looked at the naked teen. “What little breasts you have… just pathetic… you look like a little boy… what an ugly girl you are!”
Alan disagreed mentally. This chick is hot! He took another sip of lemonade. His eyes roamed over Amber’s nude body. His penis jumped with arousal as Amber attempted to cover her nudity with her hands. Look at those tits! She’s not got tiny tits at all… god damn!! Those tits are huge! Look at that pussy… perfect hips… long legs… firm stomach… she’s incredible… I want to fuck her… look at her! So cute… He squeezed his raging erection through his jeans. I’m gonna blow my wad… He suddenly noticed Madison looking at him with narrowed eyes. He took a sip of lemonade and frowned. “What an ugly little bitch. Fucking gross….” He looked over at the television.
Madison’s heart raced with rage. Alan likes this stupid bitch. I’m sexy… why is he looking at her? I’m enough for him! She held Amber’s clothes in her arms and glanced over at Barbara. “Mother, I think we should take her to The Room.” Make her pay… She shot a look at Alan.
Barbara nodded. “I agree, honey. The Room is needed.” She paused. “Put her clothing in the closet and lock it.” She stared at Amber with a smile.
Madison vanished around the corner. Barbara stepped towards Amber. “Now, Tiny Tits. How do you feel? Do you want to escape?” Her eyes traveled over Amber’s naked body from head to toe. What a beautiful girl… so innocent… she’ll bring a good price…
Amber opened her eyes and stared down at the floor. I’m nude… She inhaled deeply and blinked. “I’m cold.” Humiliated… ashamed…
Barbara laughed. She walked over to her purse and pulled something out. Unwrapping the object, she turned towards Amber and held up a bar of soap. “Remember this, girl?” She stepped towards the cringing teenager.
Amber shuddered. Soap… gross… gas station soap…
Barbara held the bar of soap against Amber’s lips. “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue, girl. When you become filthy you must be cleaned… I warned you.” She pushed the soap onto Amber’s lips. “Open up, dirty girl.” She slapped her bare thigh. “Now!”
Amber felt a warm tear run down her cheek. She looked up and saw Madison walk back and stand behind Barbara. “Her clothes are locked up, Mother.” Madison smirked at her. “Put it in her butt, Mother. Not in her mouth. She needs a real lesson. Put the soap in her fat ugly butt.”
Barbara paused. She glanced over at Madison. “In her butt? Like I used to have to do to you when you misbehaved?” She raised an eyebrow.
Madison shrugged. “It made me learn. Maybe it will help her.” She stared directly into Amber’s eyes. “Put it in her butt, Mother.” She smiled with satisfaction. “Put it up there… deep… make her real clean…” Shove it in there… make her pay…
Barbara nodded and looked back down at Amber. “Okay, Tiny Tits.” She made a swirling motion with her finger. “Turn around, bend over and spread your cheeks.” She snapped her fingers.
Amber blinked. She saw Alan looking at her out of the corner of his eye. I’m nude… She looked over at Madison… bitch… She swallowed and looked up at Barbara. “I don’t need this… I’m sorry… Mistress…” Her heart pounded with fear and shame.
Barbara sighed loudly. “Turn around. Bend over… and …. spread your cheeks. I won’t ask you again, girl.”, she said with exasperation. “Will you ever learn?”
Amber looked up at Barbara. She looked over at Alan. Then, her eyes fell to Madison. She shrank away as Madison smiled at her. That bitch hates me…I’m nude… why did I take my clothes off? Why am I letting them do this? Where is Ross??? What’s wrong with me?
Madison shook her head and glanced up at Barbara. “See, Mother? See??? What a disobedient little tramp she is…” She rolled her eyes. “She doesn’t know how to obey. She’s a hardhead. She doesn’t know her place… stubborn.” Like I used to be… but now, I ’m a good girl…
Barbara frowned. “Turn around, Tiny Tits. Spread those filthy butt cheeks. Do it now. Don’t make me any madder than I already am, ugly girl.” She held the bar of soap up. “NOW!”, she shouted.
Amber jumped. Her heart pounded as she turned around and bent over. Oh my god… oh no… oh my god… oh no… oh my god… oh no… She looked between her legs as Barbara walked towards her. She closed her eyes and felt a warm teardrop fall onto her bare foot. I need Ross…
Barbara knelt down and admired the teenager’s exposed ass. What a pretty little round butt she has… very sexy… perfect crack… this little ass will bring a very good profit… “Spread your fat cheeks, girl! Open them wide! Now!”, she demanded. “Spread them wide, girl. Let me see your dirty little asshole.”
Amber repressed the urge to vomit. She closed her eyes tightly as she reached behind herself and pulled her buttocks apart. Her mind went totally blank. She stared at the back of her closed eyelids.
Barbara slowly pushed the soap into the prone teenager’s rectum. “This will teach you, girl. When shit comes out of your mouth then soap goes into your butt. Shit out… soap in…” She continued to push the soap into the crying teenager’s exposed rear. It was a tight fit and Amber squirmed and whimpered. Barbara used the tip of her fingernail to push the bar all the way into Amber’s rectum. She smiled as the girl’s anus closed over the soap. Vanishing act… that must burn… what a delectable crack she has… perfect… nice curve to her cheeks…
Amber squeezed her knees together and gritted her teeth. Owwww! It hurts!!! She opened her eyes and stared down at her bare toes. Ouch!!! Take it out!!! I feel like I need to poop…
Barbara stood up and backed away, crossing her arms. “How does that feel, Tiny Tits?”
Amber remained in a prone position. She squinted back tears. “It hurts… please take it out.” What if it doesn’t come out? What if it’s stuck? It burns… I shouldn’t move…
Barbara motioned at Madison. “Bring me my wine, honey.” She continued to stare at the hapless teenager as Madison hurried to get her wine glass. What a sexy little girl… Winston has an eye for the submissive ones… a true talent… but what was his is now mine…as usual… She smiled and walked back over to Amber. “Now that you’re naked and bent over, you look even uglier, girl. You have no shape. No curves… like a little boy… you let Ross see you without clothes? I can’t imagine…”
Amber tried to speak. “Ross loves me.. I…” The pain of the soap in her rectum overwhelmed her. Ughh!!! Get it out!!! Please!!! She gagged.
Madison handed Barbara the wine glass and stood looking down at Amber. “Who is Ross, Mother?”
Barbara smiled. “Ross is her boyfriend, sweetie. I don’t know what he sees in her. I mean… look at her… she has no shape… tiny tits… flabby ass… baby fat on her stomach and thighs… just sickening… But, her boyfriend is just adorable.”
Madison’s eyes widened. “Really? She has a cute boyfriend?” She glanced back at Alan. Asshole…
Barbara nodded. “Yes. Indeed… he is very sexy.” She took out her phone. “He has a big penis. I have some naked photos of him…”
Amber’s heart raced. Anger rushed over her, overriding her fear and pain. She stood up and turned around. “Those pictures are mine! They’re private!” The soap burned in her rectum. She held her hands over her buttocks. Tears rolled down her pretty cheeks. Ouch! It hurts!!! Ross!!! She watched as Barbara held the phone up, showing the pictures to Madison. Oh no, Ross… I’m sorry, lover…
Madison smiled as she looked at the photos. “Wow, Mother! He does have a big penis. It’s well shaped… do you have any other shots of him… with an erection maybe? He’s cute.” She shot a glance at Amber and smiled. “You have a very sexy boyfriend, Tiny Tits…” She winked and giggled. “He’s got a nice cock…” Bitch.
Amber bent forward, holding her buttocks. The soap was foaming and burning. “Please…. Please….” She reached forward, hand outstretched. “Please, Mistress. Don’t show her the pictures…”
Barbara looked over at her. “Stupid, ugly girl. Why are you talking? Do you need soap in your mouth as well as your ass? Do we need it in both ends, foul mouthed little tramp?”
Amber sank to her knees. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “No… I just want…” Her voice trailed off. She wept as she listened to Barbara and Madison. They’re looking at my Ross… naked… I told him I deleted those pictures…
Madison held a hand over her lips and giggled as she stared at the pictures. “Wow! Look how big it gets! Ross has such a big cock!” Her eyes widened. She looked over at Alan. “Come over here, honey. Look at this guy’s cock… it’s so much bigger than yours.” She giggled.
Alan shot Madison the bird. “Screw you, chick. Very funny… ha ha…whatever…” He took a drink of lemonade and shoved a hand into his pocket, feeling his own erection. How big is this Ross guy’s cock? Are they joking? Fuck that… I ain’t looking at his cock… I’m no fag… He shot a quick look at Amber as she knelt on the carpet, weeping. She held her arms over her heaving breasts, trying to hide her nudity. However… I will look at this bitch… she’s fine… what a perfect body… fucking rocking body… His penis twitched with arousal. She could be a model…
Madison waved her hand at Alan, brushing him off. “Fine. I guess you’ll never know what a big dick looks like.” She laughed as she looked back down at the pictures on Barbara’s phone. “Where did you get the pics, Mother? Did he pose for you?”
Barbara smiled. “I got the pictures from Ms. Tiny Tits… I took them off her phone. She let me…” Barbara glanced down at Amber. “ I haven’t actually met Ross yet, honey.”
Amber remained kneeling in the hallway. She felt foam running down her butt cheeks and onto her inner thighs. The burning sensation in her rectum was overwhelming. She blinked up at Barbara. “I didn’t let you take the pictures. You stole them…” What did she mean by saying she hasn’t met Ross yet??? She grimaced with discomfort.
Barbara flipped off her phone walked over to Amber. Madison followed closely behind her, smirking. Barbara stood with her hands on her hips, tapping her foot as she stared down at the whimpering girl. “When will you ever learn, Tiny Tits? You will address me as Mistress. That, stupid girl, was infraction number three.”
Madison glared down at Amber. “Let’s take her to The Room, Mother. Infraction number three! I think she needs to sit in the discipline chair. It might make her learn.” She bent down and pinched Amber’s exposed nipples. Pretty little bitch… how do you feel now? All stripped and helpless? You’ll pay… Madison giggled as she smiled at down Amber. Pretty girl… in trouble….
Barbara nodded. “I concur, dear.” She reached down and grabbed a handful of Amber’s blonde hair, pulling her to her feet. She stared into her blinking eyes. Inches away. “Come along, Tiny Tits.” She pushed her down and pulled Amber down the hallway, bent over.
Madison followed closely behind them, enjoying the sight of the prone girl’s bare ass with the soap suds foaming from her rectum. Stupid bitch… now you’ll learn… you might be pretty but Mother will teach you…
The soap burned in Amber’s butt as Barbara pulled her down the hallway. She heard Madison snickering behind her. I hate that bitch… She held her hands on her buttocks. She whimpered in pain. Take it out… it hurts…where are my clothes?
Barbara paused at a locked door at the end of the hallway. She unfastened the deadbolt and opened the door. A staircase led down to a dark basement. She pulled Amber down the stairs. “Come along now, Tiny Tits. Don’t resist. It will be much worse if you do…” She pulled Amber down, into the blackness.
Amber heard Madison close the heavy door behind them as Barbara pulled her down the dark staircase. Her heart pounded with fear. She fought off the urge to wretch. Oh my god… It stinks in here… at least Alan is upstairs… he can’t look at me…
They reached the bottom of the stairs and Barbara flipped on a light switch. She released Amber’s hair and allowed her to stand up. “Welcome to The Room, girl. Remember that you brought all this on yourself. Everything that happens now is of your own choosing. Remember… whenever I bring you to The Room, it is because of a poor choice you have made… And, considering the poor choices you make, I think you had best get used to being here…”
Amber blinked nervously as she surveyed the basement. The walls and floor were cold stone. The lights overhead were fluorescent and bright. Chains hung from the ceiling. An assortment of whips, canes and paddles hung on a rack. In one corner of the room was a large cage with a mattress inside. The mattress was stained and filthy. A medical examination table sat in another corner. A mold covered shower with a cement drain was across the room. In another area was a large meshed wire trash canister. It was full of what appeared to be the ashes of burnt clothing. In the center of the room sat a oversized wooden chair. Large iron manacles were on the legs and arms of the chair. On the seat of the chair sat a huge dildo with two penises, made to fit into two holes at the same time… the room stank of mildew and dampness. The musty smell filled Amber’s nostrils.
Madison laughed and clapped her hands. “Welcome home, Tiny Tits!”
Amber screamed. No words came out. She couldn’t form words. She could only scream. She had never felt terror before. Now she understood terror. She turned and raced up the stairs. Get away… OH MY GOD!!! GOT TO GET AWAY!!!!
Barbara smiled as she watched the nude teenager race up the staircase. What a delicious little girl… Adorable butt… look at the way it jiggles! I will certainly enjoy her… She calmly motioned at Madison. “Bring her back down, honey.” She yawned.
Madison ran up the stairs and caught Amber just as she reached the door. She wrapped her arms around the nude girl, pinning her hands at her side. She whispered into Amber’s ear as she pinched an exposed nipple. “Stop resisting, Tiny Tits… It only makes Mother angry…” She giggled and quickly licked Amber’s neck. “Mmmm.. Tasty.” She ran her fingers over Amber’s bare tummy. “You’re so stupid, Tiny Tits. Now you’re going to pay…”
Amber went limp. Her heart raced. The soap burned in her rectum. She felt helpless… more helpless than she had ever felt. She thought of Ross. I need you, babe… my knight in shining armor… I’m sorry…
Madison grabbed Amber’s shoulders and turned her around. Her eyes roamed over the girl’s nude body. “Shut up, stupid bitch. Don’t resist us… Mother will make you pay if you do...” She grasped Amber’s trembling hand and led her down the stairs. “Come on, Tiny Tits… Don’t resist… Don’t make it any worse than it already is…” She giggled.
Barbara removed a cane from the rack as Madison pulled Amber to the bottom of the stairs. She looked over at the naked girl. Lovely girl… simply lovely… just beautiful… thank you, Winston… She flexed the cane in her hands. I’m going to thrash her… pretty girls need to be thrashed… to keep them humble…
Amber stood at the bottom of the steps. She felt Madison’s hands caressing her bare hips… Feeling her curves… The dank smell of the basement filled her nostrils. She jumped as Madison placed a finger into her crack, moving down towards her rectum. Goosebumps rose over her bare flesh. I need to get my clothes… then I can get out of this place… find Ross… figure this out… I need to think… remain calm…. Don’t panic… Her eyes fluttered.
Barbara flexed the cane in her hands. “Now, Tiny Tits… you will be thrashed… it is time you learned your place…” She looked over at Madison. “Chain her hands, sweetie… Stop fondling her… Secure her…”
Madison laughed as she pulled Amber across the room. She smiled as she listened to the girl’s rapid breathing. She’s afraid… good.
Amber’s feet were cold on the bare cement floor. She was aware of her nudity. She had never felt more helpless or shamed. She weakly allowed Madison to raise her hands over her head, locking her wrists into the chains which hung from the ceiling. She closed her eyes as Madison backed away.
Amber heard Barbara’s voice. “Raise her, dear.” She shivered as she listened to Madison approach the crank. She heard the mechanical appartatus go into motion as Madison turned the wheel. She felt herself being lifted… Her feet left the floor. She stretched out her toes trying to feel the firm ground beneath her feet as the chains lifted her. Ross… help me… please… She thought of Ross. His face comforted her. She hung limply by her wrists… on full display. Naked… helpless… She closed her eyes.
Barbara walked over and stood behind the nude teenager as she hung by her wrists. She looked down at the girl’s bare toes. They dangled several inches above the floor. “Good job, Madison. You’re learning, honey.” She raised the cane.
Madison smiled. “Whip her, Mother! Whip her good!” She laughed. “She needs it! She deserves it!” She clapped with excitement.
Barbara brought the cane down hard across Amber’s bare buttocks. THWACK! The first lash of the cane raised a red mark on Amber’s butt cheeks. Barbara stood back and raised the cane again as Amber squealed in pain. THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! She applied the cane viciously to Amber’s bare backside. She stood back and admired her work. Red welts stood out on the girl’s buttocks. She looked up at Amber’s back. She took aim and brought the cane down hard on the small of the girl’s back. THWACK! She laughed as Amber kicked her feet and screamed in pain. She tapped the tip of the cane on the back of the girl’s thighs. “What is my title, girl?”
Amber stretched her toes out, trying to find the floor. Let me go…
Amber listened as Barbara repeated the question, “What is my title, ugly girl?” The cane fell again. THWACK!!!!
Amber held her head down and looked at her bare thighs. “Mistress! You are my MISTRESS!!”, she screamed.
Barbara brought the cane down again over Amber’s bare back. “What, girl? I can’t hear you?”
Amber gasped in pain. “MISTRESS!”, she screamed. “You’re title is Mistress!” She wept. She felt blood rising on her back. She’s beating me… I’m nude… I need to find my clothes… She clenched her toes.
Barbara brought the cane down again. This time, she aimed for Amber’s exposed thighs. THWACK! THWACK! THWACK!
Amber twisted at the end of the chains. Let me go!!! The cane felt like fire on her bare thighs. She felt the welts rising on the back of her legs. The rattle of the chains echoed in the large room. She heard Madison giggling.
Barbara backed away and bent the cane in her hands. “What is my name, filthy girl?”
Amber blinked in pain. “MISTRESS!”, she screamed. “MISTRESS!” Please let me go… A teardrop trickled down her cheek.
Barbara walked over and placed the cane on the rack. “That’s correct. I am Mistress to you, girl. If you ever forget that fact again, I will beat you harder. Do you understand?” She gave Amber a hard look.
Amber shook her head. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “Yes! Yes! I understand!” Her chin dropped against her chest. I want to go home… She felt the soap suds foaming on her thighs. Her rectum burned.
Madison stood to the side, smiling. She felt happy watching Amber’s pain. She deserves it… stuck up bitch… Alan won’t like her now… all bruised… She frowned as Barbara hung the cane up. “That’s it, Mother? No more?” She looked at Barbara with wide eyes. Disappointment washed over her face. “Nothing else? What about the chair?”
Barbara smiled. “Patience, honey… all good things come to those who wait… do you need a lesson in patience, sweetie? She glanced at Madison.
Madison shook her head quickly and back away. “No, Mother. I’m patient.” Don’t beat me… Beat Tiny Tits… She motioned at Amber. “I just don’t think this bitch has learned her lesson.” Don’t be mad at me… “She’s not learning… we need to thrash her more…” She looked at Barbara, innocently. “Make her pay, Mother.” She’s the bad one… I’m obedient… I’m a good little girl…
Barbara smiled. Darn right… my little girl is growing up…. Her heart swelled with pride as she looked at Madison. I’ve nurtured a viper at my nipple… she’ll be even better than me… She smiled with satisfaction. Winston’s daughter… if he only knew…
Alan stood at the end of the hallway with his ear pressed against the basement door. Holy shit! They’re whipping her! I wish I could watch… that bitch is so hot! I think I know her… she goes to my school… He listened to Amber’s screams and pushed his ear closer to the door. She’s like all nude down there and shit… getting spanked… I need to be down there… watching this shit… He pressed his ear on the door. Damn it, Madison… I want to see… He spilled his lemonade. Damn it…
Amber hung limply by her wrists. Her backside burned from the cane. She felt the welts on her skin. Oh my god… I’ve been kidnapped… They have my clothes and my phone… I’m nude in their basement… I’m nude… Tears rolled down her cheeks. Her thoughts raced… Where is my phone? How can I get out of here? The soap is in my bottom… My mascara is running… I need Ross…
Barbara walked over and stood in front of the naked teenager. “Now… Tiny Tits… what is my name?” She held her hands on the squirming teen’s bare breasts... Her eyes moved up and down the young girl’s body. Delicious… what lovely tits… perfect little bellybutton… long legs… sexy little girl…
“Mistress!”, Amber answered quickly. You’re Mistress…
“Excellent, girl. Excellent…” Barbara ran her palms down Amber’s smooth legs. She pulled them apart and stared at Amber’s bare pubis. “Well, well… what a sweet little honey pot you have, little girl… I’m happy to see you shave… otherwise, we would need to shave you… after all, your pussy is the only feminine feature you have!” She laughed.
Amber winced and closed her eyes. I’m scared… She tried to control her breathing. Stop looking at me that way… I look like a boy… I’m ugly…
Barbara motioned to Madison. “Let her down, sweetie. I think she needs to take a seat.”
Madison giggled as she hurried over to the crank. Make her sit on the cocks… both holes… She quickly lowered the chains, watching as Amber stretched her toes. Reach for the ground, bitch… now you really pay…
Amber was relieved as her toes came into contact with the cold floor. The chains went limp on her wrists. She closed her eyes as Barbara unfastened her hands. She collapsed to the ground, weeping. Let me go… please… Ross… I need Ross…
Barbara stared down at Amber. She exhaled deeply. “I hope you are learning, Tiny Tits. I sincerely hope you are learning your lesson… Remember, this hurts me as much as it hurts you.” She sighed. “I don’t like to punish you, girl.” Yes I do…
Amber looked up at Barbara. “I’ve learned, Mistress. I don’t need anymore lessons… okay?” Her heart raced as her eyes fluttered. Let me go…
Barbara knelt down and massaged Amber’s large breasts with her palms. Firm tits… big… well shaped… feels like… money… She licked her lips as her hands dropped down to Amber’s hips. “I know you don’t think you need further punishment, girl. I hear you… I understand…” She smiled at Amber with sympathy. “I know…” She reached between Amber’s legs and traced her pussy lips with a long fingernail. “I hear you, little girl… However, I’m not entirely convinced…”
Amber closed her eyes. She tried to speak but, her voice failed her. She shook slightly as Barbara caressed her private area. Please stop…
Barbara leaned forward, inches from Amber’s face and cupped her chin in her palm. “Now be a good little girl and give Mistress a kiss.” She stared down at Amber’s upturned face.
Amber felt weak. She closed her eyes as Barbara pressed her lips against her mouth. Gross! She felt the woman’s tongue. She reluctantly parted her lips allowing Barbara’s tongue to slip inside her mouth. I’m going to vomit… She clenched her toes and held her hands over her bare stomach as the older woman explored her mouth with her tongue. She was relieved when Barbara finally backed away. Leave me alone… I don’t like you that way… the soap is burning… I need to poop…
Barbara stood up and folded her arms. She looked down at the shivering teenager. “Look at me, girl.”, she demanded.
Amber slowly opened her eyes and blinked. What now? She stared into Barbara’s eyes. What?
Barbara stepped back and admired the nude teen. “Now, here’s the deal, Tiny Tits…” She looked up at the ceiling. She paused, thinking. “I will give you two choices…”
Amber remained silent. Please… I want to go home… see Ross…
Barbara looked back down at her. “Choice number one…” She held up a finger. “My daughter doesn’t like you. In fact, you have disrespected her at every turn. You have treated Madison poorly, haven’t you, girl?”, she asked.
Amber remained silent. Madison has been mean to me… she hates me. She looked up at Barbara and noticed the look of anger on her face. Her heart skipped a beat. Oh my god! She nodded her head. “Yes, Mistress… I’ve disrespected Madison. I’m sorry…” She shot a quick look at Madison and was angry to see her smiling. That bitch…
Barbara frowned. “I’m glad to hear you apologize, Tiny Tits. Accepting responsibility for one’s own actions is a good step. However, the acceptance of responsibility is only the first step.” She folded her arms. “The second step involves making reparations to the injured party. On that note, your first choice will be to allow my daughter to enjoy you anally with a strap on dildo.” She walked over and picked up a large dildo from the table. She held it up and smiled at Amber.
Amber fought back the urge to gag. She didn’t speak. Her heart raced… She glanced at Madison with hatred. Heck no! What’s choice number two? There’s no way I’m doing that… She looked up at Barbara. “Please, Mistress… I don’t want to…”
Barbara shrugged. “Or…” She stared hard at Amber. Sexy little girl… “Or, choice number two is that you can stand up and walk over to the learning chair and take a seat.” She motioned at the large wooden chair with the two dildos. She laughed. “Either way, you’re going to be fucked.” Barbara laughed again. “One hole or two holes… what’s your choice, ugly girl?”
Amber looked over at the chair. Oh no… Please…
Barbara smiled. “Well, girl? What will it be?” Her eyes drank in the nude teen. Money…
Amber shivered. She looked up at Barbara. “Why are you doing this to me? I don’t even know you…”, she asked.
Barbara rolled her eyes. “Here we go again, ugly girl. Infraction number one… saying ‘why’… You must like being punished. That’s number one, tramp…” She smiled.
Amber gasped. “No! I’m sorry… I don’t like being punished… It’s just that…”
Barbara shushed her with a finger. “Shhhh…Quiet, girl.” Now, stand up, please.” She curled a finger at Amber.
Amber stood up. Her legs felt weak. She stared over at Madison. Her face flushed with rage as Madison winked at her. I hate her… I want to kill her…
Barbara raised two fingers. “Make your choice, Tiny Tits… Madison or the chair… Hurry up… you decide, girl!”
Amber felt numb. This is no real choice. Either way is bad… She held her head down. “The chair… I’ll take the chair…” Tears started in her eyes. Suddenly, her bladder opened and urine spilled down her bare thighs. I’m peeing… I can’t stop!
Madison burst into laughter. “Look, Mother! She’s pissing herself! What a disgusting little whore! Oh my god! Gross!” She held a hand over her mouth, giggling.
Barbara watched as the urine ran down Amber’s legs and onto the floor. The sound of the young girl pissing aggravated her. She shook her head. “Filthy girl. Simply disgusting!” She walked over and stood in front of Amber. “Do you have no pride, Tiny Tits?”
Amber felt the last of her urine draining down her legs. I peed myself… She looked down with shame. Puddles of warm piss formed around her bare feet. I’m scared… The soap is burning… I’m going to poop… She looked up at Barbara. “I’m sorry, Mistress… I was afraid…”
Barbara held a hand up, silencing Amber. “Shut up girl! You disgust me. How can you stand in my home and urinate onto my floor? You act like a filthy animal.” She slapped the cringing girl.
Amber stepped back holding a hand over her cheek and shuffled her bare feet, feeling the warm urine puddling around her toes. Oh no… She looked up at Barbara. “I’m sorry, Mistress… I…”
Barbara slapped her again. “Shut up, girl! You disgust me!” She pointed at the floor. “You will be cleaning this up… with your tongue… Now! Get on your knees, ugly girl! Clean my floor!”
Amber swallowed hard. She looked up at Barbara. “Please… Mistress… I’m sorry.”
Barbara frowned. “Get on your knees, girl! Lick it up! Lick up your piss!” She raised her hand as if to slap Amber again. “How dare you disrespect my home?”
Amber stood looking down at her feet. She felt the bar of soap foaming in her rectum. Helplessness washed over her. She heard Madison laughing. She looked timidly at Barbara. “Please, Mistress… may I have a towel? I can clean it up with a towel…”
Barbara walked quickly over to the rack and grabbed the cane. She turned towards Amber. “You’ve just earned yourself five swats on your fat ass, girl! Do you want to earn some more?” She flexed the cane in her hands. “Well?”
Amber held her hands over her pubis. She stared down at the floor. I peed… my ass is fat… She heard Madison giggling. She closed her eyes. “I don’t want to clean it with my tongue, Mistress. It wouldn’t be sanitary.”
Barbara raised the cane and brought it down on the girl’s bare thigh. SMACK! “On your knees, Tiny Tits…. Now!”
Amber jumped back as the cane lashed against her bare flesh. The urine under her feet was slick, causing her to trip and fall. She collapsed onto the floor. She wept.
Barbara walked over and stood, looking down at the nude teen. “On your hands and knees, girl. Lick up your piss.” She lashed her back with the cane. THWACK! THWACK!
Amber cried as she rose to all fours and crawled towards the puddle of urine. She heard Madison clapping. She felt numb all over… defeated…
Madison clapped and jumped up and down as she watched Amber crawl across the floor. “What a disgusting bitch! Just disgusting!” She looked over at Barbara. “Look at her, Mother! Crawling towards her own piss… like a dog!” She laughed excitedly.
Amber paused, staring down at her own urine. She looked up at Barbara. Her eyes fluttered. “Please, Mistress… may I have a towel? I promise to clean it up…”
Barbara brought the cane down across Amber’s bare back. THWACK! She stepped back and pointed. “Lick it up, ugly girl. Clean my floor.”
Amber stared at the puddle of urine. She tried to clear her mind. She clenched her bare toes as she leaned forward. A cold chill ran over her body as she stuck out her tongue. Gross… Sick… She heard Madison laughing. I hate her… She slowly leaned forward and placed her tongue onto the puddle of piss. She gagged. Warm… sickening… She lapped up a mouthful of urine. She squinted as she swallowed. Gross! She immediately vomited. She sat back on her thighs and wept. Piss and vomit trickled down her chin.
Barbara sighed loudly. “You are making me angry, ugly girl. Very angry…” She flexed the cane and stared down at the naked teenager. “First, you piss on my floor. Then, you vomit… You disgust me.”
Amber shook uncontrollably. Tears ran down her face. She gagged. Let me go… please let me go… I’m sorry… She looked up at Barbara. “Please, Mistress. Please forgive me. Please don’t make me lick it up.” Drool trickled down her chin.
Barbara tapped her foot. “Fine, girl. You have proven your complete lack of obedience and will power. You are not only ugly and disgusting but you are mentally inept.” She looked over at Madison. “Fetch the mop, sweetie.”
Madison looked crestfallen. “Mother? Why? She should clean up her own mess…”
Barbara held the cane up. “Madison. What did I just say?” She pointed. “Go and get the mop.”
Madison hurried away. I hate Tiny Tits… She’ll pay…
Barbara looked down at Amber. For a brief moment she felt pity. The feeling quickly evaporated. She tapped Amber’s back with the cane. “Stand up, filthy girl.” She pointed at the shower stall. “It’s time to get you cleaned up and masturbated. Move it! Get to the shower!”
Amber stood up quickly and hurried towards the shower stall. Cleaned and masturbated? Oh no… I need to get away… These people are crazy…
Barbara followed closely behind Amber, staring at the teenager’s jiggling buttocks. What a lovely girl…simply adorable… She smiled at the red welts on Amber’s backside. “Get into the shower, ugly girl. Hurry up.”
Amber stepped into the open shower stall and stood with her hands folded over her stomach. She closed her eyes. I’m naked… where are my clothes? I’m ugly… I look like a boy… A teardrop trickled down her cheek.
Barbara took out her phone and quickly snapped a picture of the nude teen’s bare backside. Lovely… She tapped Amber’s bare butt with the tip of the cane. “Squat down, girl.”
Amber didn’t try to resist. The soap was burning in her rectum. She quickly squatted down. She looked up at Barbara and blinked rapidly. “Please, Mistress. The soap hurts…”
Barbara laughed. “Of course it hurts, stupid girl. It’s supposed to hurt. But now, you may expel it… push it out, ugly girl.”
Amber looked up at Barbara with wide eyes. “I can’t… it won’t come out…” She trembled. I think it’s stuck in there…
Barbara raised the cane. “Don’t be a fool, Tiny Tits. Shit it out… push it out, dummy… Hurry up! You have exactly ten seconds to push the soap out of your fat ass or I’ll have the cane across your backside again!” She raised a finger. “One…”
Amber closed her eyes and pushed. Like I’m pooping… She heard Barbara’s voice, “Two…” I hate it when she counts… She held a hand over her tummy and pushed harder… It’s coming out! I feel it… She’s still counting! “Three…. Four…” Amber pushed hard. Suddenly the soap fell out of her rectum and landed on the shower floor. She shuddered. Thank god! It’s out! She looked up at Barbara and blinked.
Barbara nodded. “There’s a good girl. Now see? That wasn’t so hard.” She stepped forward and flipped on the shower. Cold water sprayed down on the nude teenager. She smiled as Amber leapt to her feet.
“It’s cold! The water is freezing!”, Amber screamed. She held her hands up, trying to block the spray.
Barbara stepped back and smiled. “Stay in the shower, ugly girl. If you even try to get out, I’m going to thrash your bare ass!” She motioned with the cane. “Pick up the soap and wash yourself. Now!” She swished the cane through the air.
“The soap has been in my butt, Mistress! I can’t use it again!”, Amber pleaded. Disgusting… gross…
Barbara sighed. “That’s infraction number two, Tiny Tits. Now, pick up the soap and wash yourself!” She brought the cane down against Amber’s bare thigh. CRACK!
Amber squealed in pain and quickly bent over, picking up the revolting soap which a moment before had been in her rectum. She lathered it over her bare flesh. I’m gonna puke… I’m ugly…
Barbara glanced over her shoulder as Madison appeared behind her with the mop. “Clean up the piss, sweetie. Then, you may go and lubricate the seat for Ms. Tiny Tits.”
Anger flashed across Madison’s pretty face. “Why do I have to clean it up, Mother? I didn’t make the mess.”, she said with a frown. She glanced at Amber in the shower. Tiny Tits made the mess…
Barbara gave Madison a hard look. “Mop up the mess, dear. Then, lubricate the chair. What’s going on with you today? You’re not being very obedient.”
Madison shot a hateful look at Amber. Stupid bitch… making me clean up your excrement… you’ll pay. She walked sullenly away.
Barbara turned her attention back to Amber. “That’s it, Tiny Tits. Scrub yourself down. Get the soap on those little bumps you call breasts. Lather up!” She flexed the cane in her hands. “Hurry up!” What beautiful tits… this girl is simply lovely… what a prize… I can’t wait to suck on those big nipples… She felt herself becoming moist as she watched Amber under the shower spray. Adorable little girl… Nubile…
Madison swabbed the mop back and forth over the disgusting puddle of urine. She shot an evil look across the room at Amber as she washed herself in the shower under Barbara’s watchful gaze. I hate that cunt… she’s going to pay… big time…
Barbara continued to look at Amber with amusement as the young girl washed herself under the cold shower. Goosebumps shown plainly on the girl’s bare skin. She’s cold. Good… what a pliable little bitch… submissive… She walked over and flipped off the water leaving Amber dripping in the cold shower stall. “That’s enough, ugly girl. I think you’re quite clean now. Step out.”
Amber stepped out of the shower. She shivered as water dripped down her body and formed puddles on the floor around her bare toes. I’m freezing… She looked across the basement at Madison as she put the mop away and walked over to the large chair with a jar of Vaseline. She’s going to lubricate the dildos… so I can put them inside me… She looked up at Barbara. “Mistress. Please. I think I’ve learned my lesson now. Can I go home? Please” Please!
Barbara shook her head. “No way, ugly little girl. You’re going to be spending some time in the chair.” She glanced over at Madison. “Is it greased up, sweetie?”
Madison looked up from the large dildos on the seat of the chair. She held her hands up. They were covered in Vaseline. “Yes, Mother. They’re all nice and slick for Ms. Tiny Tits.” She giggled. “Come on over here. Tiny Tits. Take a seat!” Cunt… now you’ll suffer…
Barbara pushed Amber forward. “Get moving, disgusting little tramp. Get to the discipline chair. Let’s get something inside both your holes. Move it! Ugly girl! You disgust me! You look like a little boy!” She slapped Amber’s bare butt.
Amber jumped and hurried across the room, leaving wet footprints behind herself. Water dripped off her body. I’m freezing… I’m nude… They’re going to make me sit on those things… two holes… She blinked. I’m ugly… I look like a little boy…
As she approached the discipline chair, Madison stepped over and grabbed Amber’s bare shoulders. Her hands were coated with Vaseline. “Turn around and sit down, Tiny Tits.” She spun her around. “Have a seat.” Madison smirked into Amber’s face as she pushed her down. She held a hand on Amber’s thighs, pushing them apart. “Spread your legs wide. It will be easier for you, Tiny Tits.” She placed her hands on the shivering girl’s bare hips and guided her down onto the large dildos. “One for the butt…” Madison adjusted one of the dildos towards Amber’s exposed anus. “And… one for the pussy…” She pressed the head of the other dildo against Amber’s exposed pussy lips. “Have a seat.” Madison giggled uncontrollably. Now you pay… Now you pay! Ugly cunt!
Barbara watched as Madison pushed Amber down into the chair… Oh yes… my little girl is all grown up now… a viper… She smiled wistfully… I remember when she was little… and innocent… not anymore…
Amber squinted in pain as the two dildos entered her exposed holes. They’re inside me… I’m sitting on them… they’re too big… She held onto the arms of the chair and tried to push herself up. She looked over at Barbara. “Please don’t make me do this, Mistress!”, she pleaded.
Barbara shook her head. “Sit, girl. Take them all the way inside you. I want you all the way down. I want to see your fat butt flat on the chair. Do as Madison says…” She flexed the cane. “Or else…”
Amber allowed Madison to push her completely down onto the seat of the chair. The dildos slipped easily inside her holes. Madison put Vaseline on them… to make them slick… She blinked up at Madison. You’re a bitch… She shook with fear and anger as Madison stepped back and laughed at her. She closed her eyes. I hate her…
Madison stood back and clapped. “There, Mother… she’s where she belongs now! On the chair… getting masturbated like the filthy little whore she is!”, Madison laughed. “She probably likes it!”
Barbara nodded. “Indeed.” She pointed. “Secure her wrists and ankles, sweetie. Make them tight. We don’t want Ms. Tiny Tits trying to run away.”
Madison clapped again. “Yes, Mother!” She hurried over and fastened Amber’s wrists and ankles with the manacles. Nice and tight… like the dildo in her butt!
Barbara walked over and removed a ball gag and black hood from underneath the chair and stared down at Amber. “Now, girl. Here’s something to shut out any distractions.” She smiled as Amber blinked up at her. “I want you completely focused on your masturbation discipline...” She pushed the ball gag into Amber’s mouth and pulled the hood over her head.
Amber felt the dildos inside her. They’re big… stretching me… She felt the bindings on her wrists and ankles. She shook her head violently trying to shake the hood off her face. I can’t see anything!!! She tried to speak through the ball gag… “Ufghhhh…” Drool ran down her chin. Help me! Please!
Barbara stood back and looked down at the hooded girl. Water droplets ran down Amber’s bare flesh as she struggled against the bindings. “There we go, Ms. Tiny Tits. Now, you’re all nice and seated. How do the cocks feel in your holes, ugly girl?”
Amber tried to speak. The ball gag prevented her from forming words. Her eyes fluttered rapidly behind the dark hood. She stretched her wrists against the manacles which held her in place on the chair. Let me go! Please god! Where is Ross? I need you babe! Help!
Barbara smiled. “That’s okay, Tiny Tits. No reason to answer now… “ She looked over at Madison. “Okay, honey. Let’s go. I think Tiny Tits needs some alone time now.” She turned towards the staircase.
Madison hurried over and gave Amber a hard slap through the black hood. “Fuck you, bitch.”, she whispered. “Have fun, ugly cunt!” She smirked and ran up the stairs behind Barbara, giggling.
Amber strained against the manacles. She listened as Barbara and Madison walked up the stairs. Their muffled voices sounded distant. Suddenly the lights went out leaving her in total darkness. She heard the door close upstairs. She felt the dildos inside her… Big… tight… The stale smell of the basement filled her nostrils, coupled with the smell of her own fear. She screamed into the ball gag.
Chapter 32: Inspected and Fucked:
Aubree hurried across the living room and into the hallway. She glanced over her shoulder as Winston sat back down on the couch. He looked up at her and winked. “Get moving, Fuck Toy. Get all nice and clean.” He smiled and lit a cigarette. She shivered. Get out of my apartment…
Aubree quickly walked towards the bathroom. She closed the door behind herself and stood silently. She listened. She heard the television in the living room. He’s in my apartment… watching television… like he owns the place… She shook slightly. Suddenly, Winston’s voice boomed throughout the apartment. “Get cleaned up, girl! Hurry up! I want to hear water running!”
Aubree quickly opened the shower curtain and turned on the faucet. Water running…. She backed away from the shower and looked at herself in the mirror. She was shocked at her own reflection. Her eyes were bloodshot. Her hair was matted and tangled… her clothes looked crumpled and dirty. She backed against the wall. What’s happening to me? Who am I??? Her mind raced. I’m Fuck Toy… I’m loosing it… Fuck Toy…
She fumbled at the medicine cabinet. I need eye drops… my eyes are red… gross… She held her hand over her tummy. I feel sick…
Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the bathroom door. Aubree turned quickly. She held her hands on the doorknob. Stay out… I should lock the door… Darn it! Why didn’t I lock the door? She looked up. “What?”, she blurted out at the door.
Winston’s voice came back from the hallway. “Are you naked? Are you washing yourself, little girl?”
Aubree went numb. Her fingers fumbled with the button on her jeans. She kicked off her sandals. “Yes… yes… I’m bathing… getting clean…” She pushed her jeans down her legs.
Winston opened the door. He stuck his head into the bathroom. His eyes drank in the young teen as she backed away, tripping over her jeans. He smiled. “It doesn’t look like you’re getting clean, baby girl. Do you need my help?” He licked his lips as his eyes traveled over the half nude teenager.
Aubree shook her head adamantly. “No. I’m okay… I’m fine…” She bent forward, cupping her hands over her panties. She looked up at him with pleading eyes. “I’m okay… I’m getting clean…” Go away… please…
Winston frowned. He looked at the teenager with her jeans around her ankles. “I don’t know, little girl…” He shook his head, disapprovingly. “I don’t know…”
Aubree’s hair fell over her face as she shrank away. She looked up at him through her long eyelashes. “I’m fine, sir. Please… trust me…” She clenched her bare toes. Dolphins…
Winston smiled. Stupid, ignorant bitch… just like all girls… dumb and indecisive... Ready to be told what to do… Good for one thing... He nodded at her. “Okay. Fine… get your clothes off and get cleaned up. Don’t make me have to come back in here.” He looked over at the shower and pointed. “I want you in the tub getting clean and I mean fast. If I have to come back in here again, I’m going to bend you over my knee for a good hard spanking followed by a butt fucking.” He paused and stared at the trembling girl. “Do you hear me, Fuck Toy?”
Aubree nodded. She felt like crying but had no tears left. Fuck Toy… He’s going to put his thing in my butt again… “Yes, sir. I hear you.” She watched as Winston closed the door. Her heart raced. She quickly lowered her panties and stepped out of them. Pulling off her shirt and bra, she stepped into the shower and let the warm water rush over her aching body. I’m so tired… She held her hair under the shower head and felt the warm water cascading down her body. I need sleep… real sleep… She cupped water in her hands and splashed it on her face. The shower felt good. Washing away the dirt and filth…She bent forward and allowed the spray to wash over her bottom. Fuck Toy… getting clean… Suddenly, the tears came again. Aubree wept like a child.
Winston sat on the couch, aimlessly flipping through the television channels. He took a long drag on his smoke and listened to the water running in the bathroom. Idiot girl… stupid bitch… like all girls… dumb fucks… He flipped his ash on the floor. He produced a phone from his pocket and looked down at the screen. Barbara… that fucking whore… He hit the speed dial and listened as the call went through. Bitch…
“Hello, Winston.”, Barbara’s voice came back from the other end.
Winston shifted on the couch. “You fucking bitch. What did you say to Black?”
There was a long pause. Then, Barbara spoke, “Whatever do you mean, Winston?”
Winston stood up. The blood rushed to his cheeks. “What did you tell Black, you devious whore?” He walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. I need a beer…
“What would I say to Black, darling?”, Barbara asked. “Why are you asking that question?”
Winston slammed the refrigerator door. No beer… “Look, you bitch. I talked with Black. I know everything.”
Barbara laughed on the other end of the phone. “Don’t jump to conclusions, Winston. You always make rash decisions. Calm down. You have no self control.”
Winston pounded his fist on the counter. “Fuck you! What did you say to him?”
There was a long silence. Then, Barbara continued. “You are making me angry, Winston. I don’t think I like the tone of your voice. I can’t talk right now… I’m dealing with Amber… By the way, she has a very cute body. I will enjoy fucking her later.” She hung up.
Winston listened to the line go dead. He leaned back against the wall and exhaled deeply. That devious little whore… that devious little bitch! He pounded on the wall and screamed with rage. “FUCKING BITCH!!!”
Aubree jumped in the shower as she heard the pounding on the wall. Oh no… What’s going on? She quickly turned off the faucet and stood in the tub, dripping water. Holy smoke… What is he angry about? She cringed as she listened to Winston screaming in the kitchen. I’m in trouble now… Fuck Toy… She slowly stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. She dried her hair and body and wrapped the towel around her midsection. She looked over at the door. I don’t want to go out there… She shook with fear. I didn’t do anything wrong… why is he angry?
Winston felt the blood pumping in his temples. That fucking bitch will pay… I’ll get even with Barbara if it’s the last thing I do… He lit another cigarette. I need a beer… Suddenly, he heard the water shut off in the bathroom. Aubree… I’m going to punish that cunt… It’ll make me feel better… she deserves it anyway… He walked out of the kitchen. The cigarette hung from his lower lip as he approached the bathroom door. He beat on the closed door with a clenched fist. “Get out here, Fuck Toy! Now!” He stepped back from the door. “Hurry up!”
Aubree shivered as she looked at the bathroom door and listened to Winston shouting in the hallway. Why is he mad? I didn’t do anything wrong… She heard Winston pounding on the door again. His voice was harsh with anger. She stepped back and clenched her bare toes. Oh my god…She reluctantly stepped towards the door. Turning the doorknob, she peeked out into the hallway. Her heart fluttered with fear. Dolphins… swimming free… Water dripped from her hair.
Winston sneered with anger as Aubree opened the bathroom door. He was amused to see the wet teenager peeking from around the corner of the door. What the fuck? He stepped forward and shoved the door opened. “Get out here, Fuck Toy!”
Aubree jumped back as Winston thrust the door ajar. She retreated to the sink, holding the towel over herself. “Please, sir… don’t be angry… I’m sorry…” What did I do???
Winston stood in the doorway, glaring down at Aubree. “What did I tell you about the towel, girl?” Get naked.
Aubree held one hand over her stomach and lifted the other one in defense. Don’t hit me! Please!
Winston stepped into the bathroom. He grabbed Aubree’s towel and yanked it off, casting it into the hallway. “You stupid little cunt! What did I tell you?” He stepped close to the trembling teen. “What did I tell you about wearing a towel, Fuck Toy?” He gave her a hard slap.
Aubree fell to the ground, weeping. Please don’t hit me… dolphins…
Winston grabbed her wet hair, pulling her to her feet. “You stupid, bitch. Why can’t you listen? Are all girls stupid?” He shook her head violently, making her teeth chatter. “Fucking bitch!” He slapped her.
Aubree wept uncontrollably. “Please… please… I’m sorry… don’t beat me… please…” Tears ran down her cheeks. Stop hitting me…
Winton stepped back. His glazed eyes cleared. He stared down at Aubree. I’m beating her like I want to beat Barbara… He rubbed his palms together. Got to pull it together… He smiled. “Get up, Fuck Toy.” He watched as the teenager stood up. Water dripped down her naked body. Tears ran down her cheeks. So sexy… cute little girl…little baby…
Winston exhaled. His eyes roamed over the girl’s bare body. I’m going to fuck her.. He stepped forward… “Why did you disobey me, Fuck Toy? I told you not to wear a towel…”
Aubree shook slightly as she looked up at Winston. “I’m sorry, sir. I was just drying off… I’m tired.” Why is he mad at me?
Winston sat down on the edge of the bathtub and stared up at Aubree. “Come here, little girl. Let me look at you.” He curled a finger at her.
Aubree timidly walked towards Winston. She held one arm over her breasts and the other over her pubis. Please don’t hurt me again…
Winston grabbed Aubree’s wrists, pulling her hands down by her sides. His eyes traveled over her nude body from head to toe. He cupped her breasts in his large palms. “Turn around, girl. Let me see you.”
Aubree slowly turned and faced away from Winston. She felt his calloused hands on her bare back and buttocks. She trembled. Don’t…
Winston looked at the red marks on the shivering girl’s buttocks. Smith caned her… He parted her cheeks and examined her anus. “Did dean Smith fuck you in the ass, girl?”
Aubree fought back tears. “Yes, sir.” He hurt me…
Winston frowned. “Only Smith?” He looked up at her. “Only Smith? Or, did he allow others to enjoy you anally?” How many men had you? He ran his fingers over her bare back.
Aubree rubbed her eyes. “He allowed others… to…. enjoy me, sir.” They did things… I didn’t enjoy…
Winston exhaled and whistled. “Well… it would seem you’re quite the little whore aren’t you, girl?” Like all girls…
Aubree rubbed her palms over her stomach. “No, sir. I’m not a whore…” They forced me… you made me…
Winston scratched his chin. “Not a whore, heh?” He chuckled. “What do whores do, girl?”, he asked.
Aubree stared at the wall. “I wouldn’t know, sir…” Please go away…
Winston cracked his knuckles. “Whores fuck multiple men, little girl. Are you a whore?”
Aubree sighed. “No, sir.” I’m not a whore…
Winston pinched her bare butt, causing her to jump. “How many men have you sexually pleasured in the past week, little girl?”
Aubree thought. One… two… three… four… five… six… She sniffled. “I can’t remember, sir.” Shame washed over her. She blushed.
Winston smiled. “Only a whore couldn’t remember how many men she had screwed in a week. So… I guess you’re a whore. Right, girl?”
Aubree rubbed her nose. “I don’t know…” I’m a whore… Fuck Toy…
Winston grabbed her hips and spun her around. He looked up at her face. “I need a good blowjob, bitch. Get on your knees.” He pulled her down and unfastened his belt. “I want those little cock cushion lips of yours working on my dick.” As he unzipped his jeans, he looked down at Aubree’s upturned face. He pulled his cock out. “Suck it, bitch. Suck it good.”
Aubree bent forward and took Winston’s penis in her mouth. Please don’t hurt me… She felt his hands on the back of her head pushing her face forward. Face fucking me… I’m a whore… Fuck Toy…
Winston thrust his cock into the shivering teen’s mouth. Suck it you little whore… He pounded her mouth with his erect cock. Oh yes… Hell yes… feels good… “Suck it, bitch. I want to hear slurping… slurp on my dick, you little whore.”
Aubree pushed her tongue against his shaft. She sucked loudly. Slurping… I’m slurping… don’t be mad anymore… I’m being good…
Winston looked up at the ceiling. His eyes rolled back in his head. Feels so damned good… He looked down at her. He cupped her bare buttocks in his hands. “I want to fuck your ass, girl.”, he said, matter of fact.
Aubree sucked him harder. No… please cum in my mouth… my butt hurts… She ran her tongue over his stiff shaft. Please cum… please cum in my mouth…
Winston pushed her away. “Stand up and bend over the sink, little girl. Spread your ass cheeks.”
Aubree slowly stood up and turned towards the sink. He’s going to put his thing in my butt again… I knew he wanted to do that… A warm teardrop fell down her cheek. I’m Fuck Toy… a plaything for men… I’m a whore… She bent forward over the sink and pulled her cheeks apart. Fuck Toy reporting for duty…
Winston spit into his palm and greased his shaft. He pressed his bulbous head against Aubree’s anus. Take it, bitch! He shoved it inside her. Fuck yes… oh yes… He thrust his cock into her tight rectum. So tight… soooo tight! He pushed himself against her. Take it… take it… take it… He groaned loudly. What a tight little hole… not a virgin hole anymore… He felt himself approaching climax. He pulled out and pushed away. “Not yet, Fuck Toy. I want to enjoy your tight little pussy.” He grabbed her elbow and pulled her into the hallway. “Get into the bedroom, girl. Lay on your bed… Do it now!” He pushed her forward. His erection bounced freely.
Aubree staggered across the hallway and fell onto the bed on her back. She looked up as Winston entered the room behind her. He had removed his jeans completely. His erection stood out like a weapon. Big… hard… long… He stepped towards her with a smile. “Lift your legs, bitch. Over your shoulders.”, he snapped. “I want your ankles by your ears…”
Aubree lifted her legs and held her hands behind her knees. Her feet were over her shoulders. Her pussy was fully exposed as Winton walked towards her. He smiled. “I’m going to enjoy your little pussy now, girl.” He pressed his cock against her slit. He pushed inside her. Oh yes!!! Oh yes!!! Nice and tight… He pushed his cock deeply inside the squirming teenager. “Take it, you little whore.” He pounded her furiously. Take it … Take it… Take it…
Winston pumped Aubree relentlessly. He took out all his frustrations and anger. As he approached orgasm he pulled back, keeping just the tip of his penis inside her. He wiped sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. “That’s good, Fuck Toy. Keep those legs up…”
Aubree looked up at the hateful man. A mix of emotions ran through her… Anger, fear, shame and helplessness. A week ago I wouldn’t have looked twice this man… now, he has total control of my body and life… I’m a whore… Fuck Toy… What would momma and daddy think? She looked away, staring at the wall. She felt him thrust his penis back inside her. It hurts… I’m raw down there… She closed her eyes and chewed her bottom lip, fighting back tears. Dolphins… in the ocean… free…
Winston pumped the teenager long and deep, enjoying her tightness and youth. Enjoying his power over her. Stupid little bitch… I bet you won’t be walking around the swimming pool in your tiny little bikini again… inviting men… whore… He held his hands on the back of her legs and pushed them down as he lifted himself up on his knees, thrusting downward into her tight pussy. Take it, bitch… take it! His orgasm approached again. He couldn’t stop it. He exploded inside her. He came long and powerfully.
Aubree felt his penis engorge and the spray of his semen inside her. Oh no… he ejaculated inside me! I’m not on the pill. I could get pregnant! With his child! As Winston pulled out of her, she rolled over on her side away from him. She felt the mattress shake as he collapsed onto the bed behind her. She pushed herself up on one hand and stared at the ceiling. “Sir, I wish you hadn’t done it inside me. I could get pregnant…”, she said quietly.
Winston grunted. “You’re not on the pill, bitch?” He watched as Aubree shook her head negatively. He shrugged. “Fuck it. I know a good abortion doctor.” He laughed.
Aubree looked down between her legs as his semen oozed out onto her inner thighs. She suddenly jumped off the bed and ran across the hallway to the bathroom, slamming the door behind herself, weeping.
Winston sat up and smiled. He pulled his jeans on and lit a smoke. Stupid cunt… He listened to the water running in the bathroom. He stood up and stretched. He walked over to the bathroom door. “I’ll be back for you later this evening, Fuck Toy. Get some rest. I want you to be fresh for tonight.” He thumped the door. “Do you hear me, girl?” He listened as Aubree’s voice came back weakly through the closed door. “yes, sir.”
Smiling, Winston turned and walked to the front door. He glanced down at his watch. Got a busy day ahead… He closed the door behind himself and walked towards his truck.
Aubree slowly opened the bathroom door and peeked into the hallway. He’s gone… She walked into the living room and looked over at the front door. Gone… I’m finally alone… I’m Aubree not Fuck Toy… She ran over to the door and flipped the deadbolts in place. She looked down and realized she was still fully nude. She fell to her knees and held her hands between her legs. It hurts… I hurt… Aubree leaned against the front door and cried.
Chapter 33: Searching for Amber
Ross stared over at Officer Conner. “So, what are you saying, officer? Can’t you start a search?”
The policeman looked down at his notes and shook his head. “I’m afraid not, son. Amber is nineteen years old and she’s free to go where she wishes. Plus, you’re not immediate family.” He flipped his notepad shut. “You say she left with a lady you didn’t recognize… then, she called and said she was staying out overnight, right?”, he asked.
Ross nodded. “Yeah… but, that’s not like Amber… she wouldn’t just call and say she wasn’t coming home. Something’s wrong.”
Officer Conner shook his head. “You might think that. But, to me it just sounds like a young girl having fun with a new friend. Women are strange, son. Get used to it.” He slapped Ross on the shoulder and stood up from the couch and walked to the front door. “Listen, kid. If Amber doesn’t show back up in the next 48 hours, give us another call. Until then, I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do.” He produced a small card. “Here’s my number.”
Ross yanked the card from the officer’s hand. “Fine. Thanks for nothing.” He watched as the policeman walked away. Useless bastards…
Ross closed the front door and picked up his phone. He dialed Amber’s number again… for the 100th time… where are you, babe? He listened as the phone went straight to voice mail.
Officer Sam Conner opened the door and stepped into his squad car. He picked up his blackberry and hit the speed dial. He listened to the ring tone.
“Hello? Yeah, Winston. It’s me, Sam. What’s up?” He glanced down at his notepad.
“What’s up, Sam?”, Winston replied.
“Look, brother. I’ve got a little issue a want to share with you. You ever heard the name Amber Anderson?”, Sam asked.
There was a pause. “Yeah, I know the name.”, Winston said. “Why? What’s up?”
Sam looked down at his notes. “Is she one of your girls?”
“Maybe. What’s going on, Sam?”, Winston replied.
Sam looked up at the apartments. “Look, bro. I just did an interview with a kid named Ross. He says he’s Amber’s boyfriend and they live together. I guess Amber’s missing or some shit. He described a lady Amber left with this morning… the description sounds a lot like Barbara. Are you two up to something?”
Winston laughed. “When am I not up to something, Sam?”
Sam smiled. “Rarely… if ever.”
Winston continued. “Look, Sammy… I appreciate the heads up. Just keep me informed. Okay? By the way, what is Ross’s last name?”
Sam glanced down at his notepad. “Wilson. Ross Wilson. He’s twenty years old. He’s got quite the smart mouth.”
Winston chuckled. “Don’t all kids these days, Sam? Thanks again.”
Sam caught Winston just before he hung up. “Look, man. The kid gave me Amber’s description. Blonde… nineteen… excreta, excreta… She sounds nice.”
Winston laughed. “You’ll get some from her, Sam. Be patient. I owe you.”
“Damn right.”, Sam said. He hung up the phone.
Chapter 34: Alan gets Busted / Babysitting Amber
Alan pressed his ear against the basement door and massaged his cock through his jeans. What’s going on down there? I know that chick is naked… I want to see… I know her… Her name is Amber Anderson… She goes to my college… He suddenly stepped back from the door. The sound of footsteps on the staircase came from below. Holy shit! They’re coming up! He raced down the hallway and jumped onto the couch. Grabbing the remote control, he began flipping through the channels. He looked over his shoulder as Barbara and Madison entered the living room. “Hey, gals. Where have you been?” He glanced back at the television.
Madison gave him a hard look and walked into the kitchen. Barbara picked her wine glass up from the table and smiled. “What have you been doing, Alan?”, she asked.
Alan looked up at Barbara, innocently. “Watching television. Being bored.” He took a drink of lemonade.
Barbara smiled at him. “You haven’t been listening at the basement door?”
Alan looked incredulous. “What the fuck? Why would I be listening at the door? What for?”
Barbara nodded. “Are you sure, Alan?” She took a sip of wine. “Are you lying to me?” She raised an eyebrow.
Madison walked back into the living room and stood with her hands on her hips. “Of course he’s lying, Mother. You and I both know he was listening. In fact, he was probably jerking himself off. He’s a freaking pervert.”
Barbara walked over to the couch and looked down at Alan. “Is that true, young man? Were you wanking yourself at the basement door while Madison and I attended to Amber’s discipline?”
Alan blushed. “Hell no! I was watching television. Why are you brow beating me?” He took a long swallow of lemonade. He glanced nervously from Madison to Barbara.
Madison smirked and walked over, standing next to Barbara. “Really, Alan? Really? You weren’t playing with yourself?” Both women looked down at Alan.
Alan sat up. “Look, Madison… I don’t know what’s gotten up your ass but I was just sitting here on the couch waiting for you. Okay?” He shrugged up at her.
Madison smiled. “Okay. Prove it. Unbutton your jeans and take your penis out. If it’s soft then I owe you an apology. If it’s hard… well… then we’ll know…” She smiled.
Alan looked away. “Stop it, Madison. This is silly.” He looked over at the television. Stop it… I’m hard…
Madison looked up at Barbara. “I think he was jerking off, Mother. He was listening at the door and wacking off…”, she said with disgust.
Barbara walked around the couch and sat down next to Alan. She placed a hand on his thigh. “My daughter is angry with you, Alan. She thinks you were acting perverted. You can prove her wrong.” She suddenly grasped his crotch. He’s hard… he was masturbating… She repressed a smile as she realized he had an erection. Busted.
Madison looked down at Alan. “Unbutton your jeans. Show us your penis, you little pervert.”
Alan blushed as he looked up at Madison. “Stop it. This is stupid.” He shifted uncomfortably.
Barbara rubbed her hand over Alan’s thigh. “Madison is angry. And, from what I see, she has a right to be angry.” She tapped the button on his jeans. “Open your pants, boy. Let us have a look at you.” Let me see your hard cock…
Alan felt his face reddening as he slowly unfastened his jeans and lowered the zipper. He looked up at Madison. “This is stupid, honey. I wasn’t doing anything wrong…”
Madison smirked. “Okay. Prove it. Lower your underwear. Let us see…” Pervert. Getting all hard for Tiny Tits….
Alan slowly pushed his underwear down. His penis immediately sprung up. Fully erect. He sighed and looked away. Damn it…
Both women stared down at Alan’s erection.
Madison stepped back. “See, Mother? He’s all hard… he was jerking off!” She frowned.
Barbara stared down at Alan’s erect cock. “Were you playing with yourself at the basement door, Alan?” She gave the head of his penis a quick thump causing him to jump. “Well? Tell the truth, young man.”
Alan covered himself with his hands and leaned forward on the couch. “No. I wasn’t doing anything. I was watching television… that’s it…”
Madison looked at Barbara. “He’s lying, mother.” She looked down at Alan. “You were jerking your little dick…” Her eyes narrowed with anger. “You were playing with yourself and thinking about Tiny Tits. You disgust me!”
Barbara held her hand up, silencing Madison. “It’s okay, dear. I’ve told you before, all men are perverts and have no self control.” She glanced down at Alan’s cock. Cute penis… well shaped…young cock… She gently patted Alan’s thigh.
Madison turned her back and held a hand on her hip. “I don’t even want to look at him, Mother. He’s a pervert. He needs to leave!”
Alan’s face flushed as he felt Barbara’s hand on his thigh. He stared up at Madison’s back. “Please, honey babe. I’m sorry… I wasn’t…”
Madison shook her head. “Make him leave, mother. I’m done with him!” She shook her head. “Make him go away. I’m done!”
Barbara smiled. “Okay, Madison. If that’s what you want.” She glanced down between Alan’s legs. “However, I didn’t see his car out front when I pulled up…” Thankfully…
Madison tapped her foot impatiently. “Screw him! Make him walk home. The nerve! How could he be jacking off and thinking about that bitch? I’m pretty! He doesn’t need her! Make him leave!”, Madison said with a sneer.
Barbara stood up from the couch and picked up her keys. “Okay. But, I’ll have to take him home, darling. We can’t having him walking around town like this.” She glanced down at Alan. Nice penis…
Madison shrugged. “Whatever. I just want him gone, mother. I’m done with him. Make him go away.” I hate him….
Barbara grabbed Alan’s arm and pulled him to his feet. She looked over at Madison. “Okay. I’ll take him home. But, it is your responsibility to keep an eye on Tiny Tits. Make sure she doesn’t try to get away… Are you up for babysitting, sweetie?”
Madison nodded. Hell yes. I’ll watch that little bitch…
Barbara pulled Alan towards the front door. “Come along, young man. Let’s take you home.” , She glanced down at his erection. Dirty boy…
Alan reached for his jeans which had fallen to his ankles. Barbara pulled him forward. “Leave them down, boy. They’re coming off in the car anyway. You’re going to masturbate on the way to your house… while I watch. I can’t have you running around like this. I need to make sure you have taken care of your male urges.” She yanked his arm. “Move it, child!” Barbara glanced over her shoulder at Madison as she closed the front door. “Keep an eye on Tiny Tits, sweetie. She’s your responsibility.” She closed the door behind herself and turned her attention to Alan.
Madison listened as the front door closed. Mother is going to punish him… make him masturbate… probably give him a spanking… She sighed. Good! Fuck him! The little pervert! Looking at Tiny Tits when he has me! Little bastard! She walked over to the hallway and looked at the basement door. Tiny Tits… down there. She walked over and sat down on the couch. Grabbing the remote control, she flipped through the channels. Nothing good on… all boring stuff… She glanced over her shoulder at the basement door. Tiny Tits is down there. In the chair… learning her lesson… She frowned. That bitch seduced my boyfriend…. I hate her… She rubbed her palms together. I’m going to fuck her…. Make her pay… Mother is out… I’m in charge…
Madison jumped up and stormed down the hallway. Her eyes focused with hatred on the basement door. She giggled. I’m in charge… Tiny Tits is going to pay… Her beautiful face contorted in anger.
Amber felt drool running down her chin as she struggled against the ball gag in her mouth. She shook her head violently, trying to shake the thick hood off her head. It’s dark in here… I’m in the basement… it stinks… She heard something rustling in the far corner. Her heart raced… Something’s in here… in the dark … with me… She blinked. I need Ross… Where are you, lover? Rescue me! She strained against the chains which held her wrists and ankles firmly in place. Where did they put my clothes? I’m naked… There are dildos inside me… Suddenly, she paused and listened. She heard the bolt on the door upstairs being unlatched. She listened as the door was opened. Footsteps came down the staircase. OMG… She tried to form words over the ball gag. “Umpfh…. Urgh…” She pushed on the gag with her tongue. Take it out…
The lights came on. Amber blinked rapidly as she watched the light flooding through the fabric of the hood which covered her head. She turned slowly, following the sound of the footsteps on the cement floor. Who’s there? Who is it? She trembled as she heard someone sorting through the items on the table. What’s going on? Suddenly, there was a sharp blow to her bare stomach. She gasped as the air drained from her lungs. She coughed and tried to regain her breath. The fist hit her tummy again. Tears started in her eyes. I can’t breathe…
Madison smiled down at Amber as the girl gasped for air through the thick hood. Little whore… little bitch… you think you’re so pretty… She balled her fist and struck Amber full force in the stomach again. Take that. Bitch. She stepped back and giggled. “How are you feeling, Tiny Tits?”, she asked with a sneer.
Amber struggled to regain her breath. She choked on the ball gag. It’s Madison! She hates me! Where is Barbara? Madison punched her again. Amber wept.
Madison looked down at the crying girl as she struggled against her restraints. She laughed. “You stupid little cunt. You tried to seduce my boyfriend. You want to fuck him don’t you?” She clenched her small fist and punched the girl’s exposed midsection again. “You want to fuck my man, don’t you Tiny Tits?”, she shouted.
Amber could barely breathe as the hateful girl continued punching her in the tummy. Ouch… stop… it… She shook her head. No! I don’t want your boyfriend… I have Ross! She tried to speak but, the ball gag prevented her from forming words.
Madison stepped back and giggled. “You’re a stupid bitch. Stupid… stupid… stupid…” She slapped Amber through the hood. “Well, you stupid little whore. Now you’re going to pay. Mother is gone. I’m in charge now. You had better not disobey me unless you want to get hurt for real.” She gave Amber another hard punch. “Do you hear me, Tiny Tits?” She smiled as Amber gasped for breath. “Answer me, whore! You can nod your head yes or no. Do you understand me? Do you want me to really hurt you?”, she snickered.
Amber felt a chill run down her spine. I alone with Madison… She quickly shook her head. No. Don’t hurt me…
Madison sneered. “That’s good, whore. Nod your head yes or no.” She clapped. “Now, I’m going to unfasten your restraints. If you try to escape, I’ll cut you. I have a knife.” I really don’t but you can’t see… stupid bitch.
Amber’s blood ran cold with fear. She has a knife… she’s psycho… She felt Madison releasing the chains on her ankles and wrists. She remained totally motionless. No sudden moves… she’ll stab me… She strained to see through the hood.
Madison glared down at Amber as she unfastened the restraints. She has really big tits… bigger than mine… Her face flushed with rage. She has a nice body… I hate her… She leaned over and pinched one of Amber’s exposed nipples and twisted. She delighted in the girl’s obvious pain as she whimpered against the gag. “That’s right, you little whore. I have the power now. Do as I say and you might not get hurt. Do you understand?”
Amber shook her head. Yes! I understand! Please stop hurting me!
Madison smiled. “That’s it, you little cunt. Do what I say. Now…” She twisted Amber’s nipple. “I want you to stand up. Take those cocks out of your holes. Stand up. Let me look at your ugly body.”, Madison demanded.
Amber stood up from the chair, slowly lifting herself off the large dildos. She was embarrassed by the squishing sound from between her legs. Vaseline… Madison greased the dildos… gross… She stood up and listened as Madison laughed at her. She really hates me… why? I don’t even know this girl….
Madison looked over the hooded girl from head to toe. She has such a perfect body… well shaped… she looks like a model… blonde hair…… perfect tits… firm tummy… nice pussy… lean, long legs… nice pretty feet… cute face under the hood…she’s perfect. I hate her! She walked over to the table and picked up a strap on dildo. Turning back to Amber, she frowned. “You want to fuck my man, don’t you bitch?”, she demanded.
Amber shook her head. No! I don’t even know him! I love Ross!
Madison slapped her. “Let’s try again, cunt. No lies this time. Don’t make me cut you.”, she said. “Now… You do want to fuck my man, right?”, she asked.
Amber stood completely still. What do I do??? She hates me… she has a knife… She shook her head. Yes. Okay… I want to fuck your man… whatever you say…
Madison’s face flushed with anger. “That’s right, you little cunt. You want to screw Alan. You tried to seduce him with your ugly body. You make me sick. Look at you. Mother is right… You look like a little boy. You have no shape… your boobs look like little pencil erasers…” She giggled. “What did you think Alan would see in you? It makes me wonder what Ross sees in you. Look at yourself! Fat tummy… fat legs… ugly body. You look like a boy!” She laughed. “Mother says Ross wants you for your money. You have a rich family. Don’t you, bitch?”
Amber nodded weakly. Sure. Okay… my parents are wealthy. A tear ran down her cheek. I’m fat… I have little tits… Ross doesn’t love me… I’m alone…
Madison giggled. “You’re disgusting.” She caressed the thick strap on dildo in her palms. “Here’s what’s going to happen now, Tiny Tits. You wanted to get fucked by Alan. Well, now you’re going to be fucked by me. Turn around and get on your hands and knees. Don’t make me have to cut you.”
Amber turned around slowly and sank to all fours. Don’t cut me… She blinked. She felt Madison kneel down between her legs. A moment later, the tip of the dildo touched her pussy lips.
Madison held the dildo against Amber’s exposed pussy. “Now, cunt. You wanted to be fucked… here you go.” She shoved the dildo into the crying girl’s slit. “I might not be Alan… but you’re getting your wish! Getting fucked!” She giggled as she thrust into Amber. “How does that feel, Tiny Tits? You like being fucked, don’t you?”
Amber remained still, feeling the horrid object inside her. No. I don’t like this… I don’t like you… You’re raping me…
Madison slapped Amber’s bare butt. “What, tramp? I didn’t see your head move… You like being fucked, don’t you? You’re a whore, aren’t you?” She pushed the dildo deeply into Amber’s pussy. You little bitch.
Amber nodded weakly. Yes. Whatever you say… She closed her eyes and thought of Ross. He’s using me for my parent’s money… I’m ugly. A tear ran down her pretty face.
Madison smiled as she stared down at Amber’s bare back. She held her hands on the girl’s hips and pulled herself deeply inside her exposed pussy. “You like this, don’t you?”, she asked with a sneer. You cunt.
Amber shut her eyes tightly and fought back the tears. She shook her head. Yes. Whatever you say. I like it…
Madison thrust the dildo into Amber as far as it would go. “For having such little tits, you sure do have a deep pussy, bitch. I bet you fuck a lot, don’t you?”, she asked with a laugh. I hate you.
Amber shook her head. Yes. Okay. Please stop….
Madison thrust into Amber. “You’re such a whore. You’re an ugly, fat little whore!” She quickly pulled out of Amber and stood up. “That’s enough, cunt. I don’t want you to cum. This fucking is a punishment for you. Not a pleasure! Now get up!”, she shouted.
Amber quickly rose to her knees and stood up. Her legs felt weak. I’m alone. I’m ugly. I’m a whore… Ross is using me…
Madison unfastened the straps on the dildo and dropped it to the floor. She glared at Amber. Her eyes roamed over the nude teen’s body. She beautiful… She giggled. “You’re so ugly, you bitch! Now sit back down on your chair. Put those cocks back inside you!” She watched as Amber pushed herself into a seated position on the two dildos. “Are they both inside you, whore? You can nod your head.”, she asked.
Amber nodded. Yes. They’re in me… don’t cut me…
Madison walked over a fastened the manacles on Amber’s wrists and feet. She looked up at the weeping girl with a sneer. “Okay, Tiny Tits. What just happened was between you and I. If you ever mention anything to Mother, I’ll deny it. Then I’ll come down here and cut your little tits off. Do I make myself clear, cunt?”
Amber shook her head. Yes… okay… you raped me… it’s private… got it…
Madison pulled the restraints tight on Amber’s wrists. She giggled as she turned towards the staircase. “Stay here, Tiny Tits. Enjoy your cocks.” She ran up the stairs, laughing.
Amber blinked rapidly. Her pussy was raw. The dildos in her holes hurt. She had never felt more alone. She cried. She let the tears flow. I’m so alone… The teardrops ran down her cheeks as the lights went off. She listened to the door closing upstairs. Ross… please love me… I love you…
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